Monday, October 30, 2017

October News

“What a beautiful garden”, was one of the many compliments heard at the annual membership tea held at the home of Marilyn Anderson October 17th. With about 45 to 50 members in attendance, we enjoyed tea or coffee and delicious finger foods designed by Mary Hicks and made by a committee of cooks. 

Grateful thanks to Marilyn and Arden Anderson for hosting us and to their granddaughter and three friends from the PAHS Madrigals group for the songs. Marilyn also did the decorations and centerpieces in black and sunflower yellow. Members of longstanding and former presidents were recognized and our check for the “Talk, Read, Sing” program that was the recipient of the Summer Garden Party was presented to Debbie Burkholder from the Foundation. The warm day and warmer friendships made a very pleasant afternoon. 

This week brought the Auxiliary tour of the new LPCH hospital on Tuesday.  PAA had a great turnout as many of us were curious to see the new facilities.  It’s really charming with lots of child friendly décor and accommodations.  I really like the interior courtyard garden done with native California plants, whimsical local animals and places to play for children that are able to get outside.

Next on the agenda is the Direct Donation Drive sponsored by the PAA Board.  As we’ve had fewer money producing activities this year, we’ve chosen an item from the Holiday Wish List and are hoping to catch some of you that we don’t see regularly. We’ve agreed to donate (as a part of our overall gift) two specialty rocker recliner chairs to the NICU nursery. These are designed for parents of tiny and fragile newborns to hold and gently rock their babies without endangering them. These babies are often attached to tubes and wires that require special handling. Holding babies close to the parents upper chest skin is called “Kangaroo Care” and is considered very beneficial to the smallest patients. 

 As we have several members who work in the NICU or sew for them, this seemed a good fit for PAA. The request will come in the mail next week and we on the board hope for a great response.  The code number on the card allows PAA to receive credit for any contributions.

Our next general meeting will be held on Monday, November 13th at 1 PM in the private room at iTalico Restaurant at 341 California Avenue in Palo Alto.  We’d love to have you come for lunch ($28 check or charge to PAA). If you wish to attend, please sign up for lunch at 12:00 on our website or call Sarah (number in the directory) by November 7th. This is also the location of our Restaurants with Heart dining out for November (lunch or dinner on November 13 and 14th) and the menu is now on line for you to see. 

It’s really important both for this meeting and for all Restaurants with Heart meals to get your reservation in on time.  Late registrations make it very hard for Karen and for the restaurants to accommodate us.  If we want to use popular places, we need to do a better job on reserving early.  If you would like to join us just for coffee only at the meeting time at one PM, please call Sarah. If you are coming for lunch, please respect the reservation deadline.  If you need a ride, please call Sarah. Again this is on a Monday, which seems to be slightly better for more members (and does not conflict with Thora’s Thimbles or Thanksgiving week). It is our last meeting for 2017 so we will vote on the slate and the annual gift. 

The board for 2018 is still missing a president. We’re trying very hard to reduce the number of required activities involved but need someone to be the captain.  Nancy L has some great activities in the works for 2018 and younger members to run them but all may flounder without a captain.  

Restaurants with Heart has gone through several changes this year.  If you have any time to help or ideas to offer, please join us for a meeting at 10 AM on November 7th at Cathy Murphy’s home (see directory). We’ll discuss 2018.

Don’t forget to shop for your favorite holiday things at the Boutique at Allied Arts on December 3rd. Last year they had small decorated trees, perfect for a friend in a nursing home or small apartment.  Sharon B will be in charge of our small table selling cookbooks and tote bags and will phone a few people to help,  but we can all go and shop there. We were always our best customers.  

A final note, the Foundation has announced that Dr. David Alexander, President and CEO of the Foundation will be leaving at the end of the year. He will be starting a new nonprofit organization to raise the priority of children’s health and well-being in our society.  During his ten years here he has been amazingly successful at fundraising for the new hospital. He has achieved many important milestones aimed at helping improve children’s health locally, nationally and globally. Thank you Dr. Alexander!

Happy Thanksgiving but I hope to see you on the 13th and wish you that in person.

Sarah Beetem

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