Saturday, October 16, 2010

P.A.A. October Update

P.A.A. celebrated its Annual Membership Tea on October 12th. The Annual Membership Tea is the event at which P.A.A. members are honored for their years of service and dedication. This year we honored 17 members, and welcomed three new members. The event was attended by 80 members. The lovely decorations were done by our member Nancy Bronstein. The extensive and delicious menu was prepared entirely by PAA members using recipes from our award winning cookbook Taste, Tales and Traditions. The preparation and presentation was equal to any professional caterer. Attendees were impressed and happy that the Tea was done entirely by our members. Photographs of the tea will be posted.

The Restaurants With Heart October dinners at Mythos Restaurant in San Carlos, were very successful and well attended by 96 diners, many of whom remarked on how delicious the food was, and that the service was excellent. Restaurants With Heart is presenting their fourth dinner event at Flaming Fresco Restaurant, 823 Hamilton, Redwood City, on Tuesday November 9th and Wednesday, November 10th. Go to the Restaurants With Heart page at this website to make your reservations. Flaming Fresco has a warm and friendly atmosphere, and features authentic family Mexican recipes, which surpass typical Mexican fare, and are delicious and unique. If you enjoy Mexican cuisine, please join us at Flaming Fresco in November.

Deborah Potash,
President, Palo Alto Auxiliary

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall Events and Volunteer Opportunities

Welcome to Fall, and the upcoming October events on the PAA calendar.

On Tuesday, October 5th, 10 am, Thora Richardson will host the Cough Pillow/Blanket Workshop at her home. Call Thora to let her know if you plan to attend.

On Saturday, October 9th, 9 am to 3 pm, PAA will have a Cookbook Sales table the San Jose Auxiliary's annual Pumpkin Patch event. If you would like to help sell cookbooks, please call Becky Yung, who is in charge of our cookbook sales tables. The Pumpkin Patch is a wonderful event and well worth attending. Its a huge success every year, and raises a great deal of money for LPCH.

The next date to note on your calendar is October 12th, the PAA Annual Membership Tea, which will be held at Holbrook Palmer Park at 2:00 pm. This is the event at which we honor members for their years of service to PAA. Mary Hicks has planned a delicious menu, which will be catered by our own PAA members. Nancy Bronstein will make lovely Fall floral arrangements for the tea.

On October 12th and 13th, the Restaurants With Heart dinners will be held at Mythos Restaurant in San Carlos. Mythos serves delicious Mediterranean/Greek cuisine. I encourage you to go our events page which has the announcement and the reservation information. You can now make and pay for your reservation very easily online. Although on-line reservations and payment are preferred, you may still secure reservations by mailing in a check or phoning our PAA number (364-2588, ext. 4) and leaving a message with reservation information.

There are many volunteering opportunities in PAA for your consideration. For example,
Marlene Bolhoffer, Chair of the Restaurants With Heart Committee, will have a sign up sheet at the Membership Tea, asking for members to volunteer to help with the operation of this fund raising effort. Marlene would welcome a call from you if you can help.

Another immediate volunteer need is to form the Nominating Committee, which will determine the slate of candidates for the 2011 Board. If you are interested in serving on the Committee, please call Sharon Brugos.

We are happy to welcome three new members to PAA, Ermie Caltabiano, Carolann Brlecic and Barbara Braun.

Deborah Potash,
President, PAA

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Restaurants With Heart Dinners

Click on photo to enlarge
I hope that you all enjoyed a relaxing Summer, and are looking forward to Fall.

The Palo Alto Auxiliary for Children thanks everyone who participated in our first Restaurants With Heart dinner at Scott's Seafood. The dinners at Scott's were a great success, with 123 diners. We raised nearly $2,000 for LPCH from the two evenings at Scott's. We hope that Restaurants With Heart will continue to be well attended, and will enable us to make a sizable donation to LPCH this year. My special thanks to Marlene Bolhoffer, who conceived the concept of a dining out fund raising project for PAA, and to her committee, who have spent countless hours over the past year, developing the Restaurants With Heart program.

Our September Restaurants With Heart dinner will be at Sultana in Menlo Park. I encourage you to go our events page which has the announcement for Sultana with all the reservation information. You make now make your reservations online, in addition to mailing a check or phoning our telephone and leaving a message.

I hope to see you at Sultana, where we will enjoy a delicious Turkish menu.

Deborah Potash,
President, PAA

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Restaurants With Heart Inaugral Dinner

I hope you are enjoying a relaxing summer.

The Palo Alto Auxiliary for Children is happy to announce the inauguration of our new fund raising project, Restaurants With Heart, to benefit Lucille Packard Children's Hospital. Restaurants With Heart is a monthly dining out program, featuring a different Peninsula restaurant and cuisine for two nights each month.

We are happy to welcome Scott's Seafood Restaurant for our first featured Restaurants With Heart dinners, Monday, August 9th, and Tuesday, August 10th. Scott's will donate 50% of the proceeds to LPCH for the medical care of critically ill children. We invite you, your family, friends and neighbors to make reservations to join us for what promises to be an enjoyable and delicious event, all while supporting a very worthwhile medical service provided by one of our nation's leading children's hospital.

Restaurants With Heart calendar for the Fall dinner events:

September 13 and 14, Sultana, Menlo Park

October 12 and 13, Mythos, San Carlos

November 9 and 10, Flaming Fresco, Redwood City.

PAA Members: We need all PAA member's participation to make Restaurants With Hearts a success. You can help by making reservations, by printing and distributing the flyer throughout your community, by telling friends and neighbors about the program. Let's all work together to make Restaurants With Heart a successful fund raising effort. Please contact Marlene Bollhoffer, Committee Chair, and offer to help. Tasks include contacting restaurants, advertising, and serving as hostesses to welcome diners.

See you at Scott's, Bon Appetit!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

President's First Blog

Welcome to our beautiful new Palo Alto Auxiliary website! I think it looks wonderful. I hope you do too.

Palo Alto Auxiliary’s profound thanks go to Bob Stevens, its creator, for his months of hard work, initiative and talent. His generosity in volunteering to take on this project pro bono has saved P.A.A. the thousands of dollars that a professional design company would have charged.

Our impressive new website will serve as an important asset for our auxiliary. Please visit it often to keep informed about P.A.A. activities and in touch with our members.

Two important upcoming dates to mark on your calendars are:

Tuesday, May 18th, 1 PM: P.A.A. General Meeting

Nordstrom, Stanford Shopping Center,

3rd floor conference room

Tuesday, June 15th, 11 AM: LPCH Annual Tour and Luncheon

11-12 AM tour LPCH, 12 PM lunch in Bing Dining Room,

3rd floor Stanford Hospital.

Menu will be:

Entrée: grilled salmon salad accompanied by rolls and beverage

Dessert: molten chocolate cake.

Spouses and guests are welcome. Luncheon cost is $22. Make checks payable to P.A.A. and send them by June 7th to:

Marzette Woods

1037 Yorkshire Drive

Los Altos, CA 94024.

I hope to see you all on both dates! I will be posting a new blog each month with P.A.A. news and information. “Visit” me again next month to learn the latest, and tell your P.A.A. friends.

Happy Spring!
