Saturday, February 22, 2020

February 22, 2020

Dear PAAers,

Remember when today (February 22nd) was a holiday to celebrate George Washington’s birthday?  I, for one, don’t love having moved most holidays to Mondays but it does give us nice 3-day weekends.  Wonder how you used the last one.  I used some of the time to work on various plans for PAA.

Coming up in the next couple of months:

RESTAURANTS WITH HEART:  Next week, Monday, February 24th and Tuesday, February 25thwe are at Divino’s in San Carlos.  This is one of my favorite restaurants.  The food is delicious, the staff is very welcoming and happy to be supporting LPCH.  It’s not too late to call Karen Stevens (650) 327-6809 and let her know you would like to attend.  Next month, we are at Rustic House in Los Altos.  Watch for the email or flyer from Ginny Wilson and plan to attend.  Restaurants with Heart is an important fundraiser for PAA and deserves our enthusiastic support.  So, invite your children, grandchildren, neighbors, friends etc. and enjoy lunch or dinner out while giving to the hospital. 

MARCH GENERAL MEETING:  We will meet on Wednesday, March 18th at 11:30 for lunch at Mike’s CafĂ©, 2680 Middlefield Road, (one block off Oregon Expressway) in Palo Alto.  We will order from the menu but I do need to know who is coming so the restaurant can be prepared for our number.  Please call or text me at (650) 400-1969 or email: by Friday, March 6th with your reservation. Following lunch we will have a short meeting and a speaker being arranged by Jeanne Berube from the Foundation.  She is hoping to get us the new doctor with the Teen Van.  

SPRING TEA, FASHION SHOW AND TRUNK SALE:  Plans are moving along for the Sunday, April 26th event and I’m attaching the invitation for your information.  This is a lovely event for bringing your daughter(s) or gathering a group to attend together. Or even come on your own. The committee still needs lots of help – publicity, ticket sales, donation of raffle items, decoration creation, food preparation, set-up and clean-up on the day of the event.  Again, please call, text or email me with your offer of help.  Be sure this date is on your calendar!  And we are still looking for the donation of china cups and saucers and/or white china plates.  We don’t have nearly enough to use instead of renting dishes. 

SAD NEWS:  Irene Bell who passed away recently, joined Palo Alto Auxiliary in 1967 and lived in San Mateo.  We have sent a memorial donation to the hospital in her name but do not have any family contact information.  Can any of you help on that?

Enjoy the lovely weather – my daffodils, camellias and pansies are loving it.

Marilyn Anderson

Spring Tea JPEG3.pdf