Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 2015 Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Palo Alto Auxiliary year is coming to a close, and we have a lot to be thankful for!

The Membership Tea was a wonderful afternoon of friendship, memories, celebration and wonderful treats! Thanks to Mary Hicks, Stephanie Beach and their amazing committee!

Restaurants With Heart’s year is now successfully complete… with $13,000 profit and many satisfied diners! Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of chairperson Marlene Bollhoffer and her committee, this was another great year! RwH restaurateurs are lining up to take a tour of the hospital this Spring. Always wonderful to see where one’s donations go.

The American Girl Fashion Show was a success! We have to admit that we had our doubts along the way…our ticket sales were at our lowest, our souvenir sales dented by having the American Girl Store in our backyard, BUT we made the most dollars per patron of any of our previous eleven years…adding the Doll Hair Salon (Thank You Paul Mitchell Salon!), Walk the Runway and pumping up the “glam” of our raffle prizes helped dramatically. Including unsold merchandise, our profit will be about $35,000.

Due to the generosity of our members, all 45 of the girls from Operation Care and Comfort (children of current active military or Gold Star Families) were able to attend! Thank you!

We are planning to hold a Doll Fair in early spring to help sell the remaining souvenirs. It will be open to vendors of all varieties of dolls and doll accessories, not just American Girl. Perhaps it will also be a venue for private individuals to sell those dolls that are gathering dust in closets, attics and basements! This idea is a work in progress. If you are interested in helping to plan or volunteer, please let me know! If you would like to buy souvenirs, please visit our website or contact Cathy Murphy,

We are also thankful for the 10 new members who have joined PAA in the past months! Alicia Baker, Cindy Dumesney, Sabrina Garcia, Nora Guera, Kristin Iribarren, Melissa Kertz, Katie Liniger, Kristin Meier, Nirmala Patri and Katie Shea. All wonderful additions to our group!

The Christmas Boutique at Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park will be held on Saturday December 5 from 10 am to 3 pm. Talented PAA seamstresses, crafters and artists will be selling handmade items. A wonderful way to buy lovely gifts, get in the holiday spirit and support LPCH! If you would be able to help with sales at the event, please contact Sharon Brugos.

Bears & Books.  This year 275 bears and 100 books have been donated to LPCH An additional 50 bears went to the Ronald McDonald House of Stanford. Centerpieces of our books and bears will be featured at the upcoming Association of Auxiliaries luncheon. A wonderful way to get the word out!

The Thora’s Thimbles group has been busy (when are they not!) producing   comfort items for the little patients at the hospital…cough pillows, ER owls, blankets, tote bags, respirator covers…a long and wonderful list! Angels all.

Earlier this month PAA members Ellen Smith and Nancy Scaff became aware of a girl who visited the Teen Van for the first time…she was homeless, she had nothing, not even underwear! Ellen and Nancy stepped in immediately to help.  The Teen Van team treats the medical, social and mental health needs of kids who are in foster care, the children of the working poor ($15/hr doesn’t even pay for a studio apartment in our valley), homeless or runaways from abusive family relationships.

While younger children may get presents from programs such as Toys for Tots, teens may be left out. If you are interested in donating during this season, the Teen Van will use the funds to give out Target gift cards and movie ticket vouchers to their patients…we could call it, the Secret Nana Project ….

If you are interested, please send your checks to PAA c/o June Schiller, 863 Garland Dr, Palo Alto 94303

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving

Upcoming events

December 5, 2015 10 am to 3 pm, Holiday Boutique, 
Allied Arts Guild , 70 Arbor Rd., Menlo Park

January 20, 2016 Annual Membership Meeting & Lunch, 9:30 am – 2pm, 
University Club, 3277 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto

January 25 & 26, Restaurants with Heart, Sultana, Menlo Park

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