We are, indeed, women of substance with the power to make a difference...
October 11, 2011
Good morning, Dear Members:
Before we talk about our delightful new meeting place at the Lucie Stern Community Center and Toni Paterson's presentation, please double check your calendar. There have been some additions and corrections.
October 18 - Annual Membership Tea
at Holbrook Palmer Park, 150 Watkins Avenue, Atherton
Many thanks to Sarah Beetem for giving us these directions:
FROM NORTH: Take 101 south to Marsh Road exit (#406)Follow Marsh Rd a short way and
Turn left on Middlefield Rd.
Turn right at Watkins (the first street)
Park is 150 Watkins. Follow road around curve to the social hall
FROM SOUTH: Take 101 north to Marsh Road exit and follow directions above.
As is our custom, we honor those members who have reached significant milestones of active membership. This year we have 17 who will receive a rose and donations will be made to the hospital in their name. Although they do not receive roses, we also list our active associates for their continued loyalty. Many thank you's to all.
The list of honorees was published in last month's blog. This list of honorees represents almost 1000 hours, and past lists of honorees represent thousands more. They provide a striking visual image that reflects the promise and hard work of dedicated volunteers. Yes, many of us are older but with a youthful visage which I believe is the result of the good work we continue to do with joy in our hearts.
Oct. 25,26 - Restaurants with Heart at Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
This replaces the initial John Bently Restaurant. Instead of participating in our RwH program, John Bently has planned to make a donation of 10% of his busiest day's earnings of October 24th and 25. So, please enjoy lunch or dinner at his regular prices, choosing from his regular menu on those days.
Nov. 1 - Pillow sewing & knitting at Thora's RSVP
Nov. 11 & 12 - American Girl Fashion Show Christ Episcopal Church in Los Altos
Sarah Beetem has three members taking major roles in helping her with AGFS: Susan Kirtley will be coordinating decorations and equipment Mary Anne York will be in charge of food to be selected and served. Kathy Squellalti is in charge of ticket sales and table assignments. Sarah asks that we sign up with Thora Richardson to help with the event.
Nov. 13 & 14 - Restaurants with Heart- California Cafe, Palo Alto
On the 13th, California Cafe will serve their Buffet. On the 14th - lunch and dinner
Nov. 15 - General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center, Palo Alto
Dec. 3 - Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts- Sunset Room Dec. 6.
In addition to selling our cookbook we will be selling our beautiful handmade items.
If you have any handmade items to donate please contact Sharon Brugos. Sharon is seeking a hat rack or an appropriate apparatus to display the handmade hats and scarves.
Dec. 6 - Members Christmas Luncheon location tba
Our Bears and Books lady, Shirlee Stites has the following dates for Build-a-Bear group workshops and luncheons at the Hillsdale Shopping Center in San Mateo.
Monday girls Nov. 7 Contact Ann Bennett
Tuesday girls October 25 Contact Thora Richardson
Wednesday girls Are welcome on any one of the dates or can ago on their own
Thursday girls Oct. 24 or Mon. Oct. 31 Contact Shirlee Stites
Friday girls Nov. 4 Contact Marzette Woods
Anyone who was not a volunteer on any one of the days above is very welcome to join any one of the days listed above. The more the merrier!
(Fireside room)

On September 20, we held our first meeting since the summer break at our new location at the Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto. A brief description for those of you who were not there.
(B.J. Sorenson, Kathryn Esterly, Karen Stevens, Thora Richardson, Deborah Potash(writing)and Mary Hicks)

The Fireside room is bright and just the right size for us. Windows and French doors grace two sides. A working fireplace is at one end of the room and a large niche is at the opposite end. This held our individual packages of toiletries for the Teen Van. Pillows and blankets from Thora Richardson's workshops filled another corner of the room. We had tables overflowing with beautiful handwork done by our talented members. Many of the items were made by Nancy Braunstein and Sharon Brugos for the Dec. 6 boutique.
Three exquisite autumn arrangements made by Deborah Potash were poised on the fireplace mantel and one was given to Toni Paterson, President of the Association of Auxiliaries, as a thank you for coming to our meeting.
(Toni Paterson presenting)

The new Auxiliary e-newsletter will contain news of the LPCH, a list of upcoming Auxiliary events and the opportunity to register for eScrip. Our first event where all 7 Auxiliaries worked together on the same project was the 20th Birthday celebration. EScrip will be another.
Toni explained that eScrip is an effortless way for us to raise funds for LPCH. Many schools
use Scrip and several of our auxiliaries are already using it. She gave a detailed explanation on how it works and what it entails. Information was distributed and Toni elected to stay after the meeting to register anyone who is interested in participating.

(Toni and Friend)
- The final LPCH birthday celebration will be the Simply Giving luncheon to be held on October 27th at the Sharon Heights Country Club. Tickets are $90 ($45 of which is tax deductible. Half the proceeds will go to the Hospital. Dr. Harvey Cohen will be the featured speaker.
- San Francisco's Auxiliary's 59th Annual Jewell Ball, the Safari of Jewels, will be held on Saturday, November 12th at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.
- The San Mateo-Burlingame invites us NOT to come to their Octoberfest! Date will be any day you want; Time will be any time you like; Place will be your home, restaurant or with friends; Dress formal or casual; Beverage pour a glass of your favorite beer
- RSVP: as soon as possible.
- Charter 's holiday boutique and rummage sale will be n November 18th and 19th
- If you are having trouble seeing the 2011 section on American Girl on our website Sarah Beetem suggests we push the "Refresh" button on your computer. It looks like a small curved arrow and is usually located near the top of your screen next to the address you are looking for.
- Our new Association of Auxiliaries logo was honored with a Certificate of Excellence in the American Graphics Design Awards, an annual national design competition with over 8000 entries.
- The Monday girls donated $665 in memory of Betty Clancy. The money will go toward purchase of iPads for the Health Van -Adolescent Outreach Program (Teen Van)
- Joanne Rutter has the large Fostoria punch bowl that was used at wedding receptions and special events at the Restaurant. She is ore than happy to loan it to any of our members who would like to borrow it for a special event. (Her phone number is in our directory on p.22)
My apologies to all the October ladies. In tidying up the Fireside Room after our meeting at the Lucie Stern Community Center someone inadvertently scooped up my birthday clipboard. So, I am at a loss as to who our birthday ladies are. We will have to reconstruct the Birthday clipboard. However, this does not weaken our hearty "Happy Birthday and wishes for many more" to the October ladies.
These upcoming months are packed with our fund raising events that need so many of our talents and so much of our time. The money we make enables us to make a difference in the needy children at LPCH. Thank you all for your hard work and joyful participation. It is that very hardwork ethic that has spanned generations of PAA women. We are indeed women of substance with the power to make a difference
See you all at the Tea!
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