Tuesday, September 29, 2020

June 22, 2020 Letter to Members

 Dear Palo Alto Auxiliary Members,


First, I apologize for not keeping in better touch with all of you.  I just haven’t given enough time to Auxiliary business in the last 2-1/2 months and hope to do better, starting now.  Still, I hope that you are well and have been finding your way on this new path.


We are certainly living in an unusual time – all this “sheltering in place” with so many of our regular activities and entertainments put on hold.  This has been a great time to tackle that long “to do” list, get to the books one has meant to read, write your memoir (as my husband is doing), etc. but adjusting to not seeing friends and family can also have been a bit lonely.  I do hope you have kept well and found peace and pleasure in a slower pace than your regular routine.  




 Under the leadership of our Cathy Murphy with Hearts and Hands and PAA’s Thora’s Thimbles, we have been making fabric masks for use by parents, siblings and visitors at LPCH.  The hospital wants all we can make so, if you can help, please call Cathy at 650-324-8777 to volunteer.  She has all the supplies you will need and will be very happy to have more sewers!


SUMMER SCAMPER – Final Push – Letter from the chairman attached:


Just a reminder, the virtual Summer Scamper is this Sunday and the Association of Auxiliaries’ Team needs more members.  Remember, it’s virtual so you choose your activity (or no activity, no running or scampering unless you prefer) and there is no registration fee.  Of course, you are free to donate funds toward the Association’s goal of raising $10,000 for the work of the Department of Patient Experience.  So, we could help offset our limited fundraising opportunities this year by making a donation. To do my part in bolstering the team, I’m registering my family. (It’s not too late.)  Be sure to see Lisa Cheskin’s letter below.  




As I’m sure you know, our auxiliary activities have been greatly curtailed lately and it looks like that will continue for a while more.  We’ve been hoping that all would be back to “normal” in time for our Summer Garden Party and Silent Auction on August 15th but that doesn’t seem likely.  So, reluctantly, that, too, will not happen this year.  We’re still hoping the Nutcracker Tea in November can happen but only time will tell.  Of course, we need to be sure our members and guests would be safe in attending the event.





Really good things have been supported by the Association of Auxiliaries Endowment Fund recently.  The Fund board and committee members have met several times via “Zoom.com” to hear presentations from various departments at LPCH requesting funding for special projects, to consider those requests, and finally, to determine which ones will receive funding in August.  A total of $1,102,170 will be paid out for projects including equipping maternity with wireless fetal monitors, immersive technology for oncology treatment, training equipment for the SIM Center and for Neonatology, additional resources for Social Services, efforts to identify and prevent child abuse, improving utilization of telehealth in pediatric rheumatology and improving parent comfort in the Intermediate Care Nursery.  Please contact PAA’s June Schiller (650-326-7945 or jsciller2@comcast.net) if you would like to join the endowment fund





Two more of our members have passed away.  They are Marie Batten and Gail Sachs.  I don't know any details in either situation but we will be sending a donation to the Foundation in each lady’s memory.


Please take care of yourself and stay well.  




Marilyn Anderson

President, Palo Alto Auxiliary

Hello members,

As you all know, for this year’s Summer Scamper, we formed the first-ever Association of Auxiliaries Team to raise $10,000 for the Department of Patient Experience to purchase 1300 comfort kits. We also aspire to have the largest team in Scamper history – 250 participants. To date, we have raised $5410 and registered 58 participants. We have a ways to go by this weekend’s virtual Summer Scamper! To register, all you need to do is click the link below to get to the Association’s team page and select the “JOIN TEAM” button. Contact Lisa Norcia Cheskin at lncheskin@gmail.com or 408-460-8788 at any time with registration questions.


For a little inspiration, see here a photo of some family members receiving comfort kits from hospital staff.


Also, we are hoping that, as depicted in the picture below, we will be able to add our logo to the comfort kits purchased with our Scamper donations. A great promotion of our organizations!


Won’t you join us?

June 16 Letter to Members

 June 16, 2020


Dear Palo Alto Auxiliary Members,


First, I apologize for not keeping in better touch with all of you.  I just haven’t given enough time to Auxiliary business in the last 2-1/2 months and hope to do better, starting now.  Still, I hope that you are well and have been finding your way on this new path.


We are certainly living in an unusual time – all this “sheltering in place” with so many of our regular activities and entertainments put on hold.  This has been a great time to tackle that long “to do” list, get to the books one has meant to read, write your memoir (as my husband is doing), etc. but adjusting to not seeing friends and family can also have been a bit lonely.  I do hope you have kept well and found peace and pleasure in a slower pace than your regular routine.  




 Under the leadership of our Cathy Murphy with Hearts and Hands and PAA’s Thora’s Thimbles, we have been making fabric masks for use by parents, siblings and visitors at LPCH.  The hospital wants all we can make so, if you can help, please call Cathy at 650-324-8777 to volunteer.  She has all the supplies you will need and will be very happy to have more sewers!


SUMMER SCAMPER – Final Push – Letter from the chairman attached:


Just a reminder, the virtual Summer Scamper is this Sunday and the Association of Auxiliaries’ Team needs more members.  Remember, it’s virtual so you choose your activity (or no activity, no running or scampering unless you prefer) and there is no registration fee.  Of course, you are free to donate funds toward the Association’s goal of raising $10,000 for the work of the Department of Patient Experience.  So, we could help offset our limited fundraising opportunities this year by making a donation. To do my part in bolstering the team, I’m registering my family. (It’s not too late.)  Be sure to see Lisa Cheskin’s letter below.  




As I’m sure you know, our auxiliary activities have been greatly curtailed lately and it looks like that will continue for a while more.  We’ve been hoping that all would be back to “normal” in time for our Summer Garden Party and Silent Auction on August 15th but that doesn’t seem likely.  So, reluctantly, that, too, will not happen this year.  We’re still hoping the Nutcracker Tea in November can happen but only time will tell.  Of course, we need to be sure our members and guests would be safe in attending the event.





Really good things have been supported by the Association of Auxiliaries Endowment Fund recently.  The Fund board and committee members have met several times via “Zoom.com” to hear presentations from various departments at LPCH requesting funding for special projects, to consider those requests, and finally, to determine which ones will receive funding in August.  A total of $1,102,170 will be paid out for projects including equipping maternity with wireless fetal monitors, immersive technology for oncology treatment, training equipment for the SIM Center and for Neonatology, additional resources for Social Services, efforts to identify and prevent child abuse, improving utilization of telehealth in pediatric rheumatology and improving parent comfort in the Intermediate Care Nursery.  Please contact PAA’s June Schiller (650-326-7945 or jsciller2@comcast.net) if you would like to join the endowment fund





Two more of our members have passed away.  They are Marie Batten and Gail Sachs.  I don't know any details in either situation but we will be sending a donation to the Foundation in each lady’s memory.


Please take care of yourself and stay well.  




Marilyn Anderson

President, Palo Alto Auxiliary

Hello members,

As you all know, for this year’s Summer Scamper, we formed the first-ever Association of Auxiliaries Team to raise $10,000 for the Department of Patient Experience to purchase 1300 comfort kits. We also aspire to have the largest team in Scamper history – 250 participants. To date, we have raised $5410 and registered 58 participants. We have a ways to go by this weekend’s virtual Summer Scamper! To register, all you need to do is click the link below to get to the Association’s team page and select the “JOIN TEAM” button. Contact Lisa Norcia Cheskin at lncheskin@gmail.com or 408-460-8788 at any time with registration questions.


For a little inspiration, see here a photo of some family members receiving comfort kits from hospital staff.


Also, we are hoping that, as depicted in the picture below, we will be able to add our logo to the comfort kits purchased with our Scamper donations. A great promotion of our organizations!

Lisa Cheskin

September 2020 Presidents Newsletter

 September 2020

Dear PAA Members,

Once, again, I hope this finds you well and coping fairly comfortably with what seems to be our new normal.  Many of us, like Luisa Pliska, have been purging closets and then trying to find a charity open to receiving donations.  Susan Kirtley was swimming 40 laps a day before the air quality got so bad.  Maybe she is back at it now.  Sue Alvarez has been re-doing a fixer-upper and lots of gardening.  

Sarah Beetem answered my question of activities with the following:

“When my son and daughter in-law gave me a book called Grandmother’s Journal, I realized that I wish my grandmother, or even my mother, had filled out something similar.  Now that the prior generations are gone, I wonder what life was like for them.  Not the major things like graduations or marriages, that I can research, but the small details like party phone lines, cutting Christmas trees, or surviving the last pandemic. I decided that now would be a great time to write about my life and leave a written record because by the time my grandchildren are old enough to be curious, I may not be here to tell them the stories of my life.  I can just remember listening to funny radio programs with my maternal grandma when she babysat us.  I remember her stories of riding a horse to high school and riding in wagons across Los Angeles County to camp on the beach, but I wish I knew much more about her life. (1882 – 1965)  Why not take time now to write a tape record some of your memories for your future family members?  It doesn’t have to be a special journal or to answer specific questions; just put down some things you remember.  If they don’t care about them now, they might care later on.”

By now, you have received your invitation to our Annual Membership Tea on Tuesday, October 20th at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom.  We hope all of you will make yourself a cup of tea and join us.  If you have not used Zoom, previously, perhaps you can find a friend (I always ask a grandchild) to help walk you through the process before October 20th.  I will send an email invitation link on the 19th.  As always, we will be honoring all our long-term members.  Those for special mention will be:

60 years  (joined PAA in 1960)

     Bobbie Dolton

55 years  (joined in 1965)

     Gaye Bruce-Ferronato Jo Ann Pfost

     Lorraine Hultquist

 50 years (1970)

      Liz Bowman Bonnie Miller    

45 years  (1975)

      Sabra Dexter Barbara Mattson

      Sue Pettigrew Ruth Wood

40 years  (1980)

      Ann Bennett Jane Bradley

      Ellen Smith

35 years  (1985)

      Eloise Bodine Audrey Polster

30 years  (1990)

      Karen Sutherland

25 years  (1995)

      Nayla Sleiman

20 years  (2000)

      Luisa Pliska Barbara Sheldon

15 years  (2005)

      Barbara Alexander    Sarah Beetem

      Marlene Bollhoffer Nancy Bronstein

      Sally Edmondson Marlene Hom

      Susan Kirtley Dallas Manning

      Karen Stevens Mary Ann York

With so many of Auxiliary events having to be canceled, we are excited to tell you about the Holiday Faire planned by all seven auxiliaries and to be held outdoors at Allied Arts Guild on Sunday, November 8th from 11:00 to 4:00.  Here’s a chance to start your holiday decorations and purchase distinctive Christmas gifts.  Each auxiliary will have very special items for your shopping fun.  Palo Alto Auxiliary’s booth will feature beautiful Fall and Christmas wreaths.  All precautions recommended by the CDC, the State and San Mateo County will be observed to secure safety for everyone.  We are looking for some volunteer help so call Nancy Larsson or me (Marilyn Anderson) to offer your help.

You may remember that the joint auxiliaries’ 2020 special project at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital was pathology research to identify appropriate neuroblastoma treatment.  We were all excited about that project and fully funded it early in the year.  That allowed the auxiliaries to direct some funding to assist front line workers at the hospital who were substantially impacted by Covid 19.  The Summer Scamper raised $10,000 to fund Patient Relations’ comfort bags for parents of patients.  Your donations are now needed to help Child Life make our young patients more comfortable in these especially difficult days in the hospital.

Be generous!

We recently received a couple memorial donations from family members of Patricia Mangan.  Some of you may remember Patricia who, according to those family members, really enjoyed working at the restaurant.   The family also ordered cookbooks to have a bit of Patricia’s experience. 

Again, I hope you are doing well and look forward to seeing you at the Tea and the Holiday Faire.
