PAA Endowment quickly donates a LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot to LPCH
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Dear PAA friends,
I hope you are doing as well as can be expected during this unusual time. It’s certainly a new experience to have so much leisure time. Personally, I’ve caught up all the ironing (which only happens on New Year’s day if I iron, in the family room, while the rest watch football), I’m on my second 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, and I’ve just finished a 43 hour audio book while working in the garden. If we could have an outdoor tea in my yard, this week, it’s ready. Really, the saving grace has been the “Zoom” program on the computer. My Bible Study class meets on Tuesday mornings, my husband is taking a Stanford class and we’ve been doing family chats, all on Zoom. Our whole family, of 25 members including those in Colorado Springs, and Baltimore, visited last night.
While our auxiliary activities have been pretty much quieted, the staff at LPCH, of course, is working hard in the face of additional hardships. We know that staffing is short as caution requires some to stay home, volunteering has been suspended so those hands are missing too and we hear that material resources are in short supply.
So, last Thursday evening, when we were made aware of a critical need facing LPCH in the fight against COVID 19: micro-level sanitation, quick action was taken. The plea was for a LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robot with “intense pathogen killing power” that can disinfect an entire patient room in as little as 20 minutes. This robot will keep the hospital clean by destroying deadly microorganisms critical in protecting patients, families and staff during this time.
Within minutes of hearing about this need, Association leadership contacted the members of the Endowment Committee, reached out to the Board Members of the Association of Auxiliaries, held a virtual vote (unanimous) and a mere 14 hours later, had a check for the $115,000 from our Association Endowment payout to deliver! We are grateful to our Endowment Members, our Auxiliary Presidents, Second Delegates and all of our members for making this happen. And happen so swiftly! Good job everyone!
Of course we are looking forward to getting back to our old routines. As soon as possible, we will reinstate Restaurants with Heart, reschedule our missed general meeting and get busy on the next fundraising event. In the meantime, we are all in this together and need to support each other. Please call if you need to chat.
Take care of yourself and keep up your spirits,