Monday, April 15, 2019

President's Blog - May 2019

Dear Friends,

It looks like Spring is finally here – everything is blooming, allergies are reinserting themselves and we can put away our raincoats and umbrellas. It’s time to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine.

Speaking of enjoying ourselves, the “Sip, Nibble and Shop” event that took the place of our Spring Tea on March 31stwas lovely. Nan Larsson generously opened her home and our vendors set-up shop in several rooms.  Ladies sipped champagne, nibbled on treats offered in the kitchen and shopped and shopped and shopped.  We all had a good time and generated about $2,000 for this year’s special project: “Caring for Hearts”.

Two days later, on April 2nd, the annual Celebration of Auxiliaries was held at the Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club.  While all the auxiliaries were celebrated and appreciated, this year’s event was special as it was the 100thanniversary of the founding of Charter Auxiliary!!!  What an example of dedication, creativity and service that group has been for all the rest of us.  Jeanne Berube, Malissa Magallanez and their crew from LPFCH put together a lovely time together.   The large crowd enjoyed a wonderful auxiliary historical display, inspirational speakers, beautiful tables, the best salad I’ve ever eaten and raffle items that raised another $1,600 for “Caring for Hearts”.

The “Thursday Girls” will be gathering for lunch on Thursday, April 26that 11:30 at Cibo’s, 3398 El Camino in Palo Alto.  RSVP to JoAnnPfost@gmail.comor to JoAnn at (650) 967-4679.  If there are other “Day” groups meeting, please let us know so we can put you on the calendar.  

The next thing on the calendar for PAA is our Restaurants with Heart lunches and dinners at Kabul Afghan Cuisine in San Carlos.  I hope you remember the staff’s warm welcome and the wonderful food that is so plentiful everyone takes home enough for another meal. Be sure to go on line to: or call (650) 364-2588 to make your reservations.  
Restaurants with Heart (capably run by Nancy Cameron and her committee) is PAA’s very dependable fundraiser and needs your support.  Get a your family together or a group of friends and enjoy an evening out.  The more the merrier!

Also, upcoming, is our May General Meeting.  We will meet at Allied Arts Guild, 75 Arbor Drive in Menlo Park at 10:00 a.m. with a no-host lunch following at the Wisteria CafĂ© there at Allied Arts.  This will be in conjunction with our Restaurants with Heart program in May.  Look for an email or snail mail invitation coming soon.  It will include reservation information.  

Happy Spring!!
Marilyn Anderson