Thursday, November 23, 2017

November News

It was great to see all those who came to our November membership meeting held at iTalico Restaurant last week.  We had 26 members which is about a dozen more than when we aren’t having lunch so I conclude that we all like to eat!  We voted on our gift to LPCH for 2017 which should end up at $45,000 if we continue to collect direct donations and dues. This will be presented ceremoniously to the Foundation at our January luncheon.

Monday morning I mailed each member an envelope with the 2018 dues notices and invitations to our membership luncheon on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at the University Club. You will mail two envelopes. The dues check with any changes in address or phone numbers is to be returned to Mary Koeppen and the luncheon reservation and check go to Dallas Manning. Thank you to Catherine McGilvray for the sponsorship at the University Club.

After socializing with a cup of coffee or tea beginning at 9:30 AM, we will have a meeting at 10:30, speaker at 11:30 and lunch at 12.  Our guest speaker will be Shawna  Montoya,  the mother of a small cardiac patient at LPCH.  Her child collapsed at school in Half Moon Bay, arrived at LPCH by helicopter and eventually received a pacemaker. It should be inspiring and informative.

As I mentioned briefly at our November meeting, our board has determined two areas where we might look for some new members. One is “empty nest” mothers who volunteered with their children who have now moved on to college and the second group is “recently retired” women who are used to being busy.  I’m hoping that some of you might invite a friend or neighbor to join us, and the January luncheon seems like a great place to start.  Your guest would hear about last year’s activities and next year’s plans as well as a personal experience of care at LPCH.  If we don’t want to continue to shrink in size perhaps we can all make an effort to include someone new.  If you need a ride to the University Club or can offer one, please contact Sarah.

On our website is a calendar that helps us to coordinate activities and is updated by our corresponding secretary, Mary Anne York. If the ladies who meet for lunch according to their former restaurant day shift (like Monday ladies) would let Mary Anne know of their dates, we could avoid having two activities at once.  Our membership meetings have moved around a bit this year as we try to find what works best for the most members.

Our direct donation drive for the NICU recliners has sparkled this week.  Malissa reported that as of Tuesday, November 21st we have had 31 donors totaling $5175.  Thank you all.  I would like to wind it up by the end of December but of course would never turn down a donation!

Remember to come and shop at the Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts on December 2nd from 10 to 4.  Sharon Brugos and a small team will be selling our cookbooks and some tote bags and few collector dolls that have been donated to us. Last year I saw some small decorated trees made by Allied Arts members and thought they would be a perfect gift for a housebound senior or neighbor. The trees will return this year and will benefit the “Talk, Read, Sing project.”

I am pleased to announce that Nancy Cameron will take on the coordinator position for Restaurants with Heart.  Karen Stevens will continue with Reservations and Accounting and Ginny Wilson with publicity. They will be helped by Audrey, Marlene, Luisa, Erika, Cathy M., Kathy S., and Marilyn.  In November, we held a meeting of all those interested in helping with the program. Nancy C. would like to hear from you if you have restaurants that you’d like to recommend.

RwH can use more hostesses (a one meal time shift obligation and not every month) so if you’d like to volunteer please tell Nancy C. I think that RwH will be in good hands for 2018.  We hope you will join us for lunch or dinner in the New Year.

As no one has come forward to serve as president in 2018, Nancy Larsson has gone with a “president pro tem” program by asking others to serve for a trimester.  Marilyn Anderson has graciously accepted to be Jan 17 to April 30th followed by Kathy Squellati for May to August.  Nancy still needs a third trimester coordinator.  Meanwhile we anticipate fewer meetings and more correspondence by newsletter so be sure to read it to see what is happening.

March will bring an exciting new event to PAA.  Nancy Larsson has a committee working to present a Fashion Show/ Trunk Sale and Tea on Sunday, March  4th at  Allied Arts. It’s a joint venture with AAG and looks to be a lot of fun.  

Happy Holidays to all. Please remember PAA/LPCH for end of the year donations. Please return your January lunch reservations and 2018 dues.  There will not be a December newsletter but we will see you all in January. 
