Saturday, September 2, 2017

End of Summer PAA Newsletter                                                     September 2, 2017

This has been a very busy as well as very hot last week of summer. Last Saturday was our Second Annual Summer Garden Party at the Larssons’.  We had 74 attendees; about a third of them members, one third relatives of members and a third invited friends. The food and drink were donated by several companies as were some of the auction items.   The silent auction with 43 items made a profit of about $10,000, a big boost to our income this year.  A huge thank you goes to all who contributed either by donating items, making a cash donation or bidding on treasures. 

Dr. Reshma Thadani, a Packard pediatrician, spoke briefly about the program that is the Association of Auxiliaries specific project of the year, “Talk, Read, Sing”. Our earnings from the Garden Party will benefit this early literacy program for 0 to 3 year olds.

We also had Restaurants with Heart this week.  We had a huge turnout for MacArthur Park, 117 diners over the two nights which gives us a profit of over $1800 for one month. MacArthur Park was new to us this year and I enjoyed it and hope you did, too.

At the end of September on the 25th and 26th we will return to Sakura2 Teppanyaki in Redwood City for both lunch and dinner, and in October we will return to CreoLa in San Carlos for dinners only on Tuesday the 24th and Wednesday the 25th.  If you could help out as a hostess, please let me know.

The most important upcoming date is our General Meeting to be held on MONDAY, September 18th at 1 PM at the Foundation office, third floor.  This shakeup of dates was designed to catch some of you who cannot come on Tuesdays but still wish to be actively involved. We will have a speaker from the Child Life Department so I’m hoping for a respectable turnout. Plan to come a few minutes early as there is currently construction on Hamilton Avenue.

At this next General Meeting, I’d like to discuss some of the ways we can help to keep Restaurants with Heart continuing, possible plans for a direct donation drive and a new doll related event that is in the planning stages, probably for November.

Other dates for your calendars:

Our Annual Membership Tea will be held Tuesday, October 17th at the Palo Alto home of our current treasurer, Marilyn Anderson.  Invitations will be mailed out in September. Please respond promptly.

The following week we are invited to tour the new hospital between 3 and 6 PM on Tuesday, October 24th. This tour is specifically for auxiliary members, but if you can’t make it, there are public tours the following weekend. Be sure to see the Waiting Room that the auxiliaries funded over five years.

It’s the same day as our October Restaurants with Heart so why not tour the hospital and then go on to dinner?

See you soon,