Rather than
the usual June gloom, I woke today to a beautiful sunny morning and hope that you
did, too. Our back garden has blossomed with the petunias, lavenders and
gladiolas all in majestic purples.
Our June
general membership meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 20th and I’m hoping to see all of you in
attendance. We will meet at the Woodside Village Church, 3154 Woodside Road
at 1 PM. We have a member’s daughter,
Melissa Anderson, speaking about working with parents of diabetic children at
LPCH as well as some brainstorming groups on our various activities and the
regular business meeting.
Parking is
easy in the school lot across the road so we don’t have to worry about downtown
time limits. Our hostess Erika Crowley
reminds us to bring toiletries for the Teen Van and vases for Random Acts
of Flowers. In addition, we’d like to see items for the summer garden party
auction. Last year, we combined smaller
items into theme baskets so a new item of nearly any sort is welcomed. Some we
used last year were wine goblets, fancy plates, kitchen linens and tools, pet
treats, new garden tools, favorite wines and so on. The biggest selling items were vacation homes
and event tickets. We also love services, hair salons, nails or massages. If you later find items to donate, I could
pick them up but this is our only general meeting before the party on August 26th.
Our next
event after Tuesday is the Restaurants with Heart lunches and dinners at Italico, a new Italian restaurant on
California Avenue in Palo Alto on Monday
and Tuesday, June 26th and 27th.
That’s next week, so if you haven’t
made your reservation yet please do so online today or see Karen at the
meeting. Karen Stevens and I have put in
many hours getting three new restaurants set up for this summer, rewriting the
pamphlet that we give to them and finding hostesses to help out. Ginny Wilson has done new flyer designs and
sent out emails to members and patrons.
In July we will visit the Blue Garden Café in Allied Arts, Menlo Park
for lunch only on July 24 and 25 and in August we will go to MacArthur Park in
Palo Alto for dinners on August 28 and 29 so mark your calendars now. We’d love
to have a good turnout to show our new restaurants that we value their help in
raising funds for LPCH. In the fall we will return to three favorites from prior
We have had
several changes to our roster. Two members resigned, Katie Liniger and Emily
Lim-Lucas, both have young daughters with whom they do other charitable activities. Two members have died recently, Malkah
Carothers and Carol Holmes. Memorial donations from PAA will be sent to LPCH.
From other
auxiliaries: Charter‘s rummage sales continue bi-weekly on July 7 and 8 and
July 21 and 22 (Big Sale and Christmas in July!). Donations are welcomed on
Tuesdays and Saturdays except July 4. Allied
Arts will host a Children’s Garden Tour on Wednesday July 19th for 7
to 12 year olds. Please see
for more information.
See you on
Sarah Beetem