Saturday, May 20, 2017

May Newsletter

Dear Members:

Spring is flying by faster than I can keep up with. I’ve been working with Karen Stevens and others to get Restaurants with Heart back on its feet.  We are delighted to be offering lunch or dinner at Kabul Afghan Cuisine in San Carlos next Monday and Tuesday and hope that you have all signed up or will very soon. It’s a week earlier than usual due to Memorial Day.  Karen handles the reservations or you can see the menu and make reservations on our website if you do it today. It’s a fun and colorful place to eat and easily accessible from 101.

Our next general meeting will be held Tuesday, June 20th at 1 PM at the Woodside Village Church in Woodside. We hope to see a good turnout of members and Erika has promised that parking is easier than at the Foundation so please call a friend to come with you and come.

We need everyone’s help to arrange and carry out PAA plans and activities for the rest of this year. In an effort to make PAA more workable, we have cut back on the number of meetings but that means that members need to make a greater effort to attend the ones we have. We had a fascinating speaker in March but only 1/10 of our members came to hear her.  If you would like to come but need a ride, please call me.

Our second annual garden party will be held August 26th and we are looking for donations for the auction. If you have items, please bring them to the June meeting. Remember that we can combine items; for example some lovely wine goblets paired with a bottle or two make a fun basket. For a popular gift, ask your favorite shop or service for a gift certificate.
Are you using Amazon Smile when you order from Amazon? We get a small percentage of every order. Just go through Amazon Smile (your regular account will be there and designate Palo Alsot Auxiliary for Children Inc . as your charity. Every bit helps!

There was a recent article with pictures in the Mercury News about the progress of the LPCH hospital. You can see it at

News from other auxiliaries include Charter Sales on May 19 /20 and June 2/3 and the Game Day sponsored by  San Mateo-Burlingame on June 14th.

Please watch for more news of the summer Restaurants with Heart as we hope to have some new venues.

See you on June 20th or sooner.
