October 2016 Newsletter
October means...Our Annual Membership Tea! We have many wonderful anniversaries to celebrate, friends to meet and some lovely tea goodies to nibble. If you haven’t rsvp’d to Dallas Manning lmanning@sbcglobal.net I look forward to seeing you all again.
Dates to mark down
October 18 3 pm Membership Tea, 1253 Richardson Ave, Los Altos
October 25 & 26 Restaurants With Heart, dinners at Creola in San Carlos
November 2 6 pm Hospital Tour and dinner
November 11 & 12 American Girl Fashion Show and Tea
November 15 Membership Meeting (time and location tba)
December 3 Holiday Boutique @ Allied Arts, Menlo Park 10 am to 3 pm
Over 30 Vintage Gals met for lunch on perhaps the hottest day of the year! It was a great time of reminiscing, re-connecting and learning about different ways to benefit the hospital. This group has decided to reconvene every April and September for special Restaurant with Heart lunches. Fun with old friends AND benefiting the Hospital...can’t go wrong!
The Teen Van turned 20 recently with cake and balloons. PAA member Cindy Dumesney and I got a tour and some wonderful time with Dr. Seth Ammerman. This is an amazing program with a mission that resonates with all...and maybe a special tug for members like Cindy who have teens of their own. We are planning to use some of the amazing “children helping children” energy to do some fundraising.
American Girl commentators & models, Saint Charles students with Kids for Packard, Notre Dame Belmont students, National Charity League girls and now Teens helping the Teen Van. A lot to love with these kids!
American Girl is moving right along! We will be taking advantage of the school holiday of Veteran’s Day of having the event be on Friday Nov. 11 and Saturday Nov. 12. In years past a Friday holiday show has been very popular.
June Schiller will be contacting you soon to volunteer for this great fundraiser. A shift of a few hours in the dining hall or the kitchen is invaluable.
We are again offering tickets to Operation Care and Comfort for the daughters of service members. At this writing we have offered 20 tickets. Not only did those fill in minutes, there is a waiting list of 59 girls! If you have the desire to donate to this...in any amount, please either send your checks to me (Nancy Larsson, 1253 Richardson Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024) payable to PAA or bring to the Membership Tea.
Restaurants With Heart … Please join us on Monday, October 25 or Tuesday, October 26, at Creola New Orleans Bistro in San Carlos for dinner. Visit the Restaurants with Heart page at www.paloaltoauxiliary.com, to make your reservations.
We have arranged a Tour & Dinner at the Hospital for November 2 at 6 pm. This is wonderful opportunity to see our efforts in action. And a great way to share with your spouse the reason why you spend so much time working on PAA projects! Please rsvp to me by Halloween. Dinner is $30 per person.
The Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts will be on December 3 this year. This time around we are calling on all to make a few ornaments to sell! We will have a few trees laden with our creations…now’s the time to start scrolling through Pinterest!
I look forward to seeing you at any or all of these events!