Dear Members,
Happy New Year! Our new year has started with a bang! Both
of us have welcomed new grandchildren this month as well as welcoming many new
members and new plans for 2015!
First of all upcoming events: While February will not have a
general meeting, we do have a board meeting with the new board on Monday,
February 9th, a meeting of Thora’s Thimbles on the 10th
and Restaurants with Heart for lunch or dinner
on February 23rd and 24th at Divino Restaurant in
Belmont. Nancy has also organized a hospital tour for our newest members so
that they can see what it is that we are helping.
We had a lovely luncheon and annual meeting last week on the
22nd. For those of you who couldn’t make it, here are some
Our gift of $70,000 was presented to LPCH via our guest, Dr.
Jody Winzelberg, Administrative Director for Program Growth and Innovation, who
spoke briefly about the new hospital and some of the amazing statistics
involved in building such a major structure.
The current building will become a maternity pavilion. She also explained about other areas where
Packard or Stanford Children’s are operating.
Treasurer June Schiller presented our financial position as
strong but no longer plans to give away more that we earn as has happened the
last few years. Those members who included donations with their dues have been
sent thank you notes. Eighty-five members have paid their dues for 2015, have
VP Stephanie Beach presented project leaders to give short
annual reports on their projects (in alphabetical order): American Girl Fashion Show chair Nancy Larsson told that despite
competition from the new store, the events earned about $30,000 with about 80%
of the previous year’s attendees. Charging the models a fee (except for
members’ children) worked well and helped to make them more responsible. About
25 new members have come in via this project.
Nancy Bronstein reported that the Holiday Boutique organized by Sharon Brugos, was a big success
raising about $2,100. Some extra items were available to buy at the luncheon.
Nancy thanked those who made the lovely items (and we should thank both Sharon
and Nancy who made a lot of them as well as Cathy Murphy and her daughter
Sharon Wilson).
Bears and Books under
Gerry Nelson had a fantastic year donating 56 books and 256 bears some of which
will be delivered each month for patient celebrations. Some 212 bears were trapped by students at
St. Charles School. This project is now in hibernation until spring.
Although Luisa Pliska was unable to attend the luncheon,
Stephanie reported that Cookbooks brought income of $2,847 from wholesale and retail
Marlene Bollhoffer reported that the Restaurants with Heart project
had made an annual profit of about
$13,000 at ten monthly events in 2014. She thanked those who have helped during
the past year: Ginny Wilson, Karen Stevens, Audrey Polster, Erika Crowley,
Luisa Pliska and Stephanie Beach. Marlene has already found restaurants for
most of 2015. A different restaurant is chosen each month and the variety is
delicious. Divino in Belmont is the choice for February. Half of each meal price is a donation to LPCH.
This project can grow both by our members going out to eat but also by sharing
it with your friends and neighbors. Why
not host a friends’ night out or ladies’ luncheon at a RwH venue? Our website
has all the information each month at
Thora’s Thimbles
was presented by Ellen Smith. Fourteen members participated last year in sewing
cough pillows, and owls for little surgical and emergency room patients.
Members are encouraged to help at home if not able to attend the monthly
Tuesday morning meetings. You can cut
out or stuff as well as sew.
Dallas Manning delivered 100 Tote Bags to LPCH in December and has a good start on some for next
year. She thanked Nancy Bronstein and Erika Crowley for helping. If you like to
sew at home, you can pick up kits and help make the holidays special for little
Deborah Potash presented a new project she’s working on to
make a historical record book of PAA. If you have memories to relate or
materials to include, please contact her.
Sarah Beetem thanked those who worked behind the scenes on
both projects and member events. Those not already mentioned above include:
webmaster Bob Stevens, dues collector Mary Koeppen, photographer Erika Crowley,
tea impresario Mary Hicks, and ticket maestro David Squellati.
Then new board members were introduced: Cathy Murphy as
Recording Secretary and Mary Anne York as Corresponding Secretary. Sarah will semi-retire to become Past
President/ Parliamentarian, others remaining on the board are Nancy Larsson, President;
Stephanie Beach, VP; June Schiller, Treasurer;
and Dallas Manning as Social Chairman. Those leaving were thanked and
presented with an orchid plant.
Honored guest included Victoria Applegate, Director of
Auxiliaries Relations and her assistant Eve Shaw. Victoria has announced that
she will retire in April.
That pretty much covers the annual meeting, next month we’ll
concentrate on new ideas and happenings in 2015!
Sarah Beetem and Nancy Larsson