Sunday, February 9, 2014

February News for PAA

February, 9, 2014
Welcome to the New Year from your new PAA Presidents! We will be serving as co-presidents this year, a new idea for PAA but one used by other auxiliaries. We hope to share the burden and share the number of meetings we attend so you won’t always see us together.

 We welcome back several former members, Stephanie Beach as Vice-President, June Schiller as treasurer, Susan Kirtley now as Corresponding Secretary, Dallas Manning as Social Chair and our not quite yet retiring president, Luisa Pliska as Parliamentarian. New on the board is Ellen Smith as Recording Secretary. Ellen is a long time member who took over the coordination of Thora’s Thimbles last year.

 You can read more about the board members on our PAA website,  Our blogs, newsletters and events will also be listed on the website and updated frequently.
Together we hope to carry on PAA’s fine tradition of service to LPCH, but we would also like to look to the future in hopes of increasing contributions from our auxiliary in both time and money probably by increasing events and membership.
Our general meetings will be listed on the website but are planned as in the past on the third Tuesdays. The next is February 18th at 1 PM at Lucie Stern Center in Palo Alto.  We will welcome Kristen Beckler, a Child Life Specialist at LPCH as our speaker. If you haven’t been in a while why not come and hear what she has to say. Bring a friend, all are welcome.

 We want to welcome new members but also to welcome new ideas as our auxiliary changes and grows. We are proud of the long tradition but know that pride is not enough to carry us forward. Let’s see if all of us can find a spirit of renewal and make this a year to remember.
Sarah and Nancy