Good morning, Dear Members,
Because the flu and subsequent illness had taken "the wind out of my sails" I was unable to post a blog for awhile. However, I would like to share some news with you all in this my last blog as your president and report on how we have met our goals for 2013.
First, I must tell you how thrilled I am that we will have two young, extremely talented and capable women as our co-presidents in 2014, Nancy Larssen and Sarah Beetem. It will be a grand year!
I don't have words adequate enough to thank my incredible Board. Each one has joyfully given so much time and energy not only in their duties as Board members but in taking on major roles in our fund raising efforts and our hearts and hands projects. Some have been on my Board for the past three years and I can't thank them enough.
Also, thank you, dear members, for the fine work you have done. 3 years ago I said we were an ageless, vibrant, undaunted and fun group. We still are - even more so. Often I have told you what an outstanding group of women you are and how I wish you could see yourselves through my eyes. Yes, I am a positive thinker but I am not a Pollyanna. I know our strengths and weaknesses. And our skills and abilities in so many areas along with our work ethic and true dedication far outweigh our weaknesses.
As I review this past year and the accomplishments, changes and transitions we have made you will see how we, although small in number, have grown and continue to be a strong and dedicated PAA.
RECRUIT MEMBERS: Cathy Murphy, Haydee Navarro-Marshall and Ginger Wilson have joined us this past year. We are so fortunate to have them.
SELL REMAINING COOKBOOKS: We have sold and will continue to sell.
SUPPORT EXISTING FUND RAISING PROJECTS: We did this and despite higher expenses had success in each endeavor.
- Our pilot program with the Teen Van Kits was so successful it has become the Teen Health Van Affiliate supported by all auxiliaries.
- We have become involved with the:
- Beads of Courage Affiliate,
- the Reach Out and Read Affiliate (now known as Reading Buddies) and
- the Packard Pantry Affiliate of which I am co-chair.
- The Tour of the outstanding Medical Mock up building
- Dr. Ammerman from the Teen Health Van
- Kevin Danie from the Hospital School
- Jack Komejan from the Transplant Camp (unfortunately, he had to cancel at the last minute)
- Social Services representative to speak about Packard Pantry's service to families (we ran out of meeting days to schedule him. Perhaps next year)
POST BLOG TWICE A MONTH: This I did not accomplish - Could only find time to do once a month.
This we did complete and they are now in the hands of the Association for review.
You know it's a poor sort of memory that only looks backward. We have taken the best of our memories to build a strong presence and ensure a grand future. With our new younger members this year we developed a cross-generational panorama of exceptional women and I am so proud to have been your president these past three years.
When all is said and done, you have embraced and enhanced the art of giving and I thank you for that.
Because I have a plethora of delightful photos from several of our recent meetings- more than enough photos to fill several blogs, I will have in this blog only some from our Tea. Over these past three years, we have had talented paparazzi. Many thank you's to Erika Crowley, Stephanie Beach, Shirlee Stites and Deborah Potash. Photos will be organized and placed in Shirlee's photo gallery to become part of our archives.
Our lovely buffet Roger Potash (aka) Mr. Deborah Potash & Nancy Bronstein Cathy Murphy - new member

Luisa Pliska with Ginger Wilson & Audrey Polster
Dr. Alexander Victoria Applegate & Tara Quinn Betty Plemons,Stephanie Beach & June Schiller
Deborah Potash

Erika Crowley & Mary Hicks Acle Hicks (aka Mr. Mary Hicks)

David Squellati (aka Mr. Kathy Squellati)
Margaret Robinson celebrating 49 years of Service