Good morning, Dear Members -
As usual, there is much news to share but first please mark your calendar. I have included all dates for the rest of the year. (You all, also, should have received a Event Calendar bookmark to put where it will be a gentle reminder.) Note the change in the American Girl dates. (I will explain why in the body of this blog.)
Aug 26-27 - RWH Scott's Seafood, Palo Alto
Sept 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Sept 10 - Thora's Thimbles, no meeting this month
Sept 17 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Sept 23-24 - RWH at Renzo Cafe, Palo Alto
Oct 8 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Oct 14 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 15 - Annual Membership Tea & Mtg @ at Arrillaga Family Rec Center, Menlo Park
Oct. 28-29 - RWH at Quinto Sol, Redwood City
Nov 11 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 12 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Nov 18-19 - RWH at Creola, San Carlos
Nov 19 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Dec. 7 - Holiday Boutique, Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park
Dec 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 10 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Thank you to all who attended our June meeting and to those who sent in their proxy. We covered a great deal and I thank you for your wise decisions. You know, those of you who attend the meetings are the voice and image of PAA and you drive the direction of the Palo Alto Auxiliary. So, again - thank you.
BYLAWS: After due discussion, the membership voted to accept the changes to the Bylaws and Standing Rules as presented.
TEEN VAN KITS: Our Teen Van Kit pilot project has proven itself very successful. Since the Association has not yet found a chairperson for the Teen Health Van Kit project, the membership voted to continue the PAA Teen Kit project as originally planned with Nancy Bronstein as chair of the project which will have 10 kits ready each month. This is the plan until we hear differently from the Association.
BUY A BRICK: The membership also approved a $1000.00 donation to donate a 4"x 8"brick with 2 lines of text, with 23 characters each. The bricks will line two community paths at the corner of Welch and Quarry Roads. The donated bricks are scheduled to be installed in the fall of 2016 prior to the new buiilding's grand opening. I invite you all to send in your recommendations as to what should be inscribed in the Palo Alto Auxiliary brick. Imagine we will be immortalized in stone for all to see!!
Please take note that Dr. Ammerman will be our speaker on Sept 17, Also on the agenda is some exciting news from the Nominating Committee. They are prepared to present a slate of officers for 2013! Please make every effort to be there.
Our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea dates has been changed to October 25 and 26 because theAmerican Girl Corporation will be opening a store where Talbots used to be in the Stanford Shopping Center. They will have their grand opening on Friday, November 15th. The good news is that they will donate their proceeds for that day to LPCH.
Marilyn Rogers, our talented, high energy AGFS project coordinator, still needs many volunteers for various jobs. This is our grand fund raiser which is successful because so many of us sign up to help. Please make every effort to volunteer for a job - big or small. Marilyn's phone number in the directory is incorrect. Her correct number is 650-941-2918. She needs and welcomes your participation.
I have sad news to share with you. I had called Jacqui Clark to see how she was doing since the passing of her husband. She said she is looking forward to becoming active again with PAA but was going in for a double by-pass operation the next day. On June 11th her daughter called and said Jacqui had passed away that morning. Marge Meaher lost her husband, Thomas, in July and Adrienne Bennet's husband, Hammish, passed away on August 2 after a long illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Adrienne sent a lovely note thanking us for all our cards and condolences and looks forward to returning to more PAA activities.
I do have good news to share - we have a wonderful new member, Cathy Murphy. Cathy is a friend of Kathy Squellati's. She has magic in her fingers and attended our delightful Thora's Thimbles meetings. She will be at our membership meeting on the 17th so you will have the opportunity to welcome her.
I also just heard from a former Wednesday girl, Ginny Wilson. Erika Crowley recently saw her and learned that Ginny had retired and encouraged her to become involved again. I sent her a welcome- back note explaining all the projects and events in which she might be interested.
I - too have good news. On Sunday, Sept. 1 my son Greg and daughter-in-law, Jessica had a baby boy (one month early) So, the first Pliska grandson has arrived! Because of his early arrival and because my 7 house guests have recently left after a wonderful two weeks - my calendar has been altered and I had to rush to get this blog done before I leave. I will be leaving for New York early tomorrow morning and I apologize for the scarcity of news. However,you will hear more about the Packard Pantry and other pertinent Association news at the membership meeting. Until then....
Sharon Brugos
Mildred Chin
Inge Crozier
Marge Ford
Sue Moore
Gail Sachs
Kay Wangelin
Adrienne Bennet
Malkah Carothers
Sally Bush
Many thank you's to those who contact me with your suggestions, concerns and news you wish to share. You know I always appreciate hearing from you.
Sharon Brugos
Mildred Chin
Inge Crozier
Marge Ford
Sue Moore
Gail Sachs
Kay Wangelin
Adrienne Bennet
Malkah Carothers
Sally Bush
Many thank you's to those who contact me with your suggestions, concerns and news you wish to share. You know I always appreciate hearing from you.