- Yet another way we can help some needy children and their families
I have much to share with you but first - please mark your calendars.
Apr 9 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Apr 22-23 - RWH at Mandarin Gourmet, PA
May 14 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
May 21 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA-Guest Speaker
May 20-21 - RWH at Kabul Afghan Cuisine, San Carlos
June 11 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
June 18 - General Mtg @ Arrillaga Center
June 24-25 - Mythos, San Carlos
One of the speakers you requested was for someone from the School. We are so pleased to have Kevin Dane, one of the teachers at the Hospital School at our MAY 21 General meeting. He will speak at 1:30pm for about 15-20 minutes with a few minutes for questions. He is scheduled to give a tour at the Hospital right after us. So, we will start at 1:30pm sharp.
Board Changes: Because of increased family responsibilities and business endeavors Karole Goldie is concerned that she will be unable to fulfill her obligations as our Corresponding Secretary. Since we cannot modify the important duties of the Corresponding Secretary, Karole felt she should resign. The Board has accepted her resignation. She would still like to be active and will become involved with our projects that demand less of her time. Fortunately, our incredibly capable Marzette Woods has graciously accepted the position for the rest of the year. Many thank you's dear Marzette.
Many thank you's also to Victoria Applegate and Tara Quinn for arranging our tour of the Medical Mock-Up facility. I'm sure those who were able to attend found it to be an outstanding experience. Many professionals come from afar to visit the site to learn. How fortunate we were to have had the opportunity!
Bylaws Committee has, at last, completed the final revision of the Bylaws. We will share them with you at the May meeting.
- Gail Sach's mother, Esther, peacefully passed away on February 5th. Many of us had met delightful Esther on several occasions. She would have been 98 years old in March. Our prayers and thoughts are with Gail and her family.
- Some of you who had attended the Tour met Nicole Neal. Nicole's daughter was born at LCPH and her experience was such that she is interested in doing some volunteering with us.
- The Gamble Gardens book committee contacted me for some advice on publishing a cookbook. Theirs will be a gardening book with recipes.
- Did you know that the lovely lady in the mini-documentary video shown at the Association luncheon is our member Marilyn Anderson. Her association with the Hospital is quite a story. Her husband volunteers there, her daughter works there, she has three grandchildren whose lives have been majorly impacted by LPCH. One grandson had a head injury requiring brain surgery 18 years ago; a granddaughter had a liver transplant 17 years ago at age 6 months and another granddaughter was diagnosed with diabetes 1-1/2 years ago. Marilyn also did a wonderful job highlighting all that PAA does - and - did you notice that she had "Tastes, Tales and Traditions" on her kitchen counter!!
- Once again we must thank Catherine McGilvray for sponsoring us at the University Club for our Annual meeting this year and for the use of Lucie Stern Center for our meetings.
- Thank you also to Deborah Potash who has offered to sponsor us at the Arrillaga Center for out Tea this year.
- Molly Paulson had a serious fall and her doctor advised her not to live alone any longer. She is now living with her daughter. Molly will be putting her lovely house up for sale and buying a home down where her daughter is - large enough for them to all live together
Lest this gets too long,we will have reports on our Projects at the May meeting. However, since so many of you have been asking me, I would like to share some exciting news regarding the Packard Pantry
Packard Pantry plans are coming to fruition. Thanks to the tenacity and efforts of Victoria Applegate and Toni Paterson many questions have been answered and many obstacles have been overcome. For those who signed up to help with the project and for those who wish to become involved you will be pleased to know that Second Harvest has approved our application and will be helping us. We will order and receive food from them at no charge. (If you recall we initially thought we would have to buy the food and pay for it.) Other questions you asked about have been answered. We will have a place to store the food and a place to assemble the bags. This ordering, delivering and assembling 12 bags of groceries will be once a month. The work will be shared with auxiliaries from from San Mateo County and Santa Clara County. All this is still a work in progress and I'll have more details to report at the May 21st general meeting. Needless to say, the Social Services Department at the Hospital is thrilled and so grateful that this much needed service will be taken care of. Here is yet another way we can help these needy families. I'll have more good news to offer when I see you all at the May meeting.
APRIL: Ann Bennett
MAY: Margaret Stafford JUNE: Dallas Manning
Kathy Squellati Ruth Wood
Rosamond Martin Jane Andrews
Cille Emery Louise Thursby
Mary Hicks
Donna Jones
See you in May, dear members,