Good morning, Dear Members -
By now, I trust you all have made your reservations for the Association of Auxiliaries for Children's Annual Luncheon on February 25, 2013,from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge on Campus Drive West at the Stanford School of Medicine. This promises to be an outstanding day for us with a full program and delicious lunch in a beautiful setting.
The deadline has been extended and some space is still available. If you wish to attend,please call or email Tara Quinn, 497-8591 or
There is much to share but first, please mark your calendar: (for details as to where and when on all events, go to the website and click on Calendar.)
FEB. 19 Membership mtg at Lucie Stern Community Center, PA, 1-3:00pm
FEB. 25 Association of Auxiliaries Annual Celebratory Luncheon (see above)
FEB. 26, 28 RwH Sultana, MP lunch & Dinner
MAR. 12 Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home,PA please RSVP
MAR. 19 Guided tour at 1135 Hamilton Court, MP from 1:00pm to 2:15pm
This is an exclusive, private tour for PAA of the Hospital Expansion Mock-ups that is used for training purposes. We will view the mock-ups of the Intensive Care Unit and Med/Surgical Patient Rooms, the Cardiac Hybrid Operating Room and the Neuro Operating Room/Neuro Hybrid Operating room designed for the new Hospital building slated to open in December 2016. Please RSVP to Luisa Pliska or (650)593-9334 BY MARCH 12!
MAR. 24 RwH Brunch at California Cafe,PA
MAR. 25 RwH Dinner at California Cafe,PA
APRIL - no general meeting
APRIL 9 Thora's Thimbles at Stephanie Beach's home, PA please RSVP
No membership mtg in April
MAY 14 Thora's Thimbles at Stephanie Beach's home, PA please RSVP
MAY 21 Membership mtg at Lucie Stern Communiity Center,PA 1-3:00pm
JUNE 11 Thora's Thimbles location TBD
JUNE 18 Membership mtg location TBD
Here are just a few highlights for those of you who were unable to attend our Annual Luncheon at the University Club. Many thanks to Gerry Nelson for making all the arrangements for this all-important event. Deborah Potash enhanced the centerpieces which were little herb gardens donated by Trader Joe's. Thank you once again to Catherine McGilvray for sponsoring us at this lovely venue,
We proudly presented Dr. David Alexander, President and CEO of the LPFCH, with our annual donation of $75,000. $56,000 of that was earned in 2012 from AGFS, RwH, Holiday Boutique, cookbook sales and donations and member events. Dr. Alexander addressed not only our generous gift of money, but also thanked us for all that we do, our special projects like Books and Bears, Teen Van Kits, Pillows and Blankets and Tote Bags which do not raise money but are so important and appreciated by the families and the medical staff. In future blogs, I shall have photos to share of our delightful day together.
- The hard work done by Nancy Bronstein and Victoria Applegate has resulted in CVS Pharmacies awarding us a grant of $2,500 to help fund the TeenVan Toiletry Kit project. Needed still are travel size deodorent, hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, razors and body washes ( no soaps please)
- Thora's Thimbles has very good news to report.
As many of you know, the board voted to continue Thora's pillow and blanket project and renamed it Thora's Thimbles. We now needed someone to chair this project. Stephanie Beach and Sarah Beetem took over during the interim. Fortunately, dear Ellen Smith came forward

in 1980. She worked at Stanford for 27 years and after retiring 4 years ago,
she rejoined the Tuesday Group Luncheon and is now ready to take over the
pillow project. Ellen looks forward "to renewing friendships and making new
ones as we sew together to help the children at LPCH and other groups.
Dallas Manning is compiling a Memory Book for John Richardson and family. If you have any memories or stories of Thora that you feel the family would love to hear please send them to me or to Dallas.
- Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee has sent its final draft of revisions to Victoria Applegate. She will review the changes to see if we are in compliance with the rules for non-profits.
- RWH has offered the idea of our purchasing gift certificates for friends for the restaurants of their choice for any of our monthly offerings. In that way, they can go with their other friends and neighbors. These also are good as thank you gifts for teachers, hairdressers, hostesses,etc.
Many of you have said you would like more engagement with the Hospital. The Association of Auxiliaries' is planning working committees, to do just that; Under the umbrella of "Hospital Engagement" there are four projects in which you and/or friends(do not have to be members) may be interested in participating:
- Teen Van - work among Auxiliaries to determine Van's needs and coordinate gathering and distribution. Would like representation from each Auxiliary and non-Auxiliary volunteers are welcome.
- Beads of Courage - Raise funds for purchase of beads and make bags for necklaces for patients Distribute to partcipating departments (oncology and cardiac) and potentially expand into ER, NICU, etc
- Packard Pantry - Group will develop program to purchase or receive from Second Harvest) food items, pack weekly and lunch bags and stock pantry for social services.
- Reach Out and Read - Read to children in waiting room on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30
If you are interested in any of these please let me know or you can contact Toni Patterson directly.
Gail Sachs and her family on the death of Gail's mother, Esther, who passed away Feb 7th.
Jennifer Dutton and her family on the passing of her mother, Joy Dutton. Joy has been a member since 1963.
Peggy Fry and her family on the death of her mother Macca Winnburg who was a "tea bag lady" in 1969.
- Cookbook sales have gone international. We have one book order from England!
- American Girl Fashion Show and Tea prize deliveries are done in great style. Marilyn Rogers'sister-in-law is a deputy Sheriff in Pacific Grove. She delivered the last prize this morning to the winner in Pebble Beach. She delivered it in a squad car with lights flashing.! Needless to say the recipients were thrilled.
Marti Deacon
Joan Heye
Audrey Polster
Catharine McMahon
Carolyn Hofstetter
Stephanie Beach
Elizabeth Modena
Ericka Crowley
Ginny Lee
Lumie Steele
In closing, I would like to thank my incredible 2012 Board and you- our dear members for the lovely thank you letters and donations made to LPCH in my honor. None of the goals set in 2012 could have been reached without your work ethic, incredible abilitie and loyalty. Thank you individually and collectively for all that you have done, do and continue to do. Once again it is my honor to be President of so special a group of women.
Marti Deacon
Joan Heye
Audrey Polster
Catharine McMahon
Carolyn Hofstetter
Stephanie Beach
Elizabeth Modena
Ericka Crowley
Ginny Lee
Lumie Steele
In closing, I would like to thank my incredible 2012 Board and you- our dear members for the lovely thank you letters and donations made to LPCH in my honor. None of the goals set in 2012 could have been reached without your work ethic, incredible abilitie and loyalty. Thank you individually and collectively for all that you have done, do and continue to do. Once again it is my honor to be President of so special a group of women.