Good morning, Dear Members and a Happy New Year to everyone!
As the holidays recede all too quickly into the rear-view mirror I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the incredible effort each of you has put forth in our fund raising efforts and in the support you have given me via your emails, phone calls and sidewalk chats. I now invite you all to look into our mirror of the future and see reflected the wonderful year ahead for PAA.
News of the usual end of year reports on the PAA business agenda will be reported at our Annual Luncheon meeting but I have a few other items of interest to share with you.
But first a gentle reminder and the 2013 calendar events for January, February and March:
Our Annual Luncheon Meeting is on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 from 9:30am - 2:00pm at the University Club of Palo Alto, 3277 Miranda Avenue.
Check in time is 9:30am and our Business Meeting will begin at 10:00. At 12:30pm members will be seated for a lovely lunch and the presentation of our annual gift to LPCH. Luncheon will conclude with fun fund prizes at 2:00pm
You will note that this year we have responded to your requests for a different venue for our annual luncheon. As you know, this is the grand meeting where we proudly present Dr. Alexander with our annual gift In addition we will give our final reports for 2012, recognize our past presidents, our project leaders, outgoing board, welcome the 2013 Board of Directors and share our plans for 2013.
The deadline for reservations was January 4th - However, Dallas Manning is still accepting phone or email reservations, (650) 858-1376 Her email - Come and enjoy our day together.
The 2013 calendar is still a work in progress. Below are the events for January, February and March. Once we have firmed up the rest of the year we will send out a post card listing those dates. Kathy Squellati after the Annual Meeting will begin completing the members' calendar each month giving us the details of each event listed on the webpage event calendar. Go to then click on events; for details click on calendar. there you will get information of where and when. Many thanks to Kathy for doing this important job.
Jan. 8 Thora's Thimbles, @ Stephanie Beach's PA 9:30am RSVP (650)856-0278
Jan. 15 Annual Membership Luncheon Mtg 9:30am @ University Club,PA
Jan. 21-22 RwH @ Divino, Belmont
Feb. 12 Thora's Thimbles, @ Stephanie Beach's PA 9:30am RSVP (650)856-0278
Feb. 19 General Membership Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Center,PA
Feb.RwH TB
Mar. 12 Thora's Thimbles,@ Stephanie Beach's PA 9:30am RSVP (650)856-0278
Mar. 19 General Membership Mtg. Guided tour of the full-size medical mock ups of specialized operating rooms and patient rooms designed for the new construction
Mar. 23-24 RwH @ California Cafe,PA Sun brunch, Mon. Dinner
As you all know,June Schiller is our new Treasurer for 2013. Many of you know June but I'd like to tell you a little about her. June has been a member since 1970. Her volunteering extends beyond PAA. June has served as President of AAUW and PTA. She has taught in the Palo Alto Unified School District and served as President of the Palo Alto Education Association, was Dean of Students at Jordon Middle School, Principal of Fairmeadow Elementary School and Director of Building Development for the School Distrtict. Once she retired she returned to PAA as a Thursday server. We are thrilled to have her on the Board. Please go to our website for more information and June's photo.
Karole Goldie is also a new Board member. She will be our Corresponding Secretary for 2013. Unfortunately, information on Karole's many accomplishments has not arrived in time for this month's blog. However, I know Karole has been a member since 1999. She was on the Board at one time as Recording Secretary. She is an attorney. However, her real claim to fame is she was our Bunny for our Bunny days events and she has a handsome young 4th grader who - as a little boy would come to events at the restaurant and once fell in the fountain!. What more could one want in a Board member! the Board is equally thrilled to have her with us in 2013. Once I receive a photo and Karole's bio you can see more information by going to our website.
Deedee McMurty
Jo Ann Pfost
Carolyn Keeley
Marilyn Ellis
Deborah Potash
B.J. Sorensen
Now, it is truly with a heavy heart that I share the following with you. I recently learned that Shirlee Stite's husband, Don passed away on December 24. Shirlee and Don decided their Christmas gift to each other this year would be a grand celebration party with all the family and friends on Dec. 22. As many of you know Don had been ill for some time. The next day they had the traditional Sunday brunch before Christmas. That night Don passed away in his sleep, peacefully and in no pain. As Shirlee said, "how fortunate and blessed that the entire family was with him the day he passed away."
There will be no service. For those who wish to make a donation in his name, please send it either to the Stanford Buck Club or Yosemite Conservancy PAA has made a donation to LPCH in his name. Shirlee and her family are in our thoughts and prayers.
This year has been one of joys and sorrows. In regards to the passing of dear Thora Richardson, I received many glowing, thoughtful emails and letters regarding Thora that the Board would like to compile them in a scrapbook for her husband and family. Should you have any thoughts to share and would like them to be placed in this booklet, please email them to me, or mail them to me at 1567 Escondido Way, Belmont, CA 94002. I will compile them with what I have and will send them along to Dallas Manning who has offered to do the booklet.
Lest we end on so sad a note - I should report the joyous news of a grandson born December 26 making Karen and Bob Stevens first time grandparents.
My dear members, I will have more joyous news to share at our meeting on Tuesday. The mirror of the future reflects so many good things for PAA. Until then, my wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy and Grand New Year.
My dear members, I will have more joyous news to share at our meeting on Tuesday. The mirror of the future reflects so many good things for PAA. Until then, my wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy and Grand New Year.