October 1, 2013
Good morning, Dear Members,
Here we are together again in the midst of our important yearly fund raising events and general meetings. All paid members have been sent a card stock "bookmark" listing all the activities for the rest of the year. I have listed those dates below with the following additions. We have just had confirmation from our guest speaker at the Nov. 19th general membership meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center. Jack Komejan, LCSW, will share the overall work of the LPCH Social Services Department as well as the Transplant camp (which we funded) and the magnificent work of our newly formed Packard Pantry Affiliate. Also, please note that the October 8th Thora's Thimbles will not be meeting this month. Our pillow ladies have made more than enough pillows ready to be delivered when needed. Please mark your calendar.
Oct 8 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP (will not meet this month)
Oct 14 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 15 - Annual Membership Tea & Mtg @ at Arrillaga Family Rec Center, Menlo Park 1-3:00pm
Oct. 28-29 - RWH at Quinto Sol, Redwood City
Nov 11 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 12 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Nov 19-20 - RWH at Creola, San Carlos
Nov 19 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Dec. 7 - Holiday Boutique, Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park
Dec 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 10 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
I must thank Kathy Squellati for handling and attending three different meetings for me while I was away. One could not ask for a better Vice President! For those who were unable to attend the September General Meeting here are some highlights: Dr. Ammerman presented details on his program, The Teen Health Van, Marilyn Rogers, Chair of our American Girl Fashion Show reported on the exciting plans coming to fruition for October 25th and 26th. Volunteers are still needed for various jobs. If you would like to volunteer please call Nancy Larsson (650)967-4384. There are many jobs that still need helpers. Sharon Brugos asks for donations for our Holiday Boutique on December 7th. Mary Hicks presented an exquisite menu for our Annual Tea on October 15 and asked for volunteers interested in preparing food. Nancy Bronstein shared news that Anna Henderson from Allied Arts Auxiliary will be chairing the THV Affiliate program which will consist of 3 projects: 1.Clothing, 2. Toiletry Kits and 3 Food, beverages and gift cards.
EXCITING NEWS: B.J. Sorenson presented the Nominating Committee's proposed slate of officers for PAABoard position for 2014: CO-PRESIDENTS: Sarah Beetem and Nancy Larsson; 1st VP: Stephanie Beach; Recording Secretary: Ellen Smith; Corresponding Secretary: Susan Kirtley; Treasurer: June Schiller; Hospitality: Dallas Manning.
This is a wonderful slate of officers. Thank you to each one who accepted the position. This slate will be voted on at the Membership Tea.
Roth Auxiliary will be having complimentary gift personalization at the Gift Shop on October 8 and 23 when you purchase an item of $10 or more. Charter's next Rummage Sale at 1228 Douglas Ave. in Redwood City is schedule for October 28-29. San Jose's 41st annual Pumpkin Patch Boutique will be held October 12, 9am-3pm at 1st Congregational Church, 1980 Hamilton Ave. in San Jose.(we will be selling our cookbook there) San Francisco's Jewel Ball will be held Nov.9 at the Four Seasons in S.F. Allied Arts Guild will hold there Holiday Market on December 7th (we will be selling our unique handmade items and our cookbook there)
REACH OUT AND READ AFFILIATE is up and running successfully. They are still accepting volunteers interested.
As co-chair of the PACKARD PANTRY AFFILIATE I am thrilled to report to you our results from 5/9/13 through 8/22/13. Since May 2013, the Packard Pantry Affiliate has delivered groceries for Packard patient families staying at the Hospital or Ronald McDonald House, while their children receive medial treatment. These figures demonstrate the Affiliate's significant impact:
Number of Groceries Deliveries: 7 days
Number of Grocery Bags Packed: 105
Number of Pounds of Food Distributed: 2,632
Number of Families Served: 99
Number of Persons Served: 280
Number of Volunteer Hours: 48 hours, including 7 training hours
Number of Volunteer Slots Covered: 25
Number of New Affiliate Volunteers: 13
Number of Trained New Shoppers: 7
Needless to say we need more volunteers - to date we have had volunteers from the following auxiliaries: Allied Arts, San Jose, San Mateo/Burlingame, San Francisco and of course, Palo Alto.
I am so proud of all these people but especially our members. We are so incredibly busy at this time of year with our own fund raising events that it showcases the magnificent strength and dedication of our members. THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Once the New Year is upon us I hope many of you will donate just one day for Packard Pantry.
Should you be interested in volunteering for either of these affiliate projects go to associationofauxiliaries.ivolunteer.com/ or contact me 650-593-9334. These are truly feel-good projects.
When I returned from New York I learned that Malkah Carothers' husband, Donald passed away on September 12th at the age of 83. A memorial service was held on September 28th. Our thoughts and prayers are with Malkah and her family. A donation will be made to LPCH in his memory.
15 Years Stephanie Beach
Dora Fergason
20 Years Sharon Brugos
25 Years Marjorie Ford
30 Years Ginny Lee
Gail Sachs
Idonna Snow
35 Years Erika Crowley
Barbara McCall
Cille Emery
40 Years Henrietta Ferry
Marcie Freeman
Margie Harrington
Maureen Roskoph
Barbara Moll
Eleanor Settle
45 Years Dee Cunningham
Deedee McMurtry
Betty Plemons
Norene Scholz
50 Years Phyllis Austin
Betty Peterson-Brawner
Ceci Britton
B.J. Sorensen
51 Years Helen Smith
55 Years Rita Benedict
Beverly Bulmore
Rita Chaput
Shirlee Stites
Nancy Bronstein, Sue Ellen Naugler, Luisa Pliska
Sarah Beetem, Jane Bradley, Ellen Latour, Gerry Nelson, Marilyn Slater, Karen Stevens, Karen Sutherland, Kay Willoughby
These upcoming months are packed with our fund raising events that need so much of our time and talents. We know that money enables us to make a difference in the lives of the needy children and families at LPCH. However, all our non-money making projects give much more than money and those projects are thriving. Thank you all for your hard work and joyful participation. We are indeed women of substance with the power to make a difference.
Volunteers raising funds for the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Friday, October 4, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
You are the voice and image of PAA
August 1, 2013
Good morning, Dear Members -
As usual, there is much news to share but first please mark your calendar. I have included all dates for the rest of the year. (You all, also, should have received a Event Calendar bookmark to put where it will be a gentle reminder.) Note the change in the American Girl dates. (I will explain why in the body of this blog.)
Aug 26-27 - RWH Scott's Seafood, Palo Alto
Sept 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Sept 10 - Thora's Thimbles, no meeting this month
Sept 17 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Sept 23-24 - RWH at Renzo Cafe, Palo Alto
Oct 8 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Oct 14 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 15 - Annual Membership Tea & Mtg @ at Arrillaga Family Rec Center, Menlo Park
Oct. 28-29 - RWH at Quinto Sol, Redwood City
Nov 11 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 12 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Nov 18-19 - RWH at Creola, San Carlos
Nov 19 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Dec. 7 - Holiday Boutique, Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park
Dec 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 10 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Thank you to all who attended our June meeting and to those who sent in their proxy. We covered a great deal and I thank you for your wise decisions. You know, those of you who attend the meetings are the voice and image of PAA and you drive the direction of the Palo Alto Auxiliary. So, again - thank you.
BYLAWS: After due discussion, the membership voted to accept the changes to the Bylaws and Standing Rules as presented.
TEEN VAN KITS: Our Teen Van Kit pilot project has proven itself very successful. Since the Association has not yet found a chairperson for the Teen Health Van Kit project, the membership voted to continue the PAA Teen Kit project as originally planned with Nancy Bronstein as chair of the project which will have 10 kits ready each month. This is the plan until we hear differently from the Association.
BUY A BRICK: The membership also approved a $1000.00 donation to donate a 4"x 8"brick with 2 lines of text, with 23 characters each. The bricks will line two community paths at the corner of Welch and Quarry Roads. The donated bricks are scheduled to be installed in the fall of 2016 prior to the new buiilding's grand opening. I invite you all to send in your recommendations as to what should be inscribed in the Palo Alto Auxiliary brick. Imagine we will be immortalized in stone for all to see!!
Please take note that Dr. Ammerman will be our speaker on Sept 17, Also on the agenda is some exciting news from the Nominating Committee. They are prepared to present a slate of officers for 2013! Please make every effort to be there.
Our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea dates has been changed to October 25 and 26 because theAmerican Girl Corporation will be opening a store where Talbots used to be in the Stanford Shopping Center. They will have their grand opening on Friday, November 15th. The good news is that they will donate their proceeds for that day to LPCH.
Marilyn Rogers, our talented, high energy AGFS project coordinator, still needs many volunteers for various jobs. This is our grand fund raiser which is successful because so many of us sign up to help. Please make every effort to volunteer for a job - big or small. Marilyn's phone number in the directory is incorrect. Her correct number is 650-941-2918. She needs and welcomes your participation.
I have sad news to share with you. I had called Jacqui Clark to see how she was doing since the passing of her husband. She said she is looking forward to becoming active again with PAA but was going in for a double by-pass operation the next day. On June 11th her daughter called and said Jacqui had passed away that morning. Marge Meaher lost her husband, Thomas, in July and Adrienne Bennet's husband, Hammish, passed away on August 2 after a long illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Adrienne sent a lovely note thanking us for all our cards and condolences and looks forward to returning to more PAA activities.
I do have good news to share - we have a wonderful new member, Cathy Murphy. Cathy is a friend of Kathy Squellati's. She has magic in her fingers and attended our delightful Thora's Thimbles meetings. She will be at our membership meeting on the 17th so you will have the opportunity to welcome her.
I also just heard from a former Wednesday girl, Ginny Wilson. Erika Crowley recently saw her and learned that Ginny had retired and encouraged her to become involved again. I sent her a welcome- back note explaining all the projects and events in which she might be interested.
I - too have good news. On Sunday, Sept. 1 my son Greg and daughter-in-law, Jessica had a baby boy (one month early) So, the first Pliska grandson has arrived! Because of his early arrival and because my 7 house guests have recently left after a wonderful two weeks - my calendar has been altered and I had to rush to get this blog done before I leave. I will be leaving for New York early tomorrow morning and I apologize for the scarcity of news. However,you will hear more about the Packard Pantry and other pertinent Association news at the membership meeting. Until then....
Good morning, Dear Members -
As usual, there is much news to share but first please mark your calendar. I have included all dates for the rest of the year. (You all, also, should have received a Event Calendar bookmark to put where it will be a gentle reminder.) Note the change in the American Girl dates. (I will explain why in the body of this blog.)
Aug 26-27 - RWH Scott's Seafood, Palo Alto
Sept 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Sept 10 - Thora's Thimbles, no meeting this month
Sept 17 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Sept 23-24 - RWH at Renzo Cafe, Palo Alto
Oct 8 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Oct 14 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 15 - Annual Membership Tea & Mtg @ at Arrillaga Family Rec Center, Menlo Park
Oct. 28-29 - RWH at Quinto Sol, Redwood City
Nov 11 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 12 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Nov 18-19 - RWH at Creola, San Carlos
Nov 19 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Dec. 7 - Holiday Boutique, Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park
Dec 9 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 10 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Thank you to all who attended our June meeting and to those who sent in their proxy. We covered a great deal and I thank you for your wise decisions. You know, those of you who attend the meetings are the voice and image of PAA and you drive the direction of the Palo Alto Auxiliary. So, again - thank you.
BYLAWS: After due discussion, the membership voted to accept the changes to the Bylaws and Standing Rules as presented.
TEEN VAN KITS: Our Teen Van Kit pilot project has proven itself very successful. Since the Association has not yet found a chairperson for the Teen Health Van Kit project, the membership voted to continue the PAA Teen Kit project as originally planned with Nancy Bronstein as chair of the project which will have 10 kits ready each month. This is the plan until we hear differently from the Association.
BUY A BRICK: The membership also approved a $1000.00 donation to donate a 4"x 8"brick with 2 lines of text, with 23 characters each. The bricks will line two community paths at the corner of Welch and Quarry Roads. The donated bricks are scheduled to be installed in the fall of 2016 prior to the new buiilding's grand opening. I invite you all to send in your recommendations as to what should be inscribed in the Palo Alto Auxiliary brick. Imagine we will be immortalized in stone for all to see!!
Please take note that Dr. Ammerman will be our speaker on Sept 17, Also on the agenda is some exciting news from the Nominating Committee. They are prepared to present a slate of officers for 2013! Please make every effort to be there.
Our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea dates has been changed to October 25 and 26 because theAmerican Girl Corporation will be opening a store where Talbots used to be in the Stanford Shopping Center. They will have their grand opening on Friday, November 15th. The good news is that they will donate their proceeds for that day to LPCH.
Marilyn Rogers, our talented, high energy AGFS project coordinator, still needs many volunteers for various jobs. This is our grand fund raiser which is successful because so many of us sign up to help. Please make every effort to volunteer for a job - big or small. Marilyn's phone number in the directory is incorrect. Her correct number is 650-941-2918. She needs and welcomes your participation.
I have sad news to share with you. I had called Jacqui Clark to see how she was doing since the passing of her husband. She said she is looking forward to becoming active again with PAA but was going in for a double by-pass operation the next day. On June 11th her daughter called and said Jacqui had passed away that morning. Marge Meaher lost her husband, Thomas, in July and Adrienne Bennet's husband, Hammish, passed away on August 2 after a long illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Adrienne sent a lovely note thanking us for all our cards and condolences and looks forward to returning to more PAA activities.
I do have good news to share - we have a wonderful new member, Cathy Murphy. Cathy is a friend of Kathy Squellati's. She has magic in her fingers and attended our delightful Thora's Thimbles meetings. She will be at our membership meeting on the 17th so you will have the opportunity to welcome her.
I also just heard from a former Wednesday girl, Ginny Wilson. Erika Crowley recently saw her and learned that Ginny had retired and encouraged her to become involved again. I sent her a welcome- back note explaining all the projects and events in which she might be interested.
I - too have good news. On Sunday, Sept. 1 my son Greg and daughter-in-law, Jessica had a baby boy (one month early) So, the first Pliska grandson has arrived! Because of his early arrival and because my 7 house guests have recently left after a wonderful two weeks - my calendar has been altered and I had to rush to get this blog done before I leave. I will be leaving for New York early tomorrow morning and I apologize for the scarcity of news. However,you will hear more about the Packard Pantry and other pertinent Association news at the membership meeting. Until then....
Sharon Brugos
Mildred Chin
Inge Crozier
Marge Ford
Sue Moore
Gail Sachs
Kay Wangelin
Adrienne Bennet
Malkah Carothers
Sally Bush
Many thank you's to those who contact me with your suggestions, concerns and news you wish to share. You know I always appreciate hearing from you.
Sharon Brugos
Mildred Chin
Inge Crozier
Marge Ford
Sue Moore
Gail Sachs
Kay Wangelin
Adrienne Bennet
Malkah Carothers
Sally Bush
Many thank you's to those who contact me with your suggestions, concerns and news you wish to share. You know I always appreciate hearing from you.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
PAA is at its finest when......
PAA is at its finest when....
Good morning, Dear Members,
There is much news to share. So I will be writing two blogs this June - but first, please mark your calendars for June, July and August.
June 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
June 11 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSV
June 18 - General Mtg @ at Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 1-3:00pm
June 24-25 - RWH at Mythos, San Carlos
July 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
July 9 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
July 23-24 - RWH at Iron Gate, San Carlos
Aug 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Aug 13 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Aug 26-27 - RWH Scott's Seafood, Palo Alto
On June 18th we have our very important general meeting at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 600Alma Street in Menlo Park. All of you had received copies of the Bylaws and Standing Rules changes before the May 21st meeting. They were also presented at that meeting. On June 18th we will take a vote on those changes. A great deal of time and effort has been put into updating and refreshing our bylaws and standing rules to reflect who we are and what we do now. All changes were done to make us "user friendly" and encourage new members. It is very important that you be there. We will be in the little Oak Room off the lovely patio from 1-3:00pm. It is a full agenda since this is our last meeting before the summer hiatus. There is much to talk about.
On May 21st Kevin Danie, the head teacher at Packard Children's in-house school visited with us. He spoke of how the school provides a public education at the primary, intermediate and secondary education levels not only for the patients but also for their siblings. In so doing, they maintain a sense of normalcy in the patients' lives as well as assisting them with staying current in their school work. He is a delightful speaker and not only informed us of the many programs offered but also showed us how far reaching their program is - in that what they do is shared with other hospitals across the nation.

Those of us who were there thoroughly appreciated Kevin's presentation. A small token
representing a great big thank you to him was a
certificate for dinner for two at the RwH of his
choice and a copy of our cookbook"Tastes, Tales and Traditions."
PAA, at its finest, unites the excitement of the new with the best of what has come before. We have always had that ability to share memorable moments while embracing what comes next. Coming next is this Packard Pantry project. Yet another way to help the children. It is not a fund raiser like our American Girl Event, Restaurants with Heart, Tastes,Tales and Traditions or the Holiday Boutique. But it is a worthy enough endeavor to join our "hands and hearts"projects. Thora's Thimbles, Tote Bags and Teen Kits do not raise funds but fill such an important need for LPCH patients and staff. This is also a project that involves all the auxiliaries, friends who may wish to help just once or twice and anyone from the community.
27 of us signed up to learn more about the Packard Pantry. In my April Blog I gave you a description of what it was all about and we discussed it at the May meeting. I will briefly reiterate a little of that to refresh your memory.
Many of the very sick children at LPCH are here for a long time before and after any major surgery. There are parents who have to take unpaid leave from work to be with their child and often have to bring their other children with them. Thus, incurring the added burden of travel expense, housing and meals. We partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to assemble bags of food to be given to those families identified by the LPCH social services department as being in need.
I attended the Volunteer Orientation meeting at Second Harvest. The room was packed with people from all walks of life with one mutual reason to be there - to learn the policy and procedures of Second Harvest so they could bring food to very needy people and agencies. I was so proud to be among so fine a group of people. You would have been as well had you been there.
Policies and procedures for 3 volunteer positions were developed and on May 9th, those of us involved with the planning,Toni Paterson, Victoria Applegate, Tara Quinn, Missy Ryan and I did the first trial run. It went very well. Of course, there is still some refinement and I would imagine with input from all of you, other improvements will be made as we go along.
May 23rd was the first run with Auxiliary members who were not involved with planning. I'm delighted to report that one of the two members first to sign up was our very own Kathy Squellati. Anna Henderson, from Allied Arts Guild Auxiliary was the other. Anna brought along her camera and graciously allowed me to use her photos.
Briefly, I will explain the 3 volunteer options. You can sign up for once a year or twice or as often as you wish. Also, other volunteers from auxiliaries, the community, or friends you know who want to help just once in awhile are more than welcome. With an increase in numbers we should end up only having to volunteer once or twice a year!
This is such an easy, enjoyable way to meet new volunteers, the LPCH staff and to help these needy families. We are not all as altruistic as we would like to be. Yes, we want to help our patients and their families but a big part of our giving is that we feel so good in so doing. This is truly a "feel good" project.
Our Packard Pantry days are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Time commitment for all volunteer options is about two hours (not including travel time)

PICK UP AND DELIVER volunteer option:
At 9:00am you are to be at 2nd Harvest Food Bank in San Carlos to pick up our pre-ordered groceries,
You will "shop" in the warehouse for additional specified items. At least one person in this group must have attended the Orientation Program which is a 1 hour meeting and tour at Second Harvest Food Bank. Our order will fit in one med-sized car. The SHFB staff will help you load up. Then off to LPCH to meet the volunteer "Packers"waiting for us at 10:00am with the little red wagons to help us unload and bring the food to the cafeteria. You are then free to leave.
PACKERS Volunteer option:
At 9:45am you will check in at the lobby information desk for security clearance photo. Proceed to the cafeteria to confirm that 4 tables have been reserved for us. Then return to the lobby at 10:00am to help the Pick Up and Deliver volunteers unload their car, place the foodstuffs in the red wagons and transport the items to the cafeteria. Place the food on the tables in an assembly line fashion.
There you will pack 15 2-person bags. At 11:00am you will call Social Services and inform them that the bags are ready for pick up. Remain with the bags until they come. Then recycle boxes and dispose of trash. Return wagons to the lobby and you are free to go feeling ever so good about what you have just accomplished.
PICK UP, DELIVER AND PACK volunteer option:
(this includes both of the above options.)
At 9:00am you are to be at 2nd Harvest Food Bank in San Carlos to pick up our pre-ordered groceries,You will "shop" in the warehouse for additional specified items. At least one person in this group must have attended the Orientation Program which is a 1 hour meeting and tour at Second Harvest Food Bank. Our order will fit in one med-sized car. The SHFB staff will help you load up.
May 23, Jun 13, No June 27 (Second Harvest Food Bank is closed for inventory) July 11,
Good morning, Dear Members,
There is much news to share. So I will be writing two blogs this June - but first, please mark your calendars for June, July and August.
June 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
June 11 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSV
June 18 - General Mtg @ at Arrillaga Family Recreation Center 1-3:00pm
June 24-25 - RWH at Mythos, San Carlos
July 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
July 9 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
July 23-24 - RWH at Iron Gate, San Carlos
Aug 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Aug 13 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Aug 26-27 - RWH Scott's Seafood, Palo Alto
On June 18th we have our very important general meeting at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 600Alma Street in Menlo Park. All of you had received copies of the Bylaws and Standing Rules changes before the May 21st meeting. They were also presented at that meeting. On June 18th we will take a vote on those changes. A great deal of time and effort has been put into updating and refreshing our bylaws and standing rules to reflect who we are and what we do now. All changes were done to make us "user friendly" and encourage new members. It is very important that you be there. We will be in the little Oak Room off the lovely patio from 1-3:00pm. It is a full agenda since this is our last meeting before the summer hiatus. There is much to talk about.
On May 21st Kevin Danie, the head teacher at Packard Children's in-house school visited with us. He spoke of how the school provides a public education at the primary, intermediate and secondary education levels not only for the patients but also for their siblings. In so doing, they maintain a sense of normalcy in the patients' lives as well as assisting them with staying current in their school work. He is a delightful speaker and not only informed us of the many programs offered but also showed us how far reaching their program is - in that what they do is shared with other hospitals across the nation.

Those of us who were there thoroughly appreciated Kevin's presentation. A small token
representing a great big thank you to him was a
certificate for dinner for two at the RwH of his
choice and a copy of our cookbook"Tastes, Tales and Traditions."
PAA, at its finest, unites the excitement of the new with the best of what has come before. We have always had that ability to share memorable moments while embracing what comes next. Coming next is this Packard Pantry project. Yet another way to help the children. It is not a fund raiser like our American Girl Event, Restaurants with Heart, Tastes,Tales and Traditions or the Holiday Boutique. But it is a worthy enough endeavor to join our "hands and hearts"projects. Thora's Thimbles, Tote Bags and Teen Kits do not raise funds but fill such an important need for LPCH patients and staff. This is also a project that involves all the auxiliaries, friends who may wish to help just once or twice and anyone from the community.
27 of us signed up to learn more about the Packard Pantry. In my April Blog I gave you a description of what it was all about and we discussed it at the May meeting. I will briefly reiterate a little of that to refresh your memory.
Many of the very sick children at LPCH are here for a long time before and after any major surgery. There are parents who have to take unpaid leave from work to be with their child and often have to bring their other children with them. Thus, incurring the added burden of travel expense, housing and meals. We partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to assemble bags of food to be given to those families identified by the LPCH social services department as being in need.
I attended the Volunteer Orientation meeting at Second Harvest. The room was packed with people from all walks of life with one mutual reason to be there - to learn the policy and procedures of Second Harvest so they could bring food to very needy people and agencies. I was so proud to be among so fine a group of people. You would have been as well had you been there.
Policies and procedures for 3 volunteer positions were developed and on May 9th, those of us involved with the planning,Toni Paterson, Victoria Applegate, Tara Quinn, Missy Ryan and I did the first trial run. It went very well. Of course, there is still some refinement and I would imagine with input from all of you, other improvements will be made as we go along.
May 23rd was the first run with Auxiliary members who were not involved with planning. I'm delighted to report that one of the two members first to sign up was our very own Kathy Squellati. Anna Henderson, from Allied Arts Guild Auxiliary was the other. Anna brought along her camera and graciously allowed me to use her photos.
Briefly, I will explain the 3 volunteer options. You can sign up for once a year or twice or as often as you wish. Also, other volunteers from auxiliaries, the community, or friends you know who want to help just once in awhile are more than welcome. With an increase in numbers we should end up only having to volunteer once or twice a year!
This is such an easy, enjoyable way to meet new volunteers, the LPCH staff and to help these needy families. We are not all as altruistic as we would like to be. Yes, we want to help our patients and their families but a big part of our giving is that we feel so good in so doing. This is truly a "feel good" project.
Our Packard Pantry days are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Time commitment for all volunteer options is about two hours (not including travel time)

At 9:00am you are to be at 2nd Harvest Food Bank in San Carlos to pick up our pre-ordered groceries,
You will "shop" in the warehouse for additional specified items. At least one person in this group must have attended the Orientation Program which is a 1 hour meeting and tour at Second Harvest Food Bank. Our order will fit in one med-sized car. The SHFB staff will help you load up. Then off to LPCH to meet the volunteer "Packers"waiting for us at 10:00am with the little red wagons to help us unload and bring the food to the cafeteria. You are then free to leave.
PACKERS Volunteer option:
At 9:45am you will check in at the lobby information desk for security clearance photo. Proceed to the cafeteria to confirm that 4 tables have been reserved for us. Then return to the lobby at 10:00am to help the Pick Up and Deliver volunteers unload their car, place the foodstuffs in the red wagons and transport the items to the cafeteria. Place the food on the tables in an assembly line fashion.
There you will pack 15 2-person bags. At 11:00am you will call Social Services and inform them that the bags are ready for pick up. Remain with the bags until they come. Then recycle boxes and dispose of trash. Return wagons to the lobby and you are free to go feeling ever so good about what you have just accomplished.
PICK UP, DELIVER AND PACK volunteer option:
(this includes both of the above options.)
At 9:00am you are to be at 2nd Harvest Food Bank in San Carlos to pick up our pre-ordered groceries,You will "shop" in the warehouse for additional specified items. At least one person in this group must have attended the Orientation Program which is a 1 hour meeting and tour at Second Harvest Food Bank. Our order will fit in one med-sized car. The SHFB staff will help you load up.
At 10:00am you will deliver the order to the front entrance at LPCH. There you will be met by the "Packers"waiting for us at 10:00am with the little red wagons to help you unload.
Then go park your car and return to LPCH to pack the bags. You must first check in at the lobby information desk and get your security clearance photo. Then proceed to the cafeteria to help assemble the bags. Once completed, call social security. Wait until they come to pick up the bags. Recycle boxes and dispose of trash in nearby bins. You are then free to go and feeling very good about what you have just accomplished.
Go to http://associationofauxiliaries.ivolunteer.com/packardpantryaffiliate
the password is: pantry
There are 3 signup tabs:
1st tab is for those who wish PickUp (at Second Harvest Food Bank), Deliver to LPCH AND Pack the bags in the LPCH cafeteria.
2nd tab is for those who only wish to Pick Up (at Second Harvest Food Bank) and Deliver the food to LPCH.
3rd tab is for those who only wish to Pack the food at LPCH.
You can come back any day you wish and volunteer under other tabs but only one tab for each day.
Once you have signed up you will receive confirmation and the Volunteer Policy and more detailed information,
Please contact me at 650- 593-9334 or email me at luisapliska@comcast.net
Below are the scheduled Packard Pantry work dates - please choose your preferred day(s) and put it/them on your calendar:
May 23, Jun 13, No June 27 (Second Harvest Food Bank is closed for inventory) July 11,
July 25, August 8, August 22, Sept. 12, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 14, Nov.28, Dec.12
Dear members - because the Bylaws voting and this Packard Pantry information is so time-sensitive I had to make this blog rather long. I am sorry. However, I will be posting another June Blog (short one!) next week with more news for you. We will also have project reports at the June 18th meeting at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center.
Until then, thank you for all that you do, continue to do and do so well for PAA's contribution to the Children's Hospital.
See you on the 18th.
Friday, April 12, 2013
April 6,2013
- Yet another way we can help some needy children and their families
I have much to share with you but first - please mark your calendars.
Apr 9 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
Apr 22-23 - RWH at Mandarin Gourmet, PA
May 14 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
May 21 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA-Guest Speaker
May 20-21 - RWH at Kabul Afghan Cuisine, San Carlos
June 11 - Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home 9:30 am. RSVP
June 18 - General Mtg @ Arrillaga Center
June 24-25 - Mythos, San Carlos
One of the speakers you requested was for someone from the School. We are so pleased to have Kevin Dane, one of the teachers at the Hospital School at our MAY 21 General meeting. He will speak at 1:30pm for about 15-20 minutes with a few minutes for questions. He is scheduled to give a tour at the Hospital right after us. So, we will start at 1:30pm sharp.
Board Changes: Because of increased family responsibilities and business endeavors Karole Goldie is concerned that she will be unable to fulfill her obligations as our Corresponding Secretary. Since we cannot modify the important duties of the Corresponding Secretary, Karole felt she should resign. The Board has accepted her resignation. She would still like to be active and will become involved with our projects that demand less of her time. Fortunately, our incredibly capable Marzette Woods has graciously accepted the position for the rest of the year. Many thank you's dear Marzette.
Many thank you's also to Victoria Applegate and Tara Quinn for arranging our tour of the Medical Mock-Up facility. I'm sure those who were able to attend found it to be an outstanding experience. Many professionals come from afar to visit the site to learn. How fortunate we were to have had the opportunity!
Bylaws Committee has, at last, completed the final revision of the Bylaws. We will share them with you at the May meeting.
- Gail Sach's mother, Esther, peacefully passed away on February 5th. Many of us had met delightful Esther on several occasions. She would have been 98 years old in March. Our prayers and thoughts are with Gail and her family.
- Some of you who had attended the Tour met Nicole Neal. Nicole's daughter was born at LCPH and her experience was such that she is interested in doing some volunteering with us.
- The Gamble Gardens book committee contacted me for some advice on publishing a cookbook. Theirs will be a gardening book with recipes.
- Did you know that the lovely lady in the mini-documentary video shown at the Association luncheon is our member Marilyn Anderson. Her association with the Hospital is quite a story. Her husband volunteers there, her daughter works there, she has three grandchildren whose lives have been majorly impacted by LPCH. One grandson had a head injury requiring brain surgery 18 years ago; a granddaughter had a liver transplant 17 years ago at age 6 months and another granddaughter was diagnosed with diabetes 1-1/2 years ago. Marilyn also did a wonderful job highlighting all that PAA does - and - did you notice that she had "Tastes, Tales and Traditions" on her kitchen counter!!
- Once again we must thank Catherine McGilvray for sponsoring us at the University Club for our Annual meeting this year and for the use of Lucie Stern Center for our meetings.
- Thank you also to Deborah Potash who has offered to sponsor us at the Arrillaga Center for out Tea this year.
- Molly Paulson had a serious fall and her doctor advised her not to live alone any longer. She is now living with her daughter. Molly will be putting her lovely house up for sale and buying a home down where her daughter is - large enough for them to all live together
Lest this gets too long,we will have reports on our Projects at the May meeting. However, since so many of you have been asking me, I would like to share some exciting news regarding the Packard Pantry
Packard Pantry plans are coming to fruition. Thanks to the tenacity and efforts of Victoria Applegate and Toni Paterson many questions have been answered and many obstacles have been overcome. For those who signed up to help with the project and for those who wish to become involved you will be pleased to know that Second Harvest has approved our application and will be helping us. We will order and receive food from them at no charge. (If you recall we initially thought we would have to buy the food and pay for it.) Other questions you asked about have been answered. We will have a place to store the food and a place to assemble the bags. This ordering, delivering and assembling 12 bags of groceries will be once a month. The work will be shared with auxiliaries from from San Mateo County and Santa Clara County. All this is still a work in progress and I'll have more details to report at the May 21st general meeting. Needless to say, the Social Services Department at the Hospital is thrilled and so grateful that this much needed service will be taken care of. Here is yet another way we can help these needy families. I'll have more good news to offer when I see you all at the May meeting.
APRIL: Ann Bennett
MAY: Margaret Stafford JUNE: Dallas Manning
Kathy Squellati Ruth Wood
Rosamond Martin Jane Andrews
Cille Emery Louise Thursby
Mary Hicks
Donna Jones
See you in May, dear members,
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
And a good time was had by all....
Good Morning, Dear Members -
For those of you who were unable to come to the marvelous February 25th luncheon at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge at Stanford I have much to share.
But first some very important news that is time sensitive and needs your RSVP's by March 12th
If you have been reading the Blog and/or coming to our meetings, you know about the tour we have scheduled of the Hospital Expansion Mock-ups that have been constructed for training purposes. This is an exclusive tour just for PAA.
This tour will take the place of our monthly membership meeting.
We will view the mock-ups of the Intensive Care Unit and the Med/Surgical Patient Rooms, Cardiac Hybrid Operating Room and the Neuro Operating Room/Neuro Hybrid Operating room designed for the new Hospital building slated to open in December 2016.
The Tour is on MARCH 19 at 1135 HAMILTON COURT, MENLO PARK from 1:OO pm to 2:15pm (directions below)
Space is limited. Please call me or email me with your RSVP by March 12th 650-593-9334 or luisapliska@comcast.net
From the North:
Take US-101 S toward San Jose
Take exit 404A for Willow Road E toward CA-84
Merge onto Willow Road (go approx. 0.8 mi)
Turn right onto Hamilton Avenue
Make the first left onto Hamilton Court
Turn left at the second driveway on the left
The entrance to the LPCH Mock-up warehouse is located at the 4th door down
From the South:
Take US-101 N toward San Francisco
Take exit 404A for Willow Road E toward CA-84
Merge onto Willow Road (go approx. 0.8 mi)
Turn right onto Hamilton Avenue
Make the first left onto Hamilton Court
Turn left at the second driveway on the left
The entrance to the LPCH Mock-up warehouse is located at the 4th door down
I have taken this tour and it is incredible! A great privilege for us to have the opportunity to see it.
Please RSVP to me. I need to let the Foundation know by March 12th.
And now for those who were unable to attend the February 25th Luncheon celebration:
The Second Annual Association of Auxiliaries luncheon celebrating the successes of all the auxiliaries was outstanding. The Li Ka Shing Center is an architectural marvel and our dining room beautifully decorated. The lunch was at once delicious and as beautiful as the centerpieces.
The presenters were Dr. David Alexander, President of the Lucile Packard Foundation; Anne McCune, CEO of LPCH; Jill Helms, DDS, PhD, Professor of Surgery; Christopher Dawes, President of LPCH and Donna Bandelloni, Director of Gift Planing who stood in for Missy Ryan, Chair of the Auxiliaries Endowment. All were so informative and uplifting.
Toni Paterson, our president - introduced each auxiliary and gave each of us our "place in the sun" highlighting each of our volunteer efforts. Two outstanding videos were shown on giant screens. Plans are to have the videos on the Association's website for all to enjoy and marvel at how our work impacts families.
Here are just a few of the statistics on the 7 Auxiliaries for 2012:
1,138 Total members
122,091 volunteer hours
1,484 baby blankets, baptismal gowns and other gifts from members' Hearts and Hands projects.
A good time was had by all and we came away from this lovely day so sincerely thanked and appreciated and so aware of how important our work is. I was ever so proud of PAA - a most ego building day for PAA. Thank you dear members.
This blog was primarily to remind you of the Tour and to give you an update on the luncheon. I will post another in March with the usual business and social information.
Hope to see you at the Tour.
For those of you who were unable to come to the marvelous February 25th luncheon at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge at Stanford I have much to share.
But first some very important news that is time sensitive and needs your RSVP's by March 12th
If you have been reading the Blog and/or coming to our meetings, you know about the tour we have scheduled of the Hospital Expansion Mock-ups that have been constructed for training purposes. This is an exclusive tour just for PAA.
This tour will take the place of our monthly membership meeting.
We will view the mock-ups of the Intensive Care Unit and the Med/Surgical Patient Rooms, Cardiac Hybrid Operating Room and the Neuro Operating Room/Neuro Hybrid Operating room designed for the new Hospital building slated to open in December 2016.
The Tour is on MARCH 19 at 1135 HAMILTON COURT, MENLO PARK from 1:OO pm to 2:15pm (directions below)
Space is limited. Please call me or email me with your RSVP by March 12th 650-593-9334 or luisapliska@comcast.net
From the North:
Take US-101 S toward San Jose
Take exit 404A for Willow Road E toward CA-84
Merge onto Willow Road (go approx. 0.8 mi)
Turn right onto Hamilton Avenue
Make the first left onto Hamilton Court
Turn left at the second driveway on the left
The entrance to the LPCH Mock-up warehouse is located at the 4th door down
From the South:
Take US-101 N toward San Francisco
Take exit 404A for Willow Road E toward CA-84
Merge onto Willow Road (go approx. 0.8 mi)
Turn right onto Hamilton Avenue
Make the first left onto Hamilton Court
Turn left at the second driveway on the left
The entrance to the LPCH Mock-up warehouse is located at the 4th door down
I have taken this tour and it is incredible! A great privilege for us to have the opportunity to see it.
Please RSVP to me. I need to let the Foundation know by March 12th.
And now for those who were unable to attend the February 25th Luncheon celebration:
The Second Annual Association of Auxiliaries luncheon celebrating the successes of all the auxiliaries was outstanding. The Li Ka Shing Center is an architectural marvel and our dining room beautifully decorated. The lunch was at once delicious and as beautiful as the centerpieces.
The presenters were Dr. David Alexander, President of the Lucile Packard Foundation; Anne McCune, CEO of LPCH; Jill Helms, DDS, PhD, Professor of Surgery; Christopher Dawes, President of LPCH and Donna Bandelloni, Director of Gift Planing who stood in for Missy Ryan, Chair of the Auxiliaries Endowment. All were so informative and uplifting.
Toni Paterson, our president - introduced each auxiliary and gave each of us our "place in the sun" highlighting each of our volunteer efforts. Two outstanding videos were shown on giant screens. Plans are to have the videos on the Association's website for all to enjoy and marvel at how our work impacts families.
Here are just a few of the statistics on the 7 Auxiliaries for 2012:
1,138 Total members
122,091 volunteer hours
1,484 baby blankets, baptismal gowns and other gifts from members' Hearts and Hands projects.
A good time was had by all and we came away from this lovely day so sincerely thanked and appreciated and so aware of how important our work is. I was ever so proud of PAA - a most ego building day for PAA. Thank you dear members.
This blog was primarily to remind you of the Tour and to give you an update on the luncheon. I will post another in March with the usual business and social information.
Hope to see you at the Tour.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Feb 1, 2013 ...through the looking glass...
Although it is not Alice's "through the looking glass" Wonderland, the PAA mirror still reflects much excitement in doing good for the children at LPCH
Good morning, Dear Members -
By now, I trust you all have made your reservations for the Association of Auxiliaries for Children's Annual Luncheon on February 25, 2013,from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge on Campus Drive West at the Stanford School of Medicine. This promises to be an outstanding day for us with a full program and delicious lunch in a beautiful setting.
The deadline has been extended and some space is still available. If you wish to attend,please call or email Tara Quinn, 497-8591 or Tara.quinn@lpfch.org
There is much to share but first, please mark your calendar: (for details as to where and when on all events, go to the website paloaltoauxiliary.com and click on Calendar.)
FEB. 19 Membership mtg at Lucie Stern Community Center, PA, 1-3:00pm
FEB. 25 Association of Auxiliaries Annual Celebratory Luncheon (see above)
FEB. 26, 28 RwH Sultana, MP lunch & Dinner
MAR. 12 Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home,PA please RSVP
Please RSVP to Luisa Pliska or (650)593-9334 BY MARCH 12!
MAR. 24 RwH Brunch at California Cafe,PA
MAR. 25 RwH Dinner at California Cafe,PA
APRIL - no general meeting
APRIL 9 Thora's Thimbles at Stephanie Beach's home, PA please RSVP
No membership mtg in April
MAY 14 Thora's Thimbles at Stephanie Beach's home, PA please RSVP
MAY 21 Membership mtg at Lucie Stern Communiity Center,PA 1-3:00pm
JUNE 11 Thora's Thimbles location TBD
JUNE 18 Membership mtg location TBD
Here are just a few highlights for those of you who were unable to attend our Annual Luncheon at the University Club. Many thanks to Gerry Nelson for making all the arrangements for this all-important event. Deborah Potash enhanced the centerpieces which were little herb gardens donated by Trader Joe's. Thank you once again to Catherine McGilvray for sponsoring us at this lovely venue,
We proudly presented Dr. David Alexander, President and CEO of the LPFCH, with our annual donation of $75,000. $56,000 of that was earned in 2012 from AGFS, RwH, Holiday Boutique, cookbook sales and donations and member events. Dr. Alexander addressed not only our generous gift of money, but also thanked us for all that we do, our special projects like Books and Bears, Teen Van Kits, Pillows and Blankets and Tote Bags which do not raise money but are so important and appreciated by the families and the medical staff. In future blogs, I shall have photos to share of our delightful day together.
As many of you know, the board voted to continue Thora's pillow and blanket project and renamed it Thora's Thimbles. We now needed someone to chair this project. Stephanie Beach and Sarah Beetem took over during the interim. Fortunately, dear Ellen Smith came forward
and offered to take the responsibility. Ellen joined PAA as a Tuesday server
in 1980. She worked at Stanford for 27 years and after retiring 4 years ago,
she rejoined the Tuesday Group Luncheon and is now ready to take over the
pillow project. Ellen looks forward "to renewing friendships and making new
ones as we sew together to help the children at LPCH and other groups.
Dallas Manning is compiling a Memory Book for John Richardson and family. If you have any memories or stories of Thora that you feel the family would love to hear please send them to me or to Dallas.
Good morning, Dear Members -
By now, I trust you all have made your reservations for the Association of Auxiliaries for Children's Annual Luncheon on February 25, 2013,from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge on Campus Drive West at the Stanford School of Medicine. This promises to be an outstanding day for us with a full program and delicious lunch in a beautiful setting.
The deadline has been extended and some space is still available. If you wish to attend,please call or email Tara Quinn, 497-8591 or Tara.quinn@lpfch.org
There is much to share but first, please mark your calendar: (for details as to where and when on all events, go to the website paloaltoauxiliary.com and click on Calendar.)
FEB. 19 Membership mtg at Lucie Stern Community Center, PA, 1-3:00pm
FEB. 25 Association of Auxiliaries Annual Celebratory Luncheon (see above)
FEB. 26, 28 RwH Sultana, MP lunch & Dinner
MAR. 12 Thora's Thimbles, Stephanie Beach's home,PA please RSVP
MAR. 19 Guided tour at 1135 Hamilton Court, MP from 1:00pm to 2:15pm
This is an exclusive, private tour for PAA of the Hospital Expansion Mock-ups that is used for training purposes. We will view the mock-ups of the Intensive Care Unit and Med/Surgical Patient Rooms, the Cardiac Hybrid Operating Room and the Neuro Operating Room/Neuro Hybrid Operating room designed for the new Hospital building slated to open in December 2016. Please RSVP to Luisa Pliska or (650)593-9334 BY MARCH 12!
MAR. 24 RwH Brunch at California Cafe,PA
MAR. 25 RwH Dinner at California Cafe,PA
APRIL - no general meeting
APRIL 9 Thora's Thimbles at Stephanie Beach's home, PA please RSVP
No membership mtg in April
MAY 14 Thora's Thimbles at Stephanie Beach's home, PA please RSVP
MAY 21 Membership mtg at Lucie Stern Communiity Center,PA 1-3:00pm
JUNE 11 Thora's Thimbles location TBD
JUNE 18 Membership mtg location TBD
Here are just a few highlights for those of you who were unable to attend our Annual Luncheon at the University Club. Many thanks to Gerry Nelson for making all the arrangements for this all-important event. Deborah Potash enhanced the centerpieces which were little herb gardens donated by Trader Joe's. Thank you once again to Catherine McGilvray for sponsoring us at this lovely venue,
We proudly presented Dr. David Alexander, President and CEO of the LPFCH, with our annual donation of $75,000. $56,000 of that was earned in 2012 from AGFS, RwH, Holiday Boutique, cookbook sales and donations and member events. Dr. Alexander addressed not only our generous gift of money, but also thanked us for all that we do, our special projects like Books and Bears, Teen Van Kits, Pillows and Blankets and Tote Bags which do not raise money but are so important and appreciated by the families and the medical staff. In future blogs, I shall have photos to share of our delightful day together.
- The hard work done by Nancy Bronstein and Victoria Applegate has resulted in CVS Pharmacies awarding us a grant of $2,500 to help fund the TeenVan Toiletry Kit project. Needed still are travel size deodorent, hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, razors and body washes ( no soaps please)
- Thora's Thimbles has very good news to report.
As many of you know, the board voted to continue Thora's pillow and blanket project and renamed it Thora's Thimbles. We now needed someone to chair this project. Stephanie Beach and Sarah Beetem took over during the interim. Fortunately, dear Ellen Smith came forward

in 1980. She worked at Stanford for 27 years and after retiring 4 years ago,
she rejoined the Tuesday Group Luncheon and is now ready to take over the
pillow project. Ellen looks forward "to renewing friendships and making new
ones as we sew together to help the children at LPCH and other groups.
Dallas Manning is compiling a Memory Book for John Richardson and family. If you have any memories or stories of Thora that you feel the family would love to hear please send them to me or to Dallas.
- Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee has sent its final draft of revisions to Victoria Applegate. She will review the changes to see if we are in compliance with the rules for non-profits.
- RWH has offered the idea of our purchasing gift certificates for friends for the restaurants of their choice for any of our monthly offerings. In that way, they can go with their other friends and neighbors. These also are good as thank you gifts for teachers, hairdressers, hostesses,etc.
Many of you have said you would like more engagement with the Hospital. The Association of Auxiliaries' is planning working committees, to do just that; Under the umbrella of "Hospital Engagement" there are four projects in which you and/or friends(do not have to be members) may be interested in participating:
- Teen Van - work among Auxiliaries to determine Van's needs and coordinate gathering and distribution. Would like representation from each Auxiliary and non-Auxiliary volunteers are welcome.
- Beads of Courage - Raise funds for purchase of beads and make bags for necklaces for patients Distribute to partcipating departments (oncology and cardiac) and potentially expand into ER, NICU, etc
- Packard Pantry - Group will develop program to purchase or receive from Second Harvest) food items, pack weekly and lunch bags and stock pantry for social services.
- Reach Out and Read - Read to children in waiting room on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30
If you are interested in any of these please let me know or you can contact Toni Patterson directly.
Gail Sachs and her family on the death of Gail's mother, Esther, who passed away Feb 7th.
Jennifer Dutton and her family on the passing of her mother, Joy Dutton. Joy has been a member since 1963.
Peggy Fry and her family on the death of her mother Macca Winnburg who was a "tea bag lady" in 1969.
- Cookbook sales have gone international. We have one book order from England!
- American Girl Fashion Show and Tea prize deliveries are done in great style. Marilyn Rogers'sister-in-law is a deputy Sheriff in Pacific Grove. She delivered the last prize this morning to the winner in Pebble Beach. She delivered it in a squad car with lights flashing.! Needless to say the recipients were thrilled.
Marti Deacon
Joan Heye
Audrey Polster
Catharine McMahon
Carolyn Hofstetter
Stephanie Beach
Elizabeth Modena
Ericka Crowley
Ginny Lee
Lumie Steele
In closing, I would like to thank my incredible 2012 Board and you- our dear members for the lovely thank you letters and donations made to LPCH in my honor. None of the goals set in 2012 could have been reached without your work ethic, incredible abilitie and loyalty. Thank you individually and collectively for all that you have done, do and continue to do. Once again it is my honor to be President of so special a group of women.
Marti Deacon
Joan Heye
Audrey Polster
Catharine McMahon
Carolyn Hofstetter
Stephanie Beach
Elizabeth Modena
Ericka Crowley
Ginny Lee
Lumie Steele
In closing, I would like to thank my incredible 2012 Board and you- our dear members for the lovely thank you letters and donations made to LPCH in my honor. None of the goals set in 2012 could have been reached without your work ethic, incredible abilitie and loyalty. Thank you individually and collectively for all that you have done, do and continue to do. Once again it is my honor to be President of so special a group of women.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Happy New Year
Good morning, Dear Members and a Happy New Year to everyone!
As the holidays recede all too quickly into the rear-view mirror I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the incredible effort each of you has put forth in our fund raising efforts and in the support you have given me via your emails, phone calls and sidewalk chats. I now invite you all to look into our mirror of the future and see reflected the wonderful year ahead for PAA.
News of the usual end of year reports on the PAA business agenda will be reported at our Annual Luncheon meeting but I have a few other items of interest to share with you.
But first a gentle reminder and the 2013 calendar events for January, February and March:
Our Annual Luncheon Meeting is on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 from 9:30am - 2:00pm at the University Club of Palo Alto, 3277 Miranda Avenue.
Check in time is 9:30am and our Business Meeting will begin at 10:00. At 12:30pm members will be seated for a lovely lunch and the presentation of our annual gift to LPCH. Luncheon will conclude with fun fund prizes at 2:00pm
You will note that this year we have responded to your requests for a different venue for our annual luncheon. As you know, this is the grand meeting where we proudly present Dr. Alexander with our annual gift In addition we will give our final reports for 2012, recognize our past presidents, our project leaders, outgoing board, welcome the 2013 Board of Directors and share our plans for 2013.
The deadline for reservations was January 4th - However, Dallas Manning is still accepting phone or email reservations, (650) 858-1376 Her email - lmanning@stanford.edu Come and enjoy our day together.
The 2013 calendar is still a work in progress. Below are the events for January, February and March. Once we have firmed up the rest of the year we will send out a post card listing those dates. Kathy Squellati after the Annual Meeting will begin completing the members' calendar each month giving us the details of each event listed on the webpage event calendar. Go to paloaltoauxiliary.com then click on events; for details click on calendar. there you will get information of where and when. Many thanks to Kathy for doing this important job.
Jan. 8 Thora's Thimbles, @ Stephanie Beach's PA 9:30am RSVP (650)856-0278
Jan. 15 Annual Membership Luncheon Mtg 9:30am @ University Club,PA
Jan. 21-22 RwH @ Divino, Belmont
Feb. 12 Thora's Thimbles, @ Stephanie Beach's PA 9:30am RSVP (650)856-0278
Feb. 19 General Membership Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Center,PA
Feb.RwH TB
Mar. 12 Thora's Thimbles,@ Stephanie Beach's PA 9:30am RSVP (650)856-0278
Mar. 19 General Membership Mtg. Guided tour of the full-size medical mock ups of specialized operating rooms and patient rooms designed for the new construction
Mar. 23-24 RwH @ California Cafe,PA Sun brunch, Mon. Dinner
As you all know,June Schiller is our new Treasurer for 2013. Many of you know June but I'd like to tell you a little about her. June has been a member since 1970. Her volunteering extends beyond PAA. June has served as President of AAUW and PTA. She has taught in the Palo Alto Unified School District and served as President of the Palo Alto Education Association, was Dean of Students at Jordon Middle School, Principal of Fairmeadow Elementary School and Director of Building Development for the School Distrtict. Once she retired she returned to PAA as a Thursday server. We are thrilled to have her on the Board. Please go to our website for more information and June's photo.
Karole Goldie is also a new Board member. She will be our Corresponding Secretary for 2013. Unfortunately, information on Karole's many accomplishments has not arrived in time for this month's blog. However, I know Karole has been a member since 1999. She was on the Board at one time as Recording Secretary. She is an attorney. However, her real claim to fame is she was our Bunny for our Bunny days events and she has a handsome young 4th grader who - as a little boy would come to events at the restaurant and once fell in the fountain!. What more could one want in a Board member! the Board is equally thrilled to have her with us in 2013. Once I receive a photo and Karole's bio you can see more information by going to our website.
Deedee McMurty
Jo Ann Pfost
Carolyn Keeley
Marilyn Ellis
Deborah Potash
B.J. Sorensen
Now, it is truly with a heavy heart that I share the following with you. I recently learned that Shirlee Stite's husband, Don passed away on December 24. Shirlee and Don decided their Christmas gift to each other this year would be a grand celebration party with all the family and friends on Dec. 22. As many of you know Don had been ill for some time. The next day they had the traditional Sunday brunch before Christmas. That night Don passed away in his sleep, peacefully and in no pain. As Shirlee said, "how fortunate and blessed that the entire family was with him the day he passed away."
There will be no service. For those who wish to make a donation in his name, please send it either to the Stanford Buck Club http://www.buckcardinal.com/ or Yosemite Conservancy http://www.yosemiteconservancy.org/ PAA has made a donation to LPCH in his name. Shirlee and her family are in our thoughts and prayers.
This year has been one of joys and sorrows. In regards to the passing of dear Thora Richardson, I received many glowing, thoughtful emails and letters regarding Thora that the Board would like to compile them in a scrapbook for her husband and family. Should you have any thoughts to share and would like them to be placed in this booklet, please email them to me, luisapliska@comcast.net or mail them to me at 1567 Escondido Way, Belmont, CA 94002. I will compile them with what I have and will send them along to Dallas Manning who has offered to do the booklet.
Lest we end on so sad a note - I should report the joyous news of a grandson born December 26 making Karen and Bob Stevens first time grandparents.
My dear members, I will have more joyous news to share at our meeting on Tuesday. The mirror of the future reflects so many good things for PAA. Until then, my wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy and Grand New Year.
My dear members, I will have more joyous news to share at our meeting on Tuesday. The mirror of the future reflects so many good things for PAA. Until then, my wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy and Grand New Year.
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