Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"...Palo Alto Auxiiary has quite a legacy....".

Good morning, Dear Members -

Suddenly, it's our busiest time of year - not only because of the national holidays but especially because of our many PAA celebrations and fund raising events.  I'd like to give you a gentle reminder on some of them and alert you to some changes in our calendar of events:

Oct. 16 - we had our delightful Membership Tea at the Arrillaga Family Rec Center in Menlo Park
Nov. 9th and 10th is our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea 
Nov. 13 - Pillow Sewing at Thora's has been cancelled
Nov. 20 General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center
The November RWH @ the Parkside Grill has been cancelled
Dec. 1 is our Holiday Boutique sale at Allied Arts Guild which will be from 10:00am - 3:00pm
Dec.18 there is no general meeting
January 15 is our Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ the University Club in Palo Alto

Perfect weather presented itself for our Tea day at Arrillaga's spacious patio and exquisite arrangements graced the tables with vibrant colors. The buffet table was resplendent with a dazzling array of delicious offerings thanks to Mary Hicks and her team of chefs.

What better atmosphere to honor our  23 honorees. Together their years of service total 872 years!  As many of you know a donation is made to the LPCH school in honor of these ladies.

Dr. David Alexander, Pres.& CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health took time to come from San Francisco to speak to us.  Also Victoria Applegate, V.P. & Dir. of Auxiliaries Relations
and Tara Quinn, Assistant Director of Auxiliaries were our guests.

For your enjoyment here are a few photos:   BJ Sorensen at the reception table greeting us with her wonderful smile.  Dallas Manning in her lovely autumn-hued jacket orchestrating the Fun Fund raffle,

The colorful trio: Marilyn Ellis, Mary Koeppen and Nancy Larsson who  recently returned from Singapore.

and our members seated at tables of eight enjoying the day together.

November 9 and 10 is the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea.  Show times are Friday, Nov. 9th at 4:00pm and 7:00pm , Saturday, Nov. 10th at 10:30am, 1:30pm and 4:30pm. Held at Christ Episcopal Church in Los Altos.  

November 13 Thora's pillow& blanket workshop has been cancelled.  She had a bad fall and was taken to Stanford Hospital.  Her vital signs are all normal.  However, she was transferred to the Santa Clara Medical Center for daily physical therapy. Her husband asks that please- no calls or visitors at this time.  I know cards and well wishes would be most welcome.  I will keep you updated as I hear from him.

November 20 General meeting at the Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Road in Palo Alto from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. We will need the membership vote on the slate of officers for 2013.

November Restaurants with Heart Parkside Grill has been cancelled. The dates they could offer us were too close to Thanksgiving and there was not enough time to seek out another restaurant.

December 1  Our Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts Guild will now be held from 10:00am -3:00pm.

December 18th there is No General Meeting

January 15th Our Annual Membership Meeting and Luncheon at the University Club in Palo Alto

Many of you know about the Auxiliaries Endowment and some of you are members already. Membership involves a planned gift to be made to LPCH. There are many ways to do this and can have many tax advantages.  Another benefit of membership is that members are listed on the beautiful Auxiliaries wall in the hospital.

The reason I am sharing this with you is not only because some people have asked about it but also because now for the first time in years the Foundation is updating the wall. If you have any interest in learning more about planned giving and perhaps having your name included in this prestigious list before the end of 2012  you can contact Missy Ryan, Chair, Auxiliaries Endowment,  or Donna Bandelloni, Director of Gift Planning at LPCH.

Sarah Beetem
Jane Bradley
Ellen Latour
Gerry Nelson
Karen Stevens
Karen Sutherland
Mary Anne York

I apologize for the length of this blog but in closing I would like to share with you some of Victoria Applegate's recent email to me regarding the Palo Alto Auxiliary:

                  "You are such a caring, devoted and resilient group, and you all work so hard to support the hospital.  We are deeply grateful -- not only for what you do as members, but also for what you have meant to Packard, and to the Children's Hospital at Stanford and to the Stanford Home for Convalescent Children for so many decades.  You all are a big part of the very strong foundation of the hospital, and you continue to support it in big and small ways.

Palo Alto has quite a legacy -- and I'm really impressed that you continue to look to the future...... 

As always - dear members- I welcome your news and thoughts about PAA,  See you at the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea.




Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Fun and Fund Raising Events

October 9, 2012

Good Morning Dear Members,

With our ever so important annual events and fund raising events taking place in October and November, I thought we should have a gentle reminder Blog.

So - once again - please mark your calendar:

Sept 24-25 - RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
Oct 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 9 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Oct 16 - Annual Member Tea @ Arrillaga Family Rec Center, MP
Oct 22-23 - RWH @ Kabul, San Carlos
Nov 9 - American Girl Fashion Show
Nov 10 - American Girl Fashion Show
Nov 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 13 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Nov 20 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Nov TBD - RWH @ Parkside Grill, Portola Valley
Dec 1 - Holiday boutique sale @ Allied Arts Guild
Dec 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 11 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
   Delete the Dec 18 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr There is NO Dec. meeting
Jan 15 - Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ University Club PA

Shirlee Stites reminds us that Books and Bears time is here again - Here are the following group dates chosen for Bear making at the Build-a-Bear store in the Hillsdale Mall in San Mateo (and lunch afterwards if your group so chooses.) Those members who did not work on a specific day at the restaurant are invited to contact the listed person for the day you would like to come.  You are more than welcome and it is a fun day.

Thursday, Oct. 25th - Thursday ladies contact Shirlee Stites at (650)854-0830 
Friday, Nov. 2nd - Friday ladies contact Marzette Woods at (650)967-7337
Monday, Nov. 5th - Monday ladies contact Marilyn Ellis (408)830-9878
Tuesday, tentative date Nov. 27 - Tuesday ladies contact Thora Richardson (650)854-3465
Wednesday, ladies please check with Sue Pettigrew (650)328-7778

If you are donating books, remember they must be new and can be for ages from babies to teenager.  Do not wrap the books.  If you are also going on a "Bear" day you can take the book with you and give it to the organizer.  If not - please bring the books to the Tea. If unable to come to the Tea please put the books in a bag and leave it at Shirlee Stites' front door with your name on it.

As you all know on OCTOBER 16th we will have our delightful MEMBERSHIP TEA. It will be held FROM 2-4:00pm in the lovely, spacious and covered patio at the ARRILLAGA FAMILY RECREATION CENTER, 600 ALMA STREET IN MENLO PARK.

Please remember to RSVP to Dallas Manning (650) 858-1376 or
We will not only be honoring our members for their years of service but Dr. Alexander, CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, will- in 15 minutes- update us on the exciting developments with the Hospital Groundbreaking and the future of Packard Hospital.

Also - please note we have added Rita Benedict for her 54 years of dedication to Our Honorees for 2012.  In the initial list published we did not have her listed.  Many thanks to Margaret Robinson for letting us know about Rita.

15 Years - Mae Skaff, Barbara Trainer,Kay Wangelin
20 Years - Samira Bahous
25 Years - Jane Andrews, Inge Crozier, Marti Deacon, Mollie Paulsen
40 Years - Susan Hull, Carolyn Lovek, June Schiller
45 Years - Marah Brehaut, Sally Bush, Carol Holmes, Rosamond Martin, Maxine McFeeters, Ginny Palmer, Marzette Woods
53 Years - Marilyn Ellis,Louise Thursby
54 Years - Shirlee Stites, Rita Benedict
58 Years - Margaret Robinson

It will be a delightful afternoon.  In addition to the delicious menu prepared by Mary Hicks and her committee, Nancy Bronstein has made all 24 flower arrangements to enhance the charming autumn setting that Stephanie Beach and her committee have created.

Sharon Brugos, chair of our Holiday Boutique to be held on Dec. 1 at the Allied Arts Guild, thanks all for the lovely handmade items that have been donated and asks that you please keep your nimble magical fingers knitting  - the more items we have to sell, the better.  This was a very successful event last year and can be even more successful this year.  If you have any items please bring them to the Tea and Sharon will collect them.

Much information is given at the Membership meetings that I don't put in the Blog.  However, this one time, I will share with you in this blog the third quarter Gross Revenue/Net proceeds
of our sister auxiliaries.  This would be for the three months from May to August:
  •    Allied Arts Guild Auxiliary's revenue- $142,575.00
  •    Charter Auxiliary's revenue - $30,216,89.00
  •    Palo Alto Auxiliary's revenue- $3,823.00 (our American Girl Event is held in Nov.)
  •    Roth Auxiliary's revenue - YTD sales were up 15% over the same time last year
  •    San Jose Auxiliary's revenue- $10,899.44 (there Pumpkin Patch is Oct 13.)
  •    San Mateo-Burlingame's Auxiliary's revenue-$10,968.45 (net)
  •    San Francisco Auxiliary's Jewel Ball will be held in November.
As you can see our money for this 3rd quarter report has come from Restaurants with Heart and the few books sold.  The 4th Quarter report will reflect the money raised at the American Girl Doll Event, the Holiday Boutique, cookbook sales and the Restaurants with Heart proceeds.  Let's make a great deal of money for LPCH this coming quarter.


Belated SEPTEMBER wish to Barbara Cole
OCTOBER:  Sue-Ellen Naugler, Nancy Bronstein, Jackie Clark, Luisa Pliska
NOVEMBER: Sarah Beetem, Jane Bradley, Karen Stevens, Ellen Latour, 
                        Karen Sutherland,Gerry Nelson, Marilyn Slater, Kay Willoughby

Well, that is enough for now.  There will be another October Blog in which I will share more news - past, present and future.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Tea for a wonderful day together.  Until then,
