Suddenly, it's our busiest time of year - not only because of the national holidays but especially because of our many PAA celebrations and fund raising events. I'd like to give you a gentle reminder on some of them and alert you to some changes in our calendar of events:
Oct. 16 - we had our delightful Membership Tea at the Arrillaga Family Rec Center in Menlo Park
Nov. 9th and 10th is our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea
Nov. 13 - Pillow Sewing at Thora's has been cancelled
Nov. 20 General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center
The November RWH @ the Parkside Grill has been cancelled
Dec. 1 is our Holiday Boutique sale at Allied Arts Guild which will be from 10:00am - 3:00pm
Dec.18 there is no general meeting
January 15 is our Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ the University Club in Palo Alto

What better atmosphere to honor our 23 honorees. Together their years of service total 872 years! As many of you know a donation is made to the LPCH school in honor of these ladies.
Dr. David Alexander, Pres.& CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health took time to come from San Francisco to speak to us. Also Victoria Applegate, V.P. & Dir. of Auxiliaries Relations
and Tara Quinn, Assistant Director of Auxiliaries were our guests.

For your enjoyment here are a few photos: BJ Sorensen at the reception table greeting us with her wonderful smile. Dallas Manning in her lovely autumn-hued jacket orchestrating the Fun Fund raffle,
The colorful trio: Marilyn Ellis, Mary Koeppen and Nancy Larsson who recently returned from Singapore.
and our members seated at tables of eight enjoying the day together.
November 9 and 10 is the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea. Show times are Friday, Nov. 9th at 4:00pm and 7:00pm , Saturday, Nov. 10th at 10:30am, 1:30pm and 4:30pm. Held at Christ Episcopal Church in Los Altos.
November 13 Thora's pillow& blanket workshop has been cancelled. She had a bad fall and was taken to Stanford Hospital. Her vital signs are all normal. However, she was transferred to the Santa Clara Medical Center for daily physical therapy. Her husband asks that please- no calls or visitors at this time. I know cards and well wishes would be most welcome. I will keep you updated as I hear from him.
November 20 General meeting at the Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Road in Palo Alto from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. We will need the membership vote on the slate of officers for 2013.
November Restaurants with Heart Parkside Grill has been cancelled. The dates they could offer us were too close to Thanksgiving and there was not enough time to seek out another restaurant.
December 1 Our Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts Guild will now be held from 10:00am -3:00pm.
December 18th there is No General Meeting
January 15th Our Annual Membership Meeting and Luncheon at the University Club in Palo Alto
Many of you know about the Auxiliaries Endowment and some of you are members already. Membership involves a planned gift to be made to LPCH. There are many ways to do this and can have many tax advantages. Another benefit of membership is that members are listed on the beautiful Auxiliaries wall in the hospital.
The reason I am sharing this with you is not only because some people have asked about it but also because now for the first time in years the Foundation is updating the wall. If you have any interest in learning more about planned giving and perhaps having your name included in this prestigious list before the end of 2012 you can contact Missy Ryan, Chair, Auxiliaries Endowment, or Donna Bandelloni, Director of Gift Planning at LPCH.
Sarah Beetem
Jane Bradley
Ellen Latour
Gerry Nelson
Karen Stevens
Karen Sutherland
Mary Anne York
I apologize for the length of this blog but in closing I would like to share with you some of Victoria Applegate's recent email to me regarding the Palo Alto Auxiliary:
"You are such a caring, devoted and resilient group, and you all work so hard to support the hospital. We are deeply grateful -- not only for what you do as members, but also for what you have meant to Packard, and to the Children's Hospital at Stanford and to the Stanford Home for Convalescent Children for so many decades. You all are a big part of the very strong foundation of the hospital, and you continue to support it in big and small ways.
Palo Alto has quite a legacy -- and I'm really impressed that you continue to look to the future......
As always - dear members- I welcome your news and thoughts about PAA, See you at the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea.