Good morning, Dear Members -
Because of the many calls, notes and emails inquiring about Thora, I thought I would post this interim Blog to respond to you all.
As many of you know Thora has passed away and her husband John asked that I relay the following information to you. Her memorial service will be held on Tuesday, December 4th at 2:00pm at the Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, 960 Santa Cruz Avenue. A reception will follow.
The family requests that memorial donations be made to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. Checks may be made payable to Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health and sent to the Foundation at 400 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 340, Palo Alto, CA 94301. (please note on your check that you are a member of the Palo Alto Auxiliary. That way we will get credit toward our annual donation to the hospital. It is the donor that needs to be a member in order for us to get credit.
All of us are dedicated members of PAA and we all work as hard as our time and physical prowess allows us. However, our work pales next to Thora's incredible dedication and hard work.
From the day she joined PAA in 1986 she was active in every project needing her time and talents.
She was a Tuesday Hostess, President of PAA and on the Board of Directors before and after her presidency alternating between the office of Treasurer and Finance chairperson. She worked on the Bylaws committee, the American Girl Fashion Show and was an avid supporter of our Restaurants with Heart Project. In 2009 she started the very successful Pillows and Blankets workshop, welcoming us all into her home every month to produce pillows and blankets for the children. From our work there and in our homes, Thora was able to bring 40 -50 beautiful pillows every month for the hospital and the teen van!
This was a project very dear to her heart and the Board voted to continue with it. To honor her we have renamed the project "Thora's Thimbles" Resuming in January, the meetings will be held as usual at 10:00am on the second Tuesday of each month. Thora held all the meetings at her home. She has left us all the supplies and directions on how she ran the workshops. However, we will need members to volunteer being hostesses for the meetings
Stephanie Beech has graciously offered her home for the meetings from January to June. All are welcome to be part of this project whether you can attend the workshops or if you can work at home or if you would like to just send fabric and "stuffing" for the pillows. We would welcome all who would like to participate in this worthwhile endeavor. It is so needed and appreciated by the hospital staff and the teen van staff. The children and their families have shared how much those pillows mean to them.
If you are interested in participating in this ever so worthwhile project please contact Sarah Beetem at
650-968-8409 or
Thora was a role model for all of us with her warmth and dedication and we will miss her.
Volunteers raising funds for the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
"...Palo Alto Auxiiary has quite a legacy....".
Good morning, Dear Members -
Suddenly, it's our busiest time of year - not only because of the national holidays but especially because of our many PAA celebrations and fund raising events. I'd like to give you a gentle reminder on some of them and alert you to some changes in our calendar of events:
Oct. 16 - we had our delightful Membership Tea at the Arrillaga Family Rec Center in Menlo Park
Nov. 9th and 10th is our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea
Nov. 13 - Pillow Sewing at Thora's has been cancelled
Nov. 20 General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center
The November RWH @ the Parkside Grill has been cancelled
Dec. 1 is our Holiday Boutique sale at Allied Arts Guild which will be from 10:00am - 3:00pm
Dec.18 there is no general meeting
January 15 is our Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ the University Club in Palo Alto

Perfect weather presented itself for our Tea day at Arrillaga's spacious patio and exquisite arrangements graced the tables with vibrant colors. The buffet table was resplendent with a dazzling array of delicious offerings thanks to Mary Hicks and her team of chefs.
What better atmosphere to honor our 23 honorees. Together their years of service total 872 years! As many of you know a donation is made to the LPCH school in honor of these ladies.
Dr. David Alexander, Pres.& CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health took time to come from San Francisco to speak to us. Also Victoria Applegate, V.P. & Dir. of Auxiliaries Relations
and Tara Quinn, Assistant Director of Auxiliaries were our guests.

For your enjoyment here are a few photos: BJ Sorensen at the reception table greeting us with her wonderful smile. Dallas Manning in her lovely autumn-hued jacket orchestrating the Fun Fund raffle,
The colorful trio: Marilyn Ellis, Mary Koeppen and Nancy Larsson who recently returned from Singapore.
and our members seated at tables of eight enjoying the day together.
November 9 and 10 is the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea. Show times are Friday, Nov. 9th at 4:00pm and 7:00pm , Saturday, Nov. 10th at 10:30am, 1:30pm and 4:30pm. Held at Christ Episcopal Church in Los Altos.
November 13 Thora's pillow& blanket workshop has been cancelled. She had a bad fall and was taken to Stanford Hospital. Her vital signs are all normal. However, she was transferred to the Santa Clara Medical Center for daily physical therapy. Her husband asks that please- no calls or visitors at this time. I know cards and well wishes would be most welcome. I will keep you updated as I hear from him.
November 20 General meeting at the Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Road in Palo Alto from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. We will need the membership vote on the slate of officers for 2013.
November Restaurants with Heart Parkside Grill has been cancelled. The dates they could offer us were too close to Thanksgiving and there was not enough time to seek out another restaurant.
December 1 Our Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts Guild will now be held from 10:00am -3:00pm.
December 18th there is No General Meeting
January 15th Our Annual Membership Meeting and Luncheon at the University Club in Palo Alto
Many of you know about the Auxiliaries Endowment and some of you are members already. Membership involves a planned gift to be made to LPCH. There are many ways to do this and can have many tax advantages. Another benefit of membership is that members are listed on the beautiful Auxiliaries wall in the hospital.
The reason I am sharing this with you is not only because some people have asked about it but also because now for the first time in years the Foundation is updating the wall. If you have any interest in learning more about planned giving and perhaps having your name included in this prestigious list before the end of 2012 you can contact Missy Ryan, Chair, Auxiliaries Endowment, or Donna Bandelloni, Director of Gift Planning at LPCH.
Sarah Beetem
Jane Bradley
Ellen Latour
Gerry Nelson
Karen Stevens
Karen Sutherland
Mary Anne York
I apologize for the length of this blog but in closing I would like to share with you some of Victoria Applegate's recent email to me regarding the Palo Alto Auxiliary:
"You are such a caring, devoted and resilient group, and you all work so hard to support the hospital. We are deeply grateful -- not only for what you do as members, but also for what you have meant to Packard, and to the Children's Hospital at Stanford and to the Stanford Home for Convalescent Children for so many decades. You all are a big part of the very strong foundation of the hospital, and you continue to support it in big and small ways.
Palo Alto has quite a legacy -- and I'm really impressed that you continue to look to the future......
As always - dear members- I welcome your news and thoughts about PAA, See you at the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea.
Suddenly, it's our busiest time of year - not only because of the national holidays but especially because of our many PAA celebrations and fund raising events. I'd like to give you a gentle reminder on some of them and alert you to some changes in our calendar of events:
Oct. 16 - we had our delightful Membership Tea at the Arrillaga Family Rec Center in Menlo Park
Nov. 9th and 10th is our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea
Nov. 13 - Pillow Sewing at Thora's has been cancelled
Nov. 20 General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center
The November RWH @ the Parkside Grill has been cancelled
Dec. 1 is our Holiday Boutique sale at Allied Arts Guild which will be from 10:00am - 3:00pm
Dec.18 there is no general meeting
January 15 is our Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ the University Club in Palo Alto

What better atmosphere to honor our 23 honorees. Together their years of service total 872 years! As many of you know a donation is made to the LPCH school in honor of these ladies.
Dr. David Alexander, Pres.& CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health took time to come from San Francisco to speak to us. Also Victoria Applegate, V.P. & Dir. of Auxiliaries Relations
and Tara Quinn, Assistant Director of Auxiliaries were our guests.

For your enjoyment here are a few photos: BJ Sorensen at the reception table greeting us with her wonderful smile. Dallas Manning in her lovely autumn-hued jacket orchestrating the Fun Fund raffle,
The colorful trio: Marilyn Ellis, Mary Koeppen and Nancy Larsson who recently returned from Singapore.
and our members seated at tables of eight enjoying the day together.
November 9 and 10 is the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea. Show times are Friday, Nov. 9th at 4:00pm and 7:00pm , Saturday, Nov. 10th at 10:30am, 1:30pm and 4:30pm. Held at Christ Episcopal Church in Los Altos.
November 13 Thora's pillow& blanket workshop has been cancelled. She had a bad fall and was taken to Stanford Hospital. Her vital signs are all normal. However, she was transferred to the Santa Clara Medical Center for daily physical therapy. Her husband asks that please- no calls or visitors at this time. I know cards and well wishes would be most welcome. I will keep you updated as I hear from him.
November 20 General meeting at the Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Road in Palo Alto from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. We will need the membership vote on the slate of officers for 2013.
November Restaurants with Heart Parkside Grill has been cancelled. The dates they could offer us were too close to Thanksgiving and there was not enough time to seek out another restaurant.
December 1 Our Holiday Boutique at Allied Arts Guild will now be held from 10:00am -3:00pm.
December 18th there is No General Meeting
January 15th Our Annual Membership Meeting and Luncheon at the University Club in Palo Alto
Many of you know about the Auxiliaries Endowment and some of you are members already. Membership involves a planned gift to be made to LPCH. There are many ways to do this and can have many tax advantages. Another benefit of membership is that members are listed on the beautiful Auxiliaries wall in the hospital.
The reason I am sharing this with you is not only because some people have asked about it but also because now for the first time in years the Foundation is updating the wall. If you have any interest in learning more about planned giving and perhaps having your name included in this prestigious list before the end of 2012 you can contact Missy Ryan, Chair, Auxiliaries Endowment, or Donna Bandelloni, Director of Gift Planning at LPCH.
Sarah Beetem
Jane Bradley
Ellen Latour
Gerry Nelson
Karen Stevens
Karen Sutherland
Mary Anne York
I apologize for the length of this blog but in closing I would like to share with you some of Victoria Applegate's recent email to me regarding the Palo Alto Auxiliary:
"You are such a caring, devoted and resilient group, and you all work so hard to support the hospital. We are deeply grateful -- not only for what you do as members, but also for what you have meant to Packard, and to the Children's Hospital at Stanford and to the Stanford Home for Convalescent Children for so many decades. You all are a big part of the very strong foundation of the hospital, and you continue to support it in big and small ways.
Palo Alto has quite a legacy -- and I'm really impressed that you continue to look to the future......
As always - dear members- I welcome your news and thoughts about PAA, See you at the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Our Fun and Fund Raising Events
October 9, 2012
Good Morning Dear Members,
With our ever so important annual events and fund raising events taking place in October and November, I thought we should have a gentle reminder Blog.
So - once again - please mark your calendar:
Sept 24-25 - RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
Oct 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 9 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Oct 16 - Annual Member Tea @ Arrillaga Family Rec Center, MP
Oct 22-23 - RWH @ Kabul, San Carlos
Nov 9 - American Girl Fashion Show
Nov 10 - American Girl Fashion Show
Nov 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 13 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Nov 20 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Nov TBD - RWH @ Parkside Grill, Portola Valley
Dec 1 - Holiday boutique sale @ Allied Arts Guild
Dec 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 11 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Delete the Dec 18 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr There is NO Dec. meeting
Jan 15 - Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ University Club PA
Shirlee Stites reminds us that Books and Bears time is here again - Here are the following group dates chosen for Bear making at the Build-a-Bear store in the Hillsdale Mall in San Mateo (and lunch afterwards if your group so chooses.) Those members who did not work on a specific day at the restaurant are invited to contact the listed person for the day you would like to come. You are more than welcome and it is a fun day.
Thursday, Oct. 25th - Thursday ladies contact Shirlee Stites at (650)854-0830
Friday, Nov. 2nd - Friday ladies contact Marzette Woods at (650)967-7337
Monday, Nov. 5th - Monday ladies contact Marilyn Ellis (408)830-9878
Tuesday, tentative date Nov. 27 - Tuesday ladies contact Thora Richardson (650)854-3465
Wednesday, ladies please check with Sue Pettigrew (650)328-7778
If you are donating books, remember they must be new and can be for ages from babies to teenager. Do not wrap the books. If you are also going on a "Bear" day you can take the book with you and give it to the organizer. If not - please bring the books to the Tea. If unable to come to the Tea please put the books in a bag and leave it at Shirlee Stites' front door with your name on it.
As you all know on OCTOBER 16th we will have our delightful MEMBERSHIP TEA. It will be held FROM 2-4:00pm in the lovely, spacious and covered patio at the ARRILLAGA FAMILY RECREATION CENTER, 600 ALMA STREET IN MENLO PARK.
Please remember to RSVP to Dallas Manning (650) 858-1376 or
We will not only be honoring our members for their years of service but Dr. Alexander, CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, will- in 15 minutes- update us on the exciting developments with the Hospital Groundbreaking and the future of Packard Hospital.
Also - please note we have added Rita Benedict for her 54 years of dedication to Our Honorees for 2012. In the initial list published we did not have her listed. Many thanks to Margaret Robinson for letting us know about Rita.
15 Years - Mae Skaff, Barbara Trainer,Kay Wangelin
20 Years - Samira Bahous
25 Years - Jane Andrews, Inge Crozier, Marti Deacon, Mollie Paulsen
40 Years - Susan Hull, Carolyn Lovek, June Schiller
45 Years - Marah Brehaut, Sally Bush, Carol Holmes, Rosamond Martin, Maxine McFeeters, Ginny Palmer, Marzette Woods
53 Years - Marilyn Ellis,Louise Thursby
54 Years - Shirlee Stites, Rita Benedict
58 Years - Margaret Robinson
It will be a delightful afternoon. In addition to the delicious menu prepared by Mary Hicks and her committee, Nancy Bronstein has made all 24 flower arrangements to enhance the charming autumn setting that Stephanie Beach and her committee have created.
Sharon Brugos, chair of our Holiday Boutique to be held on Dec. 1 at the Allied Arts Guild, thanks all for the lovely handmade items that have been donated and asks that you please keep your nimble magical fingers knitting - the more items we have to sell, the better. This was a very successful event last year and can be even more successful this year. If you have any items please bring them to the Tea and Sharon will collect them.
Much information is given at the Membership meetings that I don't put in the Blog. However, this one time, I will share with you in this blog the third quarter Gross Revenue/Net proceeds
of our sister auxiliaries. This would be for the three months from May to August:
Good Morning Dear Members,
With our ever so important annual events and fund raising events taking place in October and November, I thought we should have a gentle reminder Blog.
So - once again - please mark your calendar:
Sept 24-25 - RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
Oct 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Oct 9 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Oct 16 - Annual Member Tea @ Arrillaga Family Rec Center, MP
Oct 22-23 - RWH @ Kabul, San Carlos
Nov 9 - American Girl Fashion Show
Nov 10 - American Girl Fashion Show
Nov 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Nov 13 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Nov 20 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
Nov TBD - RWH @ Parkside Grill, Portola Valley
Dec 1 - Holiday boutique sale @ Allied Arts Guild
Dec 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
Dec 11 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
Delete the Dec 18 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr There is NO Dec. meeting
Jan 15 - Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ University Club PA
Shirlee Stites reminds us that Books and Bears time is here again - Here are the following group dates chosen for Bear making at the Build-a-Bear store in the Hillsdale Mall in San Mateo (and lunch afterwards if your group so chooses.) Those members who did not work on a specific day at the restaurant are invited to contact the listed person for the day you would like to come. You are more than welcome and it is a fun day.
Thursday, Oct. 25th - Thursday ladies contact Shirlee Stites at (650)854-0830
Friday, Nov. 2nd - Friday ladies contact Marzette Woods at (650)967-7337
Monday, Nov. 5th - Monday ladies contact Marilyn Ellis (408)830-9878
Tuesday, tentative date Nov. 27 - Tuesday ladies contact Thora Richardson (650)854-3465
Wednesday, ladies please check with Sue Pettigrew (650)328-7778
If you are donating books, remember they must be new and can be for ages from babies to teenager. Do not wrap the books. If you are also going on a "Bear" day you can take the book with you and give it to the organizer. If not - please bring the books to the Tea. If unable to come to the Tea please put the books in a bag and leave it at Shirlee Stites' front door with your name on it.
As you all know on OCTOBER 16th we will have our delightful MEMBERSHIP TEA. It will be held FROM 2-4:00pm in the lovely, spacious and covered patio at the ARRILLAGA FAMILY RECREATION CENTER, 600 ALMA STREET IN MENLO PARK.
Please remember to RSVP to Dallas Manning (650) 858-1376 or
We will not only be honoring our members for their years of service but Dr. Alexander, CEO of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, will- in 15 minutes- update us on the exciting developments with the Hospital Groundbreaking and the future of Packard Hospital.
Also - please note we have added Rita Benedict for her 54 years of dedication to Our Honorees for 2012. In the initial list published we did not have her listed. Many thanks to Margaret Robinson for letting us know about Rita.
15 Years - Mae Skaff, Barbara Trainer,Kay Wangelin
20 Years - Samira Bahous
25 Years - Jane Andrews, Inge Crozier, Marti Deacon, Mollie Paulsen
40 Years - Susan Hull, Carolyn Lovek, June Schiller
45 Years - Marah Brehaut, Sally Bush, Carol Holmes, Rosamond Martin, Maxine McFeeters, Ginny Palmer, Marzette Woods
53 Years - Marilyn Ellis,Louise Thursby
54 Years - Shirlee Stites, Rita Benedict
58 Years - Margaret Robinson
It will be a delightful afternoon. In addition to the delicious menu prepared by Mary Hicks and her committee, Nancy Bronstein has made all 24 flower arrangements to enhance the charming autumn setting that Stephanie Beach and her committee have created.
Sharon Brugos, chair of our Holiday Boutique to be held on Dec. 1 at the Allied Arts Guild, thanks all for the lovely handmade items that have been donated and asks that you please keep your nimble magical fingers knitting - the more items we have to sell, the better. This was a very successful event last year and can be even more successful this year. If you have any items please bring them to the Tea and Sharon will collect them.
Much information is given at the Membership meetings that I don't put in the Blog. However, this one time, I will share with you in this blog the third quarter Gross Revenue/Net proceeds
of our sister auxiliaries. This would be for the three months from May to August:
- Allied Arts Guild Auxiliary's revenue- $142,575.00
- Charter Auxiliary's revenue - $30,216,89.00
- Palo Alto Auxiliary's revenue- $3,823.00 (our American Girl Event is held in Nov.)
- Roth Auxiliary's revenue - YTD sales were up 15% over the same time last year
- San Jose Auxiliary's revenue- $10,899.44 (there Pumpkin Patch is Oct 13.)
- San Mateo-Burlingame's Auxiliary's revenue-$10,968.45 (net)
- San Francisco Auxiliary's Jewel Ball will be held in November.
As you can see our money for this 3rd quarter report has come from Restaurants with Heart and the few books sold. The 4th Quarter report will reflect the money raised at the American Girl Doll Event, the Holiday Boutique, cookbook sales and the Restaurants with Heart proceeds. Let's make a great deal of money for LPCH this coming quarter.
Belated SEPTEMBER wish to Barbara Cole
OCTOBER: Sue-Ellen Naugler, Nancy Bronstein, Jackie Clark, Luisa Pliska
NOVEMBER: Sarah Beetem, Jane Bradley, Karen Stevens, Ellen Latour,
Karen Sutherland,Gerry Nelson, Marilyn Slater, Kay Willoughby
Well, that is enough for now. There will be another October Blog in which I will share more news - past, present and future.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Tea for a wonderful day together. Until then,
Belated SEPTEMBER wish to Barbara Cole
OCTOBER: Sue-Ellen Naugler, Nancy Bronstein, Jackie Clark, Luisa Pliska
NOVEMBER: Sarah Beetem, Jane Bradley, Karen Stevens, Ellen Latour,
Karen Sutherland,Gerry Nelson, Marilyn Slater, Kay Willoughby
Well, that is enough for now. There will be another October Blog in which I will share more news - past, present and future.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Tea for a wonderful day together. Until then,
Thursday, September 27, 2012
september 21, 2012
Good Morning, Dear Members -
Because I have been away for most of the month, I am running late in posting our September blog. There is much to share of past and upcoming events some of it time sensitive and needing your input.
However because of the time constraints this will be an abbreviated blog but a very important one. Further news will be shared in the October blog.
But first - Please mark your calendar:
- Sept 24-25 - RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
- Oct 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Oct 9 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Oct 16 - Annual Member Tea @ Arrillaga Family Rec Center, MP
- Oct 22-23 - RWH @ Kabul, San Carlos
- Nov 9 - American Girl Fashion Show
- Nov 10 - American Girl Fashion Show
- Nov 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Nov 13 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Nov 20 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
- Nov TBD - RWH @ Parkside Grill, Portola Valley
- Dec 1 - Holiday boutique sale @ Allied Arts Guilt
- Dec 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Dec 11 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Dec 18 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
- Jan 15 - Annual Membership Mtg & Luncheon @ University Club PA
On OCTOBER 16th we will have our delightful MEMBERSHIP TEA. It will be held FROM 2-4:00pm in the lovely, spacious and covered patio at the ARRILLAGA FAMILY RECREATION CENTER, 600 ALMA STREET IN MENLO PARK. Stephanie and her membership committee have drawn directions on the back of your invitation.
Our Honorees for 2012 are:
15 Years - Mae Skaff, Barbara Trainer,Kay Wangelin
20 Years - Samira Bahous
25 Years - Jane Andrews, Inge Crozier, Marti Deacon, Mollie Paulsen
40 Years - Susan Hull, Carolyn Lovek, June Schiller
45 Years - Marah Brehaut, Sally Bush, Carol Holmes, Rosamond Martin, Maxine McFeeters, Ginny Palmer, Marzette Woods
53 Years - Marilyn Ellis,Louise Thursby
54 Years - Shirlee Stites
58 Years - Margaret Robinson
This are all outstanding women who have given of their time and talents beginning during those years at the Restaurant when we committed to working once a week every week throughout the year and who now support our important fund raising events.
Many thank you's are in order for the fine work the Membership Committee has and is doing to make this lovely event exceptionally beautiful and enjoyable. Special thanks to Erika Crowley who generously offered to cover the cost of the postage and did the labeling and stamping of all those invitations; to B.J. Sorenson who enclosed a personal note in the invitation encouraging and reminding those to restore their membership by bringing their dues up to date; to Nancy Bronstein who,once again, has created flower arrangements and plant holders to be filled with fresh flowers; to Mary Hicks who again created an incredible menu and her team of cooks; to Marzette Woods for doing the research to generate our list of honorees and to Deborah Potash who will do the flowers for our honorees.
Kathy Squellati, chair of the NOMINATING COMMITTEE and her team, Erika Crowley, Marlene Bollhoffer, Malkah Carothers, Audrey Polster, Kathryn McGilvray, Barbara Sheldon and Marzette Woods have worked long hours and have selected the following slate of officers for 2013.
THE SLATE OF OFFICERS FOR 2013 is as follows:
President: Luisa Pliska
First Vice President: Kathy Squellati
Second Vice President: Stephanie Beach
Recording Secretary: Susan Kirtley
Corresponding Secretary: Karole Goldie
Treasurer: June Schiller
Hospitality Chair: Dallas Manning
Our sincere thank you to all these ladies who came forward and accepted the nominations.
October's blog will report the important news shared at the September 18th General Membership Meeting.
We had an exciting presentation by Marilyn Rodgers, chair of our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea,
If you can help please give her a call her number is 650-941-2918. All our projects have news to share as does the Bylaws committee and the Association of Auxiliaries. We have had exciting suggestions for guest speakers at our 2013 general meetings. All this I will share with you at our next meeting and in the October blog.
PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBER, Jane Lee-Chou, I hope to have a photo for the next Blog. We have Shirlee Stites to thank for this lovely and talented new member. Actually, Shirlee - we have you to thank for many of our members!
September ladies: Kay Wangelin, Adrienne Bennettk, Malkah Carothers, Sally Bush
October ladies: Nancy Bronstein, Jackie Clark and Luisa Pliska
I know there are many more birthdays out there. Please send me yours so we can celebrate with you!
I am so looking forward to seeing you all at our Tea. It is one of the loveliest meetings where we can see each other and have a good chat! Until then, thanks to all who share their thoughts, suggestions and news with me so I can report them in the blogs.
If you can help please give her a call her number is 650-941-2918. All our projects have news to share as does the Bylaws committee and the Association of Auxiliaries. We have had exciting suggestions for guest speakers at our 2013 general meetings. All this I will share with you at our next meeting and in the October blog.
PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBER, Jane Lee-Chou, I hope to have a photo for the next Blog. We have Shirlee Stites to thank for this lovely and talented new member. Actually, Shirlee - we have you to thank for many of our members!
September ladies: Kay Wangelin, Adrienne Bennettk, Malkah Carothers, Sally Bush
October ladies: Nancy Bronstein, Jackie Clark and Luisa Pliska
I know there are many more birthdays out there. Please send me yours so we can celebrate with you!
I am so looking forward to seeing you all at our Tea. It is one of the loveliest meetings where we can see each other and have a good chat! Until then, thanks to all who share their thoughts, suggestions and news with me so I can report them in the blogs.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
August 6, 2012
"The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing-wax" and
PAA's fund raising things!
Good morning, Dear Members
Before I share our summer news, please take a moment to mark your calendars. Per your request, I have put our fund raising events in red. Note the December 1st addition. We will have a table at the Allied Arts Guild Holiday Sale event to sell our cookbook and the unique and lovely handiwork of our members.
Soon all active members will be receiving an invitation to the LPCH groundbreaking Celebration on Wednesday September 6th from 10-11:30am. all sustainers who would like to attend are most welcome. How very exciting. The ceremony will take place at the Packard Expansion Site on the corner of Welch Road and Quarry Road in Palo Alto.
- Aug 14 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Aug 27-28 - RWH @ Scott's, Palo Alto
- Sept 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Sept 11 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Sept 18 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
- Sept 24-25 - RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
- Oct 8 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Oct 9 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Oct 16 - Annual Member Tea @ Arrillaga Family Rec Center, MP
- Oct 22-23 - RWH @ Kabul, San Carlos
- Nov 9 - American Girl Fashion Show
- Nov 10 - American Girl Fashion Show
- Nov 12 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Nov 13 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Nov 20 - General Mtg @ at Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
- Nov TBD - RWH @ Parkside Grill, Portola Valley
- Dec 1 - Holiday Boutique Sale @ Allied Arts Guild
- Dec 10 - Board Mtg @ 400 Hamilton, PA
- Dec 11 - Pillow sewing and Knitting at Thora's. RSVP.
- Dec 18 - General Mtg @ Lucie Stern Community Ctr PA
- Jan 15 - Annual Membership Meeting and Luncheon at the University Club, PA
The month of August has brought very sad news. I asked Joan Heye to send out an email regarding the passing of Audrey Polster's sister, Shirlee and BJ Sorensen's husband, Phil.
Phil was a dedicated supporter of PAA. Those of the restaurant days will remember how much he did for us during those years. BJ has done (and continues to do) so much for PAA and Phil was always so supportive of her efforts. We will miss him ever so much.
A celebration of his life will be held August 18th from 3-5:00pm at the Sequoias, 501 Portola Road in Portola Valley.
If you wish Memorial Gifts can be made to:
The Sequoias-PV Tomorrow Fund Endowment
Payable to: Sr. Svcs-Nor, Cal
501 Portola Road
Box 8053
Portola Valley, CA 94028
Audrey's sister had many years of medical problems and Audrey spent hours, days and years attending to her every need. Now, Shirlee is at peace and Audrey will have some rest. A private family memorial service was held and Audrey said that it was a warm and loving closure for them.
Dear Audrey and BJ, we all send our sympathy. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
On a happier note:
Many thanks to Shirlee Stites for these photos of Dr. Gary Hartman's visit in May. How fortunate we were to have him give his power point presentation at our standing-room-only meeting. If you recall Dr. Hartman was the lead surgeon on the separation surgery of the conjoined Sabuco twins. Not only did we learn about that incredible operation but he gave us a fascinating history of conjoined twins.
A few notes on our upcoming events:
I bet none of you knew that Lewis Carroll added us to his famous quote from Alice in Wonderland! Yes, indeed, soon we need to put our talents and energies toward our largest and famous fund-raising event. As you all know, Marilyn Rogers, is the new chair of the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea on November 9th and 10th. She will be at the September 18th general meeting to report on her exciting plans and how we can help - I'm sure she has big and little jobs for us to do.
Sharon Brugos has developed our latest gentle fund raiser, our Holiday Boutique. Our talented "crafty" members are creating unique and beautiful handmade items to sell at our table at the Allied Arts Guild Holiday Sale event on Dec. 1st.
Marlene Bolhoffer and Deborah Potash continue to find wonderful restaurants for our delicious fundraiser. Scott's in Palo Alto is our host for August 27th and 29th.
Edward Katchaturian, owner of Mythos Restaurant had a banner made publicizing our RwH days which he hung outside the restaurant for all to see. The restaurant is on one of the busiest streets in San Carlos. How very nice of Ed.
The best way we can say thank you is to patronize his restaurant throughout the year on regular days.
Sharon Brugos has developed our latest gentle fund raiser, our Holiday Boutique. Our talented "crafty" members are creating unique and beautiful handmade items to sell at our table at the Allied Arts Guild Holiday Sale event on Dec. 1st.
Marlene Bolhoffer and Deborah Potash continue to find wonderful restaurants for our delicious fundraiser. Scott's in Palo Alto is our host for August 27th and 29th.
Edward Katchaturian, owner of Mythos Restaurant had a banner made publicizing our RwH days which he hung outside the restaurant for all to see. The restaurant is on one of the busiest streets in San Carlos. How very nice of Ed.
The best way we can say thank you is to patronize his restaurant throughout the year on regular days.
Sue Moore Adrienne Bennett
Sharon Brugos Kay Wangelin
Gail Sachs Malkah Carothers
Marge Ford Sally Bush
Gail Sachs Malkah Carothers
Marge Ford Sally Bush
Mildred Chen
Inga Crozier
Please send me your birthday month we can post it in the blog and celebrate it
I have placed a Cookbook ad and a story on RwH in the new Gentry magazine called "Little Gentry." I do subscribe and cannot find it in any stores. If anyone does receive it could you please send me a copy or give it to me at our meeting.
Our September meeting is filled with time sensitive news that will need your help and input. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Until then, - many thanks to all who contact me with your thoughts, ideas and any news you wish to share with us. You know I always appreciate hearing from you.
Inga Crozier
Please send me your birthday month we can post it in the blog and celebrate it
I have placed a Cookbook ad and a story on RwH in the new Gentry magazine called "Little Gentry." I do subscribe and cannot find it in any stores. If anyone does receive it could you please send me a copy or give it to me at our meeting.
Our September meeting is filled with time sensitive news that will need your help and input. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Until then, - many thanks to all who contact me with your thoughts, ideas and any news you wish to share with us. You know I always appreciate hearing from you.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
there is a peculiar magic.....
"There is a peculiar magic that reveals rewarding aspects of ourselves...."
June 28, 2012
Good morning, dear Members -
It has only been 10 days since our last membership meeting but I have much news to share . But first -
June 28, 2012
Good morning, dear Members -
It has only been 10 days since our last membership meeting but I have much news to share . But first -
- July 10: Pillow sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- July 24-25: RWH @ Iron gate, Belmont
- Aug. 14: Pillow sewing @Thora's RSVP
- Aug. 27-28: RWH @ Scott's, Palo Alto
- Sept. 11: Pillow sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- Sept. 18: General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto 1-3:00pm
- Sept 24-25: RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
- (Because our busiest fund raising events and special membership events are approaching, the board has chosen to schedule our Tour of the incredible LPCH Simulation-Based Training Center for next year.)
Many thanks to all who attended our June membership meeting in the lovely Oak Room at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center in Menlo Park. Sharon Brugos is our sponsor once again for our delightful Membership Tea in the spacious, sunlit Sequoia Room on October 16th.
Additional thank you's to all who brought in kits and toiletries for our Teen Van Project. Nancy Bronstein and Deborah Potash have organized this project so well that it could become one on which all the auxiliaries could work together. The photo below was taken on May 22, when Deborah happily delivered 24 kits to Dr. Ammerman. Needless to say - he was thrilled to receive them.
At our last membership meeting another possible all-auxiliaries' project was discussed. The Food Pantry project is an incredibly worthwhile and needed service for the families and children while they are hospitalized for a significant length of time. This is still in the planning stages and I will share news as it develops.
At the June meeting, 23 people signed the attendance sheet and all 23 people either told me they would help or signed up to help at least once a year with the Food Pantry project. Because we are all so busy with existing projects this unanimous response is quite significant. It shows how large the PAA hearts are. I believe there is a peculiar magic that reveals rewarding aspects of ourselves that we encounter when volunteering our time for needy children. The boundaries between "I am too busy, can't possibly do anything else" and "needy children need my help" dissolve and we end up helping needy children. I am so proud of PAA. As the plans unfold for this project and you all learn more about it, there will be opportunity for others to join in helping.
Marlene Bollhoffer and her committee thank all who continue to support RwH. Help is still needed in publicizing this project beyond just our members. Please call Marlene or contact Deborah Potash if you can help hostess at the restaurants, stuff envelopes, fold flyers or drop off flyers at different locations in your area (i.e. libraries.) Draeger's Market will have our ad placed on their grocery bags during the months of July, August and September.
Sharon Brugos asks that we continue to make boutique items for our Dec. 1 Holiday Boutique table sales at Allied Arts Guild. Give hand-made items to Sharon and jewelry items to Deborah Potash. Marilyn Rogers has begun plans for American Girl with a meeting on May 25 at her home. Directories were distributed at the June meeting and members took some to deliver to those who were not present. Thus, saving the expense of mailings.
Regarding Cookbook sales, Luisa is contacting all our existing wholesale accounts letting them know that we will not be reprinting our book and that now is the time to purchase remaining books. If any of you wish to purchase books for future use please contact the office. Special prices are being offered to our members.
Regarding Cookbook sales, Luisa is contacting all our existing wholesale accounts letting them know that we will not be reprinting our book and that now is the time to purchase remaining books. If any of you wish to purchase books for future use please contact the office. Special prices are being offered to our members.
- Did you know that Charter Auxiliary, Roth Auxiliary and San Mateo-Burlingame Auxiliary have co-presidents?
- Roth Auxiliary's artist member will be at the Packard Gift shop on July 11, August 9 and September 12 between 10am and 3pm for complimentary gift personalization when you purchase an item of $10 or more.
- Charter's next rummage sales will be on July 20 and 21, August 17 and 18 and September 21 and 22.
- Did you know that Charter Auxiliary, Roth Auxiliary and San Mateo-Burlingame Auxiliary have co-presidents?
- Roth Auxiliary's artist member will be at the Packard Gift shop on July 11, August 9 and September 12 between 10am and 3pm for complimentary gift personalization when you purchase an item of $10 or more.
- Charter's next rummage sales will be on July 20 and 21, August 17 and 18 and September 21 and 22.
More Fall "Sister" news will be posted in subsequent Blogs. Thus, we will know how we can support each other's fundraising efforts. We have been fortunate that there are those "Sisters"who attend our Restaurants with Heart offerings.
- Malkah Carothers is now worth her weight in gold. She is sporting a new titanium knee and will be dancing to our next membership meeting!
- We had a tiny visiting "dignitary"who came to hear Dr. Hartman speak - Sarah Beetem's first grandchild: Natalie Elise Brush born April 11th.
- September 6, 2012 LPCH expansion project will have it's ground breaking ceremony, by invitation only to community members and auxiliaries.
- At her last dental appointment Stephanie Beach spoke with the hygienist about our Teen Van project for LPCH and asked if she might donate some toothpaste and dental floss to PAA for the kits. Stephanie came away with 24 tubes of Colgate toothpaste and 72 mint flavored dental floss containers. The hygienist offered that if we need a silent auction item they would donate an electric toothbrush. How about that! Many thanks to the Mckenna Family Dentistry in Palo Alto.
- Nancy Bronstein also spoke about our Teen Van Kits project to the manager of Walgreens in San Francisco and came home with thirty plus emergency kits. Many thanks to the Clement Street Walgreens. Bravo Nancy!
Nancy Dusthimer
Joanne Rutter
Barbara Sheldon
Marzette Woods
Shirlee Stites
Marlene Bollhoffer
Margaret Robinson
Nancy Dusthimer
Joanne Rutter
Barbara Sheldon
Marzette Woods
Shirlee Stites
Marlene Bollhoffer
Margaret Robinson
There is more to talk about which I will share with you in the next blog. Please send me your news, your ideas and suggestions. I always want to hear from you. Until then, dear Members, thank you for all that you do and continue to do.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Mission, Vision and Values
Our Association's mission, vision and values....
Good Morning, Dear Members –
In an effort to report to you in a more timely fashion, you suggested that I post the blog twice a month. Therefore, I will now write
to you at the beginning of the month and again in the middle of the month. The
exact date will vary because I glean information for you from Board meetings,
Presidents’ meetings, the Association of Auxiliaries’ meetings and from the
calls and emails you give me. So,
please visit our website often and be up to date on all the “goings on”
June 12: Pillow sewing at Thora's RSVP
JUNE 19: General Meeting at Arrillaga Family Recreation Center in
Menlo Park
June 25-26: RWH @ Mythos, San Carlos
July 11: Pillow sewing @ Thora's RSVP
July 24-25: RWH @ Iron Gate, Belmont
Aug. 14: Pillow Sewing @ Thora's RSVP
Aug. 27,28: RWH @ Scott's, Palo Alto
Sept 11: Pillow Sewing @ Thora's RSVP
Sept 18: General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo
Note that because the Lucie Stern Center is not available during the summer months our June 19th meeting will be held at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center at 700 Alma in Menlo Park in the lovely Oak Room from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
I will highlight in detail the remaining events for October, November and December in the summer blogs. However, please now mark your calendar for October 16th - our annual membership tea and November 9th and 10th for our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea as well as January 15 for our Annual membership Meeting and Luncheon.
I will highlight in detail the remaining events for October, November and December in the summer blogs. However, please now mark your calendar for October 16th - our annual membership tea and November 9th and 10th for our American Girl Fashion Show and Tea as well as January 15 for our Annual membership Meeting and Luncheon.
Marilyn is not only our newest member but also the new chair of the American Girl Fashion Show and Tea. She is very much a volunteer par excellence. After working for twenty years in sales and marketing at Xerox and American Express in corporate services and working with many local businesses she turned to her passion - volunteerism.
She has served on the board of the Los Altos Education foundation, has been a docent for music for minors and chaired numerous fundraisers for local schools. These past 5 years she has been a member of the National Charity League which enabled her to engage in many local philanthropic organizations.
Our fashion show has a special place in her heart since the very first show when Nancy invited her and her daughter to participate. Since then they have never left and readily volunteer each year.
Welcome, Marilyn - we're thrilled to have you. Rest assured we will all be helping you with the American Girl event.
STANDING ROOM ONLY for Dr. Gary Hartman's presentation at our May General Membership Meeting. We had put out 50 chairs and even with adding more chairs, we had standing room only. Needless to say, Dr. Hartman is an outstanding speaker. He gave us a very interesting history of conjoined twins but also presented magnificent slides of the preparation for and the processes involved in the actual surgery of the separation of the Sabuco twins. We were so fortunate to have him as a speaker.
Please bring your items to our meeting on June 19th.
The Association's mission statement reflects who we are and why:
MISSION: The mission of the AAC is to support our member organizations in our mutual goals of personal service and financial assistance to the children, families and staff at LPCH.
VISION: The vision of the AAC is to expand community awareness and broaden support for the family-centered programs and services at LPCH.
STANDING ROOM ONLY for Dr. Gary Hartman's presentation at our May General Membership Meeting. We had put out 50 chairs and even with adding more chairs, we had standing room only. Needless to say, Dr. Hartman is an outstanding speaker. He gave us a very interesting history of conjoined twins but also presented magnificent slides of the preparation for and the processes involved in the actual surgery of the separation of the Sabuco twins. We were so fortunate to have him as a speaker.
- Please keep your talented fingers knitting and sewing in preparation for our Boutique table at the Allied Arts Holiday Sale on December 1. Sharon Brugos reported that the best sellers were baby items, tote bags, tea towels, scarves, hats, quilts and holiday decorations. or questions and items to donate please call her (650) 328-1338.
- Our Teen Van Initiative - pilot project is underway under the capable guidance of Nancy Bronstein and Deborah Potash. The goal is to put together toiletry bags/kits on a monthly basis for Dr. Ammerman's Teens. The kit bag can be a commercial cosmetic bag - not unlike the ones given away with cosmetic purchases at the department stores. It can be a plastic baggie or a hand sewn cloth bag with a zipper.
- Here is the suggested list for the kits - you can donate items or you can assemble a kit. The small travel size items are requested.
- toothbrush/tooth paste
- shampoo
- Body wash (no soap bars)
- hand sanitizer
- deodorant
- dental floss
- disposable razor
- comb
Please bring your items to our meeting on June 19th.
- Effort is being made to have the Nominating Committee meet earlier so as to give adequate time to produce a slate of officers for next year and present it to the membership in a timely fashion. Job descriptions for the different positions opening up have been refined and clarified and you are welcome to see any of them. Please make every effort to say yes when asked to participate.
- Very important - it is imperative that anyone interested in a bringing someone or a group to tour the hospital should call Victoria Applegate at the Auxiliaries Relations office at the Foundation first. There are strict rules in place because of infection control policies and tour guest age regulations.
The Association's mission statement reflects who we are and why:
MISSION: The mission of the AAC is to support our member organizations in our mutual goals of personal service and financial assistance to the children, families and staff at LPCH.
VISION: The vision of the AAC is to expand community awareness and broaden support for the family-centered programs and services at LPCH.
- We embrace the vision of LPCH to improve the quality of life for children and expectant mothers and those who love and care for them.
- We are dedicated to promoting awareness and developing support in our communities for LPCH.
- We are committed to providing funds for LPCH.
- We believe that working together as a group of member organization strengthens our support for LPCH.
Dallas Manning
Ruth Wood
Jane Andrews
Louise Thursby
Mary Hicks
Donna Jones
Nancy Dusthimer
Joanne Rutter
Barbara Sheldon
Marzette Woods
Sirlee Stites
Marlene Bollhoffer
Maragret Robinson
As always, dear members - you know I welcome your ideas and suggestions and always want to hear from you. If you note we have responded to your requests: we changed the venue for the Annual Membership Luncheon; RWH contacted all the restaurants you suggested ( I will list those in a shorter Blog so we can support those restaurants;); we are sending postcards reminding us of dates to remember and also per your request, I will be posting a shorter blog but twice a month. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns with me.
June 19th is our last meeting until September so it is a full agenda we will need to report and have your input on. I look forward to seeing you all at the Arrillaga Center.
Until then,
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
We are indeed, so needed and so appreciated......
As you all know, we did not have a general meeting in April. Nevertheless, it has been a busy time. Before I share our news since last we "talked" please take the time to mark your calendars:
- April 22-23: RWH @ Piacere, San Carlos
- May 8: Pillow sewing and blanket knitting @ Thora's RSVP
- MAY 15: General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto. Dr. Gary Hartman,
- May 21-22: RWH @Anatolian Kitchen in Palo Alto
- June 12: Pillow sewing at Thora's RSVP
- JUNE 19: General Meeting at Arrillaga Family Recreation Center in Menlo Park
- June 25-26: RWH @ Mythos, San Carlos
- July 11: Pillow sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- July 24-25: RWH @ Iron Gate, Belmont
- Aug. 14: Pillow Sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- Aug. 27,28: RWH @ Scott's, Palo Alto
- Sept 11: Pillow Sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- Sept 18: General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto
- Sept 24-25: RWH @ Mandarin Gourmet, Palo Alto
- Oct 9: Pillow sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- Oct. 16: Annual Membeship Tea @ Arrillaga Family Rec Center in Menlo Park.
- Oct. 22-23: RWH @ Kabul's, Belmont
- Nov. 9-10: American Girl Fashion show
- Nov. 13: Pillow sewing @ Thora's RSVP
- Nov. 20: General Meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto
- Nov. ??: Parkside Grill in Portola Valley
- Dec. 11: Pillow sewing& knitting @ Thora's RSVP
- Dec.18: General meeting at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto
- Jan. 15: Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon at University Club in Palo Alto
p.s. It is a good idea to go to our website and click on the "Events" This is constantly being updated as news develops.
This was a magnificent day for all the auxiliaries. It was not only celebrating our successes, it was much more. It was the finest "thank you" any group has ever had. So many of the staff at LPCH took the time to "speak" with us.
Seth Ammerman, MD, Clinical Professor, Medical Director of the Teen Health Van. For our new members who might not be familiar with the Teen Van - Dr. Ammerman's program is a nationally recognized model for providing mobile healthcare to underserved, hard to reach youth. And - PAA is an important part of a collaborative effort to continue his fine work. Dr. A underscored how important we are to his program.
Gary E. Hartman, MD, Professor of Surgery, - lead surgeon on the separation procedure of the conjoined twins, gave us an incredible powerpoint presentation. Dr. Hartman also spoke to how important the Auxiliaries' work is to helping them in advancing surgery and changing lives.
David Alexander, MD, President of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health presented an overview of our breaking new ground and gave us a glimpse of the incredibly beautiful new children's hospital. He, too - reiterated how important our support has been.
Susan Flanagan, Executive Vice President of LPCH shared how the Auxiliary members are such important partners in everything they do at the Hospital - not only for our financial help but also for all the services we perform for patients and their families.
Missy Ryan, Chair of the Auxiliaries Endowment, did us proud with her presentation as did Toni Paterson, our President, in Welcoming us all. The venue was lovely, the floral centerpieces, outstanding and it was a delight to see and share the day with each other. You could not walk away without knowing just how needed and appreciated we are. I went home feeling like a celebrity!
PAA always has and always will work for LPCH. Those children have a corner of our heart. Our allegiance will always be there - but it is indeed nice to have so special a day.
This was a magnificent day for all the auxiliaries. It was not only celebrating our successes, it was much more. It was the finest "thank you" any group has ever had. So many of the staff at LPCH took the time to "speak" with us.
Seth Ammerman, MD, Clinical Professor, Medical Director of the Teen Health Van. For our new members who might not be familiar with the Teen Van - Dr. Ammerman's program is a nationally recognized model for providing mobile healthcare to underserved, hard to reach youth. And - PAA is an important part of a collaborative effort to continue his fine work. Dr. A underscored how important we are to his program.
Gary E. Hartman, MD, Professor of Surgery, - lead surgeon on the separation procedure of the conjoined twins, gave us an incredible powerpoint presentation. Dr. Hartman also spoke to how important the Auxiliaries' work is to helping them in advancing surgery and changing lives.
David Alexander, MD, President of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health presented an overview of our breaking new ground and gave us a glimpse of the incredibly beautiful new children's hospital. He, too - reiterated how important our support has been.
Susan Flanagan, Executive Vice President of LPCH shared how the Auxiliary members are such important partners in everything they do at the Hospital - not only for our financial help but also for all the services we perform for patients and their families.
Missy Ryan, Chair of the Auxiliaries Endowment, did us proud with her presentation as did Toni Paterson, our President, in Welcoming us all. The venue was lovely, the floral centerpieces, outstanding and it was a delight to see and share the day with each other. You could not walk away without knowing just how needed and appreciated we are. I went home feeling like a celebrity!
PAA always has and always will work for LPCH. Those children have a corner of our heart. Our allegiance will always be there - but it is indeed nice to have so special a day.
- to Thora Richardson, Karen Stevens, Stephanie Beach, Nancy Bronstein, Sharon Brugos and me! for signing up to be on the ByLaws Review Committee.
- to Shirlee Stites, B.J. Sorenson, Mary Hicks, Barbara Alelxander, Karen Stevens, Gerry Nelson, June Schiller, and Marlene Hom. Marlene Bollhoffer, Chair of RWH wants our members to know that all restaurants you suggest are contacted. Some with great success others although they appreciate the work we do cannot participate at this time. Please keep your suggestions coming and thank you for your interest and support in coming to those restaurants who support us.
- Sharon Brugos for sponsoring us at the Arrillaga Family Rec Center for our June 19 General Meeting and our October 16th Membership Tea.
- Catherine McGilvray for sponsoring us at the University Club for our January Annual Luncheon Meeting.
December 1 from 1-4 we will be selling our magnificent boutique items again at the Allied Arts Holiday sale. Sharon asks all our crafty members to make boutique items again this year. The best sellers were baby items, tote bags, tea towels, scarfs, hats, Christmas decorations and quilts. If you have questions or items to donate please call Sharon (650) 328-1338.
Make your reservations for the May 21 &22 RWH - the Anatolian Kitchen in PA.
Margaret Stafford
Kathy Squellati
Rosamond Martin
Cille Emery
Dallas Manning
Ruth Wood
Jane Andrews
Louise Thursby
Mary Hicks
Donna Jones
There is much news to report and at the risk of making this blog any longer, we will have a full agenda to share at the May meeting.
Dear members - you know I always welcome your suggestions and want to hear from you. I hope to see you all on May 15.
Until then,
December 1 from 1-4 we will be selling our magnificent boutique items again at the Allied Arts Holiday sale. Sharon asks all our crafty members to make boutique items again this year. The best sellers were baby items, tote bags, tea towels, scarfs, hats, Christmas decorations and quilts. If you have questions or items to donate please call Sharon (650) 328-1338.
Make your reservations for the May 21 &22 RWH - the Anatolian Kitchen in PA.
Margaret Stafford
Kathy Squellati
Rosamond Martin
Cille Emery
Dallas Manning
Ruth Wood
Jane Andrews
Louise Thursby
Mary Hicks
Donna Jones
There is much news to report and at the risk of making this blog any longer, we will have a full agenda to share at the May meeting.
Dear members - you know I always welcome your suggestions and want to hear from you. I hope to see you all on May 15.
Until then,
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