...For 20 years LPCH has given thousands of children a chance at life and we have been working side by side with them raising funds since May, 1931.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
There's a great deal of news but let's begin with our calendar of events. Please, always check the Events page of the website to keep abreast of what is going on.
June 7 Pillow sewing and knitting at Thora's House rsvp
June 20 Cookie making at Kathy's Kreative Kitchens
June 26 LPCH 20th Anniversary Day-long, Community Celebration
June 28 & 29 Restaurants with Heart at Divino's Restaurant, Belmont
December 3 Holiday Boutique
In the 20 years that LPCH opened, it has delivered hope to families and given thousands of children a chance at life they might not have had if not for the care they get at Packard Hospital. And the Palo Alto Auxiliary has been working for them raising funds since May 1931.
The Hospital is having a 20th birthday party on June 26. LPCH is sponsoring a free celebration open to the community, which will take place at the intersection of Welch and Quarry Roads, Palo Alto, from 10am-4pm.
75 interactive booths will feature Packard services and staff as well as community programs for all ages. Come and:
- Kick a a soccer ball with the San Jose Earthquakes
- Take a picture with a SF 49er
- Have your face painted
- Climb inside a real fire truck and ambulance
- Hone your surgical skills using a real surgical simulator
- Sing-along during musical story time
- Express your creativity with numerous arts and crafts
- Dance to live performances from the PapaHugs Band, the Chinese Lion Dancers Troupe and the Uforia Hoop Stars
- Enjoy treats from California Cafe, Andronico's Market, Fraiche Yogurt, Tootsies, Hint Water and more.
- Participate in the SummerScamper's 5K. 10K run/walk and Kids' Fun Run
Summer Scamper, sponsored by the Foundation, will take place in the Stanford Campus immediately before the celebration. There will be a 5K, 10K run/walk and Kids' Fun Run for 3-10 yr olds. Some Auxiliaries will have teams. Any and all of our runners/walkers are interested, sign up at www.summerscamper.org
The Auxiliaries' big booth will have face painting for kids, a drawing with incredible prizes from all the Auxiliaries and free Swedish ginger cookies from our "Tastes, Tales and Traditions". Posters from each Auxiliary depicting what they do will be hung and some of the wonderful gifts members make for the Packard families will be displayed. All Auxiliary members will receive the invitation pictured below.
(This logo will also be on the navy blue t-shirts that the volunteers
in the booths will be wearing.)

Palo Alto Auxiliary has offered to bake cookies for this party. On June 20th we will be at Kathy's Kreative Kitchen in San Mateo baking 2000 Swedish Ginger cookies (recipe from Tastes, Tales and Traditions. Those baking and stuffing 1000 individual packages of 2 cookies each will be: Pat Ogle, Barbara McCall, Sue Becker, Laurie Bailard, Jane Andrews, Catharine McMahon, Deborah Potash, Joanne Rutter, Becky Yung, Luisa Pliska and Margie Ambrumm from the San Mateo/Burlingame Auxiliary has offered to come help. Mary Hicks has been helping from Tuscaloosa - in her travels she has taken the time to expand our recipe times 10 and times 13. If you would like to join us please contact me.
At the Auxiliaries' booth we will be handing out our PAA brochure, the cookbook brochure, selling our cookbook and just talking with people about our Auxiliary. The look and feel there will be child-friendly, warm and vibrant.
The Palo Alto Auxiliary members working at the booth will be: Sarah Beetem, Kathy Squellati, Susan Kirtley, Gerry Nelson, Deborah Potash, Erika Crowley and me, Luisa Pliska.
Plan to stop by with your family, friends and co-workers. It will be an incredibly delightful day!
June 21st is our last general meeting before the summer break. There is a packed agenda of important topics to discuss before our next meeting in September. Scotts Restaurant in Town and Country shopping center, Palo Alto has given us a private room for our meeting from 1-3. If you like, plan to have lunch in the dining room prior to the meeting.
December 3 - Saturday. We will again participate in the Holiday Sale at Allied Arts Guild from 10-5. We were very successful selling the cookbook there last year. This year we will also sell hand made boutique items at a second table in the Sunset Room. Sharon Brugos is chairing this project and she asks that our talented and crafty members will donate items.
Knitted scarves, hats, and baby items as well as pretty sachets, bags, and other hand made and decorated things will sell well. You can help by making items, working on Dec. 3 or helping arrange and price items. You may drop off items before Thanksgiving at Sharon Brugos's, Luisa Pliska's or Marzette Wood's homes. Sharon welcomes any ideas to make this effort a successful money maker.
June 28 and 29th Divino's Restaurant in Belmont is our Restaurant with Heart this month. Details on the Website. This project has been very successful - thanks to all who invite friends, families and co-workers to participate. If we continue working hard publicising this it has the potential to make money for years and years.
It also has recruited some new members. Last month at Spalti's I was speaking with a table of three woman one of whom works at Oracle and was very interested in PAA. It would be wonderful if we could get some of those working at Oracle interested in volunteering with us.
As it always is, our tour and luncheon at LPCH on May 17 was informative and so inspirational. Dr. Alexander, President and CEO of LP Foundation graciously took time from his schedule to warmly welcome us and tell us how wonderful we are! Many thanks to Dr. Bernard Dannenberg, Dir. of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at LPCH. for an energizing and informative presentation and to Jill Sullivan, RN, VP for Hospital Transformation on a brief but awesome update on Phase II Planning.
Tours of the NICU and the Forever Young Zone are always so inspiring. Two other tours included a visit with the Chaplain in the little Chapel and a complete tour of the emergency department. It becomes so event why LPCH has a national presence and has been awarded prestigious national rankings. I've said it before, you cannot walk away from these tours and presentations without a great deal of pride in what we do.
- That the work being done on the 20th anniversary celebration is the first time in the history of the Association of Auxiliaries that all seven Auxiliaries are working together on the same project. It has been quite an experience.
- The Foundation is asking all auxiliaries for our list of email addresses. Some of our members might not want to be on another email list. Of course, those who do not wish to give their email address to the Foundation are free to not give it.
A great deal is happening with the Hospital, partly as a result of the planned expansion but also because it has established such a national presence. Because of this the Foundation is creating a new lovely webpage, complete with photos and timely information. They will be sending out a bimonthly newsletter to all Association members directly.
Initially, the plan was to send the electronic newsletter to each auxiliary president and ask us to distribute to our own memberships. However, that will not work because the format is highly designed, with photos and nice graphics. If it is sent to one e-mail address and forwarded on to others, the formatting gets changed and often words become illegible, and photos become separated from text, etc. The newsletter would be sent four times a year.
This is one of the many topics we need to discuss at the June 21st general meeting at Scotts. If you do not want your email given out please let me know. This electronic emailing is in an effort to defray mailing costs and expedite important information in a timely fashion.
- The children's library at LPCH can use books in foreign languages. Now that our summer travels begin - think about picking up a book or two in the country you are visiting and give it to Shirlee Stites
- The San Jose Auxiliary is planning to do the 5K walk on Jiune 26th. Their team is called the Thrift Boxers. (I wonder what they will be wearing?)
- If you stop in at Viewpoints Gallery in Los Altos from June 1 to July 2, you will see our Carolyn Hofsetter's exhibit of her new Plein Air Oil Paintings, one of which is a scene from the Guild.
Jane Andrews (her 90th)
Ruth Wood
Dallas Manning
Dearest Everyone - the summer will come - won't it??? and although we will not have formal general meetings in July and August, plans are always being made and projects will always need our attention and help. I will continue the monthly Blog throughout the summer and keep you apprised of new plans in the making and delightful membership news. Please send me your news and I'll share it with all of us.
As always, you know I welcome your thoughts and ideas for PAA.
See you all on June 21st at Scotts.