Thursday, April 29, 2010

President's First Blog

Welcome to our beautiful new Palo Alto Auxiliary website! I think it looks wonderful. I hope you do too.

Palo Alto Auxiliary’s profound thanks go to Bob Stevens, its creator, for his months of hard work, initiative and talent. His generosity in volunteering to take on this project pro bono has saved P.A.A. the thousands of dollars that a professional design company would have charged.

Our impressive new website will serve as an important asset for our auxiliary. Please visit it often to keep informed about P.A.A. activities and in touch with our members.

Two important upcoming dates to mark on your calendars are:

Tuesday, May 18th, 1 PM: P.A.A. General Meeting

Nordstrom, Stanford Shopping Center,

3rd floor conference room

Tuesday, June 15th, 11 AM: LPCH Annual Tour and Luncheon

11-12 AM tour LPCH, 12 PM lunch in Bing Dining Room,

3rd floor Stanford Hospital.

Menu will be:

Entrée: grilled salmon salad accompanied by rolls and beverage

Dessert: molten chocolate cake.

Spouses and guests are welcome. Luncheon cost is $22. Make checks payable to P.A.A. and send them by June 7th to:

Marzette Woods

1037 Yorkshire Drive

Los Altos, CA 94024.

I hope to see you all on both dates! I will be posting a new blog each month with P.A.A. news and information. “Visit” me again next month to learn the latest, and tell your P.A.A. friends.

Happy Spring!
