Saturday, December 3, 2011

Enjoy again a gracious tradition

Enjoy again a gracious tradition..

December 1, 2011

Good Morning, Dear Members,

Because of time constraints, this month's blog will be brief and the "newsletter" portion will be detailed in full in the January blog.

By the time this blog is posted you will have received via email and/or regular mail the following time-sensitive information:
  • An email from Toni Paterson, President of the Association of Auxiliaries,explaining eScrip, the wonderfully easy fund-raising project for all LPCH auxiliaries. Since we are still in the most important fund raising season for us this is a timely topic for you to know about - eScrip. There will be more on this in our January blog. However, Toni has clearly outlined the information you will need to take advantage of this money-making opportunity.
Do you recognize some of the names listed below? Do you shop at any of them?

Bianchini's Market Diablo Foods Draegers Market
Glen Ellen Village market Key Markets Lunardi'sMarkets
Mollie Stone's Pak 'n Save Piazza's Fine Foods

Big O Tires Main Street Automotive Portola Valley Garage
American Airlines Club Cruise American Wines
San Francisco Chronicle PigglyWiggly

Do you shop ON-LINE? Note the participating stores who are on-line eScrip merchants:

Amazon Nordstrom Expedia
Apple Store Pottery Barn Chef's Catalogue
Best Buy Gap Clinique
Ashford Bloomingdale's Macy's
Home Depot
These are a few of the merchants participating in eScrip. Please review Toni Paterson's email
  • The annual membership dues notice asking that you send in your $75.00 by January 1, 2012 to Mary Koeppen at 10150 Phar Lap Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014. Please remember to include the form indicating your volunteering preferences.
  • The invitation to our Annual Luncheon & Business Meeting Come and enjoy this time-honored tradition where we report results of our annual fund raising efforts; where we recognize our past presidents, our project leaders, those ever so important behind the scenes members,and where we thank our out going board and welcome our new board; where we proudly present Dr. Alexander with our annual donation to LPCH. Highlights of this past year's joys and accomplishments will be shared as well as a report on our goals for 2011 and those for 2012.
Annual Luncheon & Business meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2012, from 9:30am-2:00pm
at Michael's Restaurant at Shoreline
2960 North Shoreline Boulevard in Mountain View, CA
Coffee/Tea 9:30am Business meeting 10:15
No Host Cocktails -12:00noon Lunch 12:30 $30.00 per person
Luncheon Entree Choices:
Breast of Chicken, Marsala; Crabmeat & Shrimp Canneloni: Spinach & Cheese Tortellini
Please indicate your choice of entree and return with $30.00 check by January 10,2012 to
Dallas Manning (650) 858-1376
836 Pine Hill Road, Stanford, CA 94305


Unless otherwise noted, our GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:00pm-3:00pm in the Fireside Room at the Lucie Stern Community Center
1305 Middlefield Road in Palo Alto

January 17 Annual Luncheon meeting at Michael's
February 21 at Lucie Stern
March 20 at Lucie Stern
April 17 at Lucie Stern
May 15 at Lucie Stern. This would ordinarily be our Hospital Tour. Because of the con- struction no tours will be given this year. However, the Foundation has offered to send us a speaker. The board has requested and arrangements have been made to have DR. GARY HARTMAN, LEAD SURGEON ON THE SEPARATION OF THE CONJOINED TWINS WILL BE OUR SPEAKER at this meeting.
June 19 at Lucie Stern
October - Annual Membership Tea
November - American Girl

Thora Richardson
Marilyn Ellis
B.J. Sorenson
Deborah Potash

Forgive the brevity of this blog. Noteworthy news of our successful American Girl event, our RwH, book sales and our lovely Boutique will be shared at the luncheon. They do indeed reflect our hard work this year - hard work shared by all of us. It is such a pleasure and so rewarding to see how many of you came forth to offer your time and talent for these fund raising events. Thank you all for your dedication and incredible talents.

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and my wishes to each for a Happy Holiday and a Grand New Year.
