Saturday, January 9, 2016

January Newsletter

Happy New Year!

PAA will be kicking off 2016 with our Annual Membership Lunch and Meeting on Wednesday January 20.  Coffee and catching up will begin at 9:30, with the meeting and lunch to follow.

This event is a great way to get informed about our current and up-coming projects, our donation for 2015 and our plans for the coming year. We will also hear from a representative from Family Assistance at LPCH. Proceeds from our Fancy Nancy event were dedicated to this fund, so it will be rewarding to hear of their services.

The new PAA Board will also be installed. This is a great opportunity for you to chat with those members who are returning and to welcome new board members Haydee Navarro Marshall (Vice President) and Carol Roland (Treasurer). We will all want to thank June Schiller for her years of graciously unwavering service as our Treasurer. No matter what we threw at her, she got it to balance!

If you haven’t sent in your rsvp, please contact Dallas Manning at with your menu choice (Chicken Picatta, Beef Medallions or Vegetarian Napoleon) soon please!

If you have any toiletries &/or make-up bags for the Teen Van, Erika Crowley will be happy to take them at the Annual Meeting.  If you have a few hours to sort the toiletries into kits, I can put you in touch with that group.  They meet about once a quarter for a couple of hours only.

The new Teen Van will be making a stop at one of our meetings this year for us to tour. You will be amazed at what they can fit into that rolling clinic!

Restaurants With Heart will be at Sultana, 1149 El Camino, Menlo Park
for dinners on the 25th and 26th of this month. Please see the attached flyer for details.

Up-Coming Events:
January 20, 2016    Annual Membership Meeting & Lunch,    
9:30 am – 2pm, University Club, 3277 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto

January 25 & 26,    Restaurants with Heart,                        
Sultana, 1149 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (dinner only)